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A RESOLUTION of the Council of the City of Port
Angeles, Washington, declaring the intention
of the City Council to improve a certain
area within the City by the construction and
installation of storm sewers therein, the
grading, ballasting and paving of certain
streets and alleys therein, the construction
of curbs and gutters where necessary, and by
doing all work necessary in connection therewith,
and fixing a time, date and place for the hearing
on this resolution of intention.
Section 1. That it is the intention of the City
Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, to order the
improvement of the area within the City bounded as described on
Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated by reference herein,
by the construction and installation of storm sewers where they
do not exist, by grading, ballasting and paving with asphalt the
streets and alleys described in Exhibit B, attached hereto and
incorporated by reference herein, by the construction of curbs and
gutters where they do not exist and by relocating or extending
existing utilities where necessary and performing all other
work necessary in connection with the improvements described
in this resolution.
It is the intention of the City Council to form
a local improvement district for the above purposes.
Section 2.
It is the intention of the City Council that
assessments shall be made against the property within the area
described in Exhibit A in accordance with the special benefits
derived by such property from the above-described improvements.
Section 3.
The City's engineers are hereby directed
to submit to the Council at or prior to the date fixed for the
hearing on this resolution a statement of the estimated cost and
expense of such improvements, the portion of such cost to be borne
by the property within the proposed improvement district, the
local improvement district assessments outstanding and unpaid
against the property therein, and the aggregate actual valuation
of the real estate, including 25% of the actual valuation of the
improvements in the proposed district according to the valuation
last placed upon it for the purposes of general taxation, together
with a diagram or print showing thereon the lots, tracts, parcels
of land and other property which will be specially benefited by
said improvements, and the estimated amount of the cost and expense
thereof to be borne by each lot, tract or parcel of land or other
property within the proposed improvement district.
Section 4.
All persons who may desire to object to
the formation of such improvement district are hereby notified
to appear and present such objections at a meeting of the City
Council to be held in the
at 7:30
Roosevelt Junior High School Auditorium
4th and Chase Streets
Port Angeles, Washington
11' I
P.M. on May~, 1971, which time and place are hereby
fixed for hearing of matters relating to said proposed improvements
and all objections thereto, and for determining the method of
paying for said improvements.
The Ctiy Clerk and Engineers are hereby directed to
prepare and give notice of such hearing in the manner required
by law.
PASSED by the Council of the City of Port Angeles,
Washington, and approved by its Mayor at a regular meeting of
said Council this 6th day of April, 1971.
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C~ty Clerk
City Attorney
PuBLISHED.' APRIL 1.5'T-.:(..?~/971
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"Beginning at the j'Jorth East. 'corn'."t" of Bloc US Town:,~:l!~e
of Port Angeles; thenc:) l'lestr.>rly along th.:~ South 1 ne of FOU1~t!l
street to tlH' Har.th I'/r::st COynel- of :noclc 1.26 Town" to; t.;j("n,:,:;
Southerly alor'lQ tll: Ei1,;:t lilH' or "II: StJ~e\lt; to the l~O)~th 15.:',: ,,'
the FClllrth/Fifth alley; thence Weste',~ly :110;19 the Nortl1 U.r,c~ "
the fouY"~;I/Fifth alley to th~~ I'/I:S-;; line of II:" st::-cet; thepr,c
Southcr.lY alan!] the \'/,].:;t li;1~ ,-,f "rll S'~r..;ct ;: tho Sou >\ E';:,:"~
corner of Blocl~ 129 TO\!i1si to; th€'nce IVesterl}' a)cng the N:)~'l
line of Fifth street to the brinle of the hluff <,f P01-t 11nCJ'3,r,e~
Harbor; thence Westerly along the brjnk of the bluff of POyt
Angeles Harbor thru the Edgecliff suhdivision to a p0int two
hundred and fifty feet \';est of t.h~ West line cf "Nil ~it.n~et;
thenc;'! south'~rly parallel to the rlest lin:) of "Nil ~Jh' "et t.o th",
Nort.h line of Sixth Str.;ct; t'll~nce So:\t':1edy dan9 U,~ WC3t Un:-
of HNII Street to the North line of th'J Sixth/~evcnth ai.1.:y;
ttience Easterly along the North line of the Sb::th!Sev~nt.h alley
to the East line of Evans Avenue; thencn SOl'therly al !Jng the Ea,d;
line of Ev,-.ns 1'I'l:mue to the Horth lint~ of the Sc'vcnth/E~.lJht.h a.lle:ti
thence F.afit""r.ly alon,} the I-1oi~th Ene of the:; Sr;venth/:,:l~hth. al1r:y
to tho line between Lots ~ and 6~ flock 2, Evan~ SUh0ivisionJ
thence S"'t1therly apX"aIJ.el to thr.: l'/.,,-;t lil1r) of "1.1" Street to the
North line of Tenth Str~~t; thence ~asterly along the North line
of Tenth Street to the' West line of 111,\11 St:-CL,t; th;?nce southerly
alont] the \'Iest line of "/.'i" Stree t to the l'1crth 1 in2 of the Tenth!
Eleventh alley; thenco Easterly along the North line of the
Tenth/Eleventh alley to the line between Lotc 5 Rnd 6, Block 31~
To..msite; ~hencc Southerly pa..allel 't.o the Vic:st line of III" Stn,ct
to the North line of the Twelftb/Thirteenth ~lley; thence Ea5t~rly
along th,~ Uorth line of the Tv;,lfth!Thirteenth alley tr.'l ':'2 \~('st
lir:e (){' IIEB Street; thence 1~"Lti;e:d~l alo:':g tho I'les'~ l'!)c :;f IIElI
Stl.:':ct to the South line of Ten:,11 Stu,ot'f '"henu: \'Ir::r;t.t '1;: i\lon~;
the South line of Tenth Street to the li:1c bnt\';OG:1 Let:; 5 2~ld
6J> BlocJc 316 To \'in d to; '~i1ence Nort,het'ly p.wallel to the \',:r;;:t L: ~,:;
of II~" St:!"eet to the I~o:tth ii.e c.f ihnth St)~(;et:; th'~nc() ::a~,'(;'Y'./
to the \I'/est line of tiE" Str,:,et; thence i;o)~the'cly along t.ijo.! "Ilest
line of "Et! Street to the N'~rt;' l:,,~.e of ;25.~rhth S-:;~ep.t:; then(..
Ea!it::rly to the line bet""'eo:l Lots 15 and 16, Blr::': 2,2 Tm'''::'' f:C;
then'~e Northerly parallel to t!J~ Ea~t line of IIE" St:cer.i~ i,) h:.!
North line of Fifth Street; thc~ce West~rly ~lClg the V,or '1 i~c
of Fifth St.reet to the Wcst 1~,n2 of liE" St.rcl.,t; thenC8 Ik:(t ':.:,~.ty
along the tlest line of l'E" Street to the Nt::,oth East COl"i1Ct" ()
Block 115 TO\I';sitc, the point of bC'Jinni;-,.,;.,
L. I . D. NO. 19 3
West Lincoln Heights
Fourth Street "K" Street "N" Street
Fifth Street liE II Street Evans Avenue
Sixth Street "E" Street "N" Street
Seventh Street "G" Street Evans Avenue
Eighth Street "E" Street "L" Street
Ninth Street "F" Street "G" Street
Tenth Street "F" Street "H" Street
Eleventh Street liE II Street "I" Street
Twelth Street liE II Street "I" Street
fiE" Street Fifth Street Eighth Street
T1F" Street 4th/5th alley sixth Street
"F" Street Eighth Street Twelfth Street
"G" Street 4th/5th alley Twelfth Street
uH" Street 4th/5th alley Eighth Street
"H" Street Tenth Street Twelfth Street
urn Street 4th/5th alley 12th/13th alley
uKn Street Fourth street 8th/9th alley
"L" Street Fourth Street Seventh Street
ilL" Street Eighth Street Ninth Street
II Mil Street Fourth Street Tenth Street
"N" Street Fourth Street Sixth Street
4th/5th alley "E" Street "I" Street
4th/5th alley point 175 ft.
east of "K"
Street Evans Avenue
5th/6th alley "E" Street Evans Avenue
5th/6th alley Owen Avenue
extended "N" Street
6th/7th alley "G" Street Evans Avenue
7th/8th alley "GTI Street 300 feet ~'les t of ilK" St.
8th/9th alley "E" Street "G" Street
8th/9th alley "I n Street UK" st.
9th/10th alley "F" Street "G" Street
lOth/11th alley liEU Street urn Street
e 11 th/12th alley liE II Street "Iu Street
I, BEULAH B. McNEECE, the duly qualified and acting
City Clerk of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, DO HEREBY
CERTIFY that the foregoing resolution is a true and correct
copy of Resolution No. /93 of said city, duly adopted by its
Council and approved by its Mayor at a regular meeting of said
Council held on the 6th day of April, 1971.
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C1 y Clerk /,
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