HomeMy WebLinkAbout18-57 ~'! ~- .; Q e"-=-_ r=: ~._~, RESOLUTION NO. I ~-57 "~~' '1. _':"J", (." A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port < Angeles fixi~g time for hearing on Retition for the vac ati on of Fourt een th Street from Ftt Street eas t- erly to the westerly line of Lot 5 in Block 412 and the westerly line of Lot 16 in Block 397; Thir- teenth Street from the easterly line of nF" Street thence easterly to the westerly line of Lot 4 in Bleck 397 an4 the westerly line ef Lot_17 in Block 3'69; HEn street from the southerly line of the alley extending through Blocks 368 and 369 thence southerly to the north~rly line of Fifteenth street; the alley, in Block 411; the alley in Block 412 from the easterly line of lIEtt Street to the westerly line of Lots 5 and 16 in Bleek,ijl2; the alley in Block 398; and the all,~y: in Block' 397 ,from the easterly line of liEn t, , :-1};$$''!'e'et to the w:ester1y line of Lots ~7 an~ 4 i,p., ''''P:''''''~'4,<''"<I;~",,'''~if''-Bl:1!,' "~~ .3'('\'7 1"1 ~",",;~,,,,,,~.,-(; '"-'-"W""'" m" ' ,," ."t f P t I\~ 1 . 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WHEREAS, Sehool District No. 17, a municipal corporation of the state o~ Washington, being the owner of Lots 11 to 16 in Block 369, Lots 10 to 20 in Block 368, Lots 5 to 16 in Block 397, Lots 1 to 20 in Block 398, Lots 1 to 20 in Block 411 and Lds 6 to 15 in Block 412, having filed its petition praying for the vacation of Fourteenth street from ttFIt Street easterly to the westerly line of Lot 5 in Block 412 and the westerly line of Lot 16 in Block 397; Thirteenth street fro m the easterly line of !lFn Street thence easterly to the westerly line of Lot 4 in Block 397 and the westerly line of Lot 17 in Block 369; "E" street from the southerly line of the alley extending through Blocks 368 and 369 thence southerly to the northerly line of Fifteenth Street; the alley in Block 411; the alley in Block 412 from the easterly line of "Elf ~lt:J?eet to the westerly line of Lots 5 and 16 in Block 412; the alley in Block 398; and the alley in Block 397 from the easte~ly line of liEU Street to the westerly line of Lots 17 and 4 in Block 397, all within the Townsite of Port Angeles. The ~titioner being the owner of all of the property abutting upon the portions of the streets and alleys sought to be vacated; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at its regular meeting held this 6th day of June, 1957 ,\ ... NOTICE (F HEARING ON PETI:TION FOR VACATION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that School District No. 17 has filed a petition for the vacation of Fourteenth Street from "Fit Street easterly to the westerly line of Lot 5 in Block 412 and the westerly line of Lot 16 in Block 397; Thirteenth Street from the easterly.line of ItFtt 'Street thence easterly to the westerly line of Lot 4 in Block, 397 and the westerly line of Lot 17 in Block 369; "Elt street from the sou therl y line of the alley .exte~ding through Blocks 368 and 369 thence southerly to the northerly line of Fifteenth Street; th~ alley in Block 411; the alley in Block 412 from the easterly line of t1EIt Street to the westerly line of L0ts 5 and 16 in Block 412-;' the . . B;~'!~Y:.,~IL~iJ~9J~_ 3;~,a; '.t~,ug t!;1~" ~l;Ley in, B~9clr, 397, , - 'fF'enf'tn'e "eas't"@rly 'line' of' !tEtt street to the westerly line of Lots 17 ana 4 in Block 397, all within the Townsite of Port Angeles. n -< ~~< NOTICE IS FTJRTHER GIVEN that a hearing on said petition will be'held before the City Council in the Council Chamber thereof " , I in the Police Station at the corner of' Front a nd Oak streets in said City on''!Z1.(/.f.s1dl ' the ,/svt!l day of July, 1957 at the heur of 7: 30 01 clock P.M. of sai d date at which time all parties, interested In said vacation or wishing to file objections thereto m~y appear before said City Council and present the same and at which time the City Council shall hear such objections, provided, that the ordinance of vacation shall retain to the City of Port Angel'a,s an easement or right to exerci se and grant easements in re'a,pect, to the vacated 'portions of said streets and alleys for ~he construction, repair and maintenance of public utilities and service. DATED thi s Jj ~ day of ~ o iiI' [!.~ ity Clerk , 1957. "'0- , 'C\= ~. ...~.... ... " I', that Thursday the /(~~daY of July, 1957 at the hour of 7:30 o I clock P.M. of sai d dlate in the Council Chamber of the City of Port Angeles in the Municipal Building on the corner of Front and Oak streets in the City of Port Angeles be, and the same is hereby, fixed as the ~ime and place when and where said petition will be heard an d determined. BE IT FU'l1THER RESOLVED, tha t the City Clerk shall gi ve notice of 'the pendency: of said petition by posting the same in , - three of the most pub41c places in the 'City of Port Angeles and a like notice in a conspicuous place on that portion of the streets and alleys 's~tight t"o 'be vacated. , BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that there shall be reserved to the City an easement for the construc'tion of poles and lines for the distribution of electric energy to the properties abutting upon or to be served by the City of Port Angeles. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles and approv;ed by its Mayor at a regular meeting of said Council held day of June, 19570 (2uLJJ1 )~ 14ayor ATTEST: (j,t,~ t City Clerk Approved as to form: