HomeMy WebLinkAbout19-67 . . . . RESOLUTION NO. /9- &7 A RESOLUTION commending the former Mayor, Chas. R. Willson. WHEREAS, Chas. R. Willson served on the City Couneil of the I) City of Port Angeles from June 4, 1962 to November 15, 1967, serv- :1 ing as Mayor from April 6, 1964 to November 15, 1967, and :1 WHEREAS, during said period of time the Council, with the I cooperation and quidance of Chas. R. Willson, took progressive !I II steps forward including the adoption of a Comprehensive Plan and I zoning Ordinanee, the institution of a sanitary sewage treatment I system and aecomplished major improvements to both its water and II ] electric systemsr and I I WHEREAS, the members b I :: selves and on behalf of the !, express their appreciation 'I II now, therefore, " , I of the City Council, on behalf of them-' citizens of Port Angeles, desire to II for the services of Chas. R. Willson, I I ! I I BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES that the City Council of the City of Port Angeles go on record as expressing both their appreciation and the appreciation ji of the citiZens of Port Angeles to Chas. R. Willson for a job I. which though difficult at times was well done. I' I I i ,x,.' I Attest: i'~ 4 /J1u ~ ! B. B. McNEECE' ! City Clerk Approved as to form: r~ Mayor :I~F