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A RESOLUTION approving the form of cooperation agreement
,between the City of Port Angeles, Washington and the
Housing Authority of Clallam County, and authorizing
its execution
WHEREAS, it is the policy of this locality to eliminate substandard
and other inadequate housing, to prevent the spread of slums and blight,
and to realize as soon as feasible the goal of a decent home in a suitable
living environment for all of its citizens; and
WHEREAS, under the provisions of the United States Housing Act
of 1937, as amended, the Drpartment'of Housing and Urban Development is
authorized to provide financial assistance to local public housing agencies
for undertaking and carrying out the development and operation of low-rent
housing projects that will,assist in meeting this goal; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to Section l5(7)(b) of the United States Housing
Act of 1937, as amended, it is necessary that the City of Port Angeles enter
into a Cooperation Agreement with the Housing Authority of Clallam County
(hexeinafter referred to as the "Local Authority", providing for local coopera-
tion in connection with such low-rent housing project; now therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council as follows:
1. There exists in the City of Port Angeles a need for such low-
rent housing at rents within the means of low income families or persons.
2. The City Council does hereby approve the development, construc-
tion, and ownership by the Local Authority of the project as defined in
Paragraph l(a) of the Cooperation Agreement, a copy of which is attached
hereto and marked Exhibit "A."
3. The City Council, after having held a public hearing and
giving all interested persons an opportunity to be heard, hereby determines,
pursuant to the provisions of the Housing Cooperation Law (Section
35.83.030(10) of the Revised Code of Washington), to enter into a Cooperation
Agreement in substantially the form attached hereto as Exhibit "A" with the
Local Authority. The Mayor of the City of Port Angeles is hereby authorized
and directed to execute such Cooperation Agreement in the name and on
behalf of the City of Port Angeles and the City Clerk is nereby authorized
and directed to affix or impress the official seal of the City of Port Angeles
thereon and to attest the same.
4. This Resolution shall become effective immediately, and need
not be laid over or published or posted as provided in Section 35.83.060 of
the Revised Code of Washington.
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Ih'is Agreement entered into thi s day of ['1arch , 19 "IS, by <lnd I
behleen .JJ]~llousj~uthQri!:L~:Lflanil~~C_o..~I:'!L (hrl~eirlCalled thc'-j'Iocal P,uthority") , ,
and The City of Port l\ngeles, \'Iashj~~ton (herein called the "J~unicipitlity") \'Iitnesseth: I
In consideration of the mutual covenants hereinafter set forth, the ritrties
hereto do agree as follows:
1. Whenever used in this Agreement:
(il) The term "Project" shall mean any lOI'l-rent housing hereafter
'developed or :acquired by the Local I\uthol-ity \'li th 'f'inancial a'ssistance
of the Uni ted States of Ameri ca ncti ng throu(]h the Secretal'y of HOlls i ng
, a~d Urbcln Development (herein calleel tile "Government"); excluding, !lo,,!;-
" , ever, any 10\'l-rent housing projc:ct covered by any contl'act for loans' i1nd
., : "_, annual contribution's entered into bet\'/een the Locill Authori ty and the
. "...,'. ":, '< Gcr~-ernment, or its pred,:,cessor- agencies, prior to the'dC1,te o'f thiS' Agr,ce- "
, ..:, ~:t~' (,'\:,:~ent<:"7':' "'~'" """. . " ',. '. ,'. .:. ,'. -'. ": ,," -' ,-, . '. '
~:,'; \... "::,~~:~ '(b'r',Th~ ,term,'1I1:axtng' Bbdy'~' ':'sha 11 mean. the s.tid:.e - or, any politi car, s~p'~,. .. 'i
,., . '~;:'~:':'."j'C:fv4sio-n' or 't'lxing-u'i1itther:eof i'n \I'hich a Project_ is situatedtand I'lilich 'c:
': ., ". \'!Gu1d have authority to'assess or levy I'['al Ol' personal prof1el;ty~a)'.es. '.
u"( to certify, such Ji1xeS, to a .ta'xillg body or public officer to lic levied "
.. ""', . fOY',:i,ts, use ,and-benefit \'Iith'respect to ~ Project if it 1'Iere not exempt,
"':'-', '" .from .taxat),on.,. : " " .' - ., '
. .' .." ~'?-~: :' or:-.:.,:. ,',.; '~.:' / :~'. <".' .... ...:,';. :' '~.'" .
, . (I:) :.The .ter;m:,lIShelter Rent" shaH mean the total',of all charges to' all
\, .:;",'_t,2....:'._~'.tcr:ani$ Qf"af,rroject for d\'lel1..i.ng rents and nonch-re1Ting rent~s (Gxc1ud'ing
";".;.;., alLotherincome of'such Project), less, the cost to the Local A\!tI~ority
':';.:F',~l} ,ch,e 1 ~:i ri~~nd.nondl'l~ 11 i rig -ut ili ti e1" " .
, "'.' : ~,..._'~',' :, '! -'_ .,,1 .',' . .'
'. ,'" '~";.;'"..: _{dr;"The term,:'''Sl um"slla 11 m~an allY area \'Ihere d\~e Hi ngs' predominate
,', ......':., .1'lhith, <by, reason-of dilapidilt'ion, overcrm:ding; filulty.alTilngcment 0\'
~ .-:~ >-':';',de:sign, ,1ilckbf ventilation; light or,sanitation facilit'ies,Ol'ilny
:' ~'.:',,'"'' 'c'~l1lb~nat.ion ?: these factors, are detl-imental to Safe~?, health '0:' mO,\als. "
"..2;" The Local Author'ity shall endeavor (1I) to secure acontl'ad or cont,'acts"
\',iU)':,tl1.~Joca 1 government for loans and annual contri buti ODS coveri ng one Ol~ 'more.
: Pr9j~cfs 'comprising ,appro;dmately '115 units bflO1'!-rcnt.housing ilnd ,(b) tO,develop
- 'or Be,quirr; and ,admi'nist~r"such Project or Projects, eacn of I'ihich shaH be located
1,lithin the corporate Hmits'of the I~Lmicipality. The obligutionsof the parties
he~etd sh~n, appl,yt?o,e<!ch:'suchPr~ject. " . . ,,-'
... , ~ . : '. i'., <I' .J,,!.. _ ....~ . ....... -. . .
, " . i:(a:} ',.i'nrfer .th~ consti'tution arid"slcitutes of the State of ' Hashin9t~
all'Projects al~e exempt 'frqrn all realan,c1.p.ersonal properytaxes and speci,,'l assess-
ments lev'ied.o: impos-ed by ,my Ta"ing Body. 1'liTh respect to any Pl-oject, so
long as, either (n such PrHj ect, is ol'rned by a pub 1 i C' body orgovernmenta 1 agency
andi s use(i for;] o\'l~rent;, ~ous ing purposes 0\' (i i ). any contrqct behlCenthc local
Autl1bl"ityand the Gmiernment for 'loans or i1nnui11 contributions, or both, in
connecti on \'lithstJch Yj'oject reIT)a i ns in force and effect, or (i.i 1) any bonds
issued in connec,tion ~1ithsuch Project remain unpilid, l'lhichever period is th~
longest, the r'1unicipaHty agl-ees that it I'lill not levy or impose any real or
personal property taxes or special assessments upon such PI'oject 01' upon the
local Authority l'li th respect thereto, Duri n9 such peY"iod, the Local ALlthOl'i ty
shall make annual payments (herein called "Payments in Lieu of Taxes") in
lieu of such taxes ami special uSSeSSIll2,nts and in pClyment fol' the Public services
and facll it i es furni shed from ti me to time wi thoLlt other cos tOt' clm-ae fOI'
or with respect~o.suchProject. ~
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3. . cant.
'(b) Each such annual Paymcnt in Lieu of Taxes shall be made after the
end of the fiscal year established for such Project, tlnd shall be in an amount
equal to either (i) ten percent (10%) of the Sheltcl' Rent charged by the Local
JI.uthor'ity in respect to such Project duting such fiseill year or Ci-L) .tho amount
permitted to be paid by app1ieable State lal'l in effect on the <lilte sllch payment
is made, \'Ihi ehever amount is the 1 o\'ler.
(c) The l~unicipa1ity shall distribute the Payments in Lieu of Taxes
nlnong the Taxing Bodies in the proportion I'lhich the real property taxes l'lhieh
wou1d'have been paid to each Taxing Body for such year if the Project were not
exempt from taxati on bears to the total l'ea 1 fJl'Operty taxes I'ihi ch \'/0'.11 d hiwc
been paid to all of the Taxing Bodies for such yea;" if the rwject I'Jete IlOt
I' exempt from tqxati~n; Provi~led, hm'lever, That no payment for tiny year shrill' "
be rj!ade tq any Taxlng Body 10 excess of the ilmount of the real propr.tty taxes
l'lhich !'lOuld ha:ve been paid to such Taxiny Body for such year if the Project.
\'Iere not exempt from taxation.
", .. .(9)URon :failure',o.f the Local Authority to make any Payment. ill Lieu of
. Taxe,s>"no'iic:n..agairist anyPrciject or assets,ol the Local Iluthol'ity shall. attach,
:.'.' nor .shall ary iJiteres1;.or penalties acerue orattaeh on account thereof:
,_,,;~,;":,,",;"<'~.","_'-(':'~ ,.;.-'., .,,/,,'.. : .' " 1. . .:'. , ,..
, ' ",'. . . :,,,.: ~;4~:}!Jur:j'n9'j:the. 'Per! 6~: cQ.imenc'.l og, \'!it~ the date of ,t he a cqu is 'i t i on' or any
" . part' Of "fliesjte' or" s itt=sof, c'ny Proj eet 'and conti nu; ng so long as either (;)
such p,'ojeet 'is '01'tnGd ~y a 'public' body or govc\'nmeilta1 a~lency ami is lIsed 'fOi~'
lm-J':renthdus ing ,purpose~, or (i 1) any contract behleen the Local ^uthori ty
'.ancl~theG6\1ernment for 10ans'orannua1 contl'ibutions, or both, in connection
vlitli s'..!tl'P'J'oJectremains:in force ilndeffect, or (i'ii) anyboilds issue.ci"in
~_:' 'corme'tti orH,iith such Pl'.oject' 0''1' any moni es due to the Government i ncol1llecti011' ,
, . .', \'11.'ci1',sl1'ch: r~oj,e~t; .r?UJa~~n:~npa"i cl j 'l'lhi'che\lel' peiod is the ',1 ongest, the"!ljun'1ci pal i ty
,~,\'ritno,:.l~~Cost or C!jatg~,:tothe Local Authohty or th~ tenants of such Project '.
.. . (othe1'(tharl'the~Payments irllieu of Taxes) shall: ,-' : "
, .,~~.~,:,;",~.t.,,,:'{::..:,,". " ' -.t'
',:{a-) ~.:F~}il'ish' or cause bj .be furnished to the Local Authority. arid the tenants
.,;,':6fj sbch .Proje'ct. pUD.! leser'/i ces and fac1 1 iti es of the same cha racter and to '
"". 'Jhe'same.extcnt as are furnished from.time to time l'lithout cost or ch<:rge to
, ..; :....~. ',o.tJH~r."d~'lel1ings and inl)abl\:ilnts in the Hunicipality; .... ' ,
.., ",' ::".-;',; ~~~\:, '... '0':' 't:)C;;, ... ~>~~',. '~.~. ' . '.' '.. - - -":- ,. ,..
"i:~".{bF:,lJacate 'such streets,,'roads, and'Jalleys I';ithin the areabf.'such Projcct.
;'.;asir.:ayl:)e necessary' in the. development thereof, and convey I'li thout charge
".';.t,9:;l;he. tpca 1 {\uthqrity .such i nterestas the r.1uni ci pal i ty may, have, i n such
':':\vaca,.ted "areas;(and':-~ins.o far as it. is lill'lful1y able to do so without'cost'
'. ; .,!!y:':expeqse. to .the lOC2.1 ,ll.Lltilority or to the l-1unicipality', cause to' be'
r.'e7.o''!e~ from' such )faco.ted .a~eas, in so fat' as it may be necessary,' all
. .p,u?l~.c '<it private,utilitj lines and equipment;' .
;",,':". . : ;':, '\':';~.;,..> ... i " "'f':, ,." . .' ' ,. " . . '.' . .: .
(q) ;~In,so far.. as the !~uriicipalit.Y'may lill'rfully do'so,'(i} grant such
:,'d~yiatron~ from th~ building code of the r~u.nicirill ity as ,are l'cilsonable
,and nece.ssary to 'prcrnte.economy and effi ci enty in the development and
administr<:ltic2 of Suer. Project, and at the same time safegual'd health and
. 'sofety" and (ii) <ma.ke sJch changes 'in any zoning of the site und surrounding
territory 9f'such ProjeCt as are reasonabl.e and necessary'for the develop-
ll}ent, a~~~ ,protecti o.ri,,:,of' s'~Ch PI'oject'ane! the slll'round'j ng terri tory;' .'
(d) '. Accepigrants; of ea~ements necessary for the deve 10[lment of s~ch Project.
~ "
. ,
, ,~'.'
(e) Coo'perute \iith the local Authol'ity by such ather 1ill./ful acUori or V"'.:iS
as the f'lunicipality and the Local Authority may find necessary in conncctioa
. l'/ith the deve'lppment and adm'inistration of such Project.
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Page 3
5. In respect to any Project, the Municipality further agrees that within a
reasonable tillle after receipt 'of a \'Iritten request th(~refor from the Local I\uthority:
(a) It I,/ill ac~ept the dedication of illl inter'ior streets, I'oaels, ul1cys,
and adjacent sidcwalk~ within the area of such Project, together with
all storm and sanit.a\"Y sevier mains in such dedicated areas, lifter the Local'
Authority, at its 0.1'10 expense, has completed the grilding, improvement,
.paving, and ins~a~lat~~n thereof in Dccordance \'rith specifications accept.-
able to the 1,1unlclpall LY;
(b) It \'lil1 accept neccssilry dedications of lund for, and will grade, improve
'Ja'le, and prOVide sidel'/al ks fOI', all svcets bounding.slIch Project or
;leceSsary to provic'e uclequate access thereto (in consideriltion \'IhereJ~ the
Local Authority, shaH Pi:lY to the iliunicipal'ity such amoLlnt as l'/ou1d b~
a~:;2s~0cl against fhe Project site f9r such \'/o1'k if such site \'lere fll'lviltely.
Cl'I;~2d);,and ..
5 '
, '
~ .
(c) It \,';11 provide, or cause to be provided, I'later. mains, aild'storm ill1d
, s::'.r'i tary s2Ner'.mains, leading to such Project and serving the bounding
, sVeet,S thereof. ('in cons'idel'ation I',hereof the local Authority shJll p:JY
7:' "'.t'o,.tl1e't,l;mi'CipalHystlCh amOullt'as Ie/auld be assessed agains'c the.'projc<::t.
, . '. ~": :,_".~sHe'..fQr' such \'/orkif SLfch'site"11~reprivately mined;
, '., ': .'. , '. "', ". .': ,'. .. ",' . . " . ".,....,' n
~/ 6~:"j:lf;,bY:,re'a~0n', of-the: 1'1L1n'ic1pitljty.' sJai1ure or ref~lsa1. to 'furnish or ; ,:
'callsc"'io,b~'fUl"niShed!<'lnY"publk:ser:vice~,or fa:ciliUes I'/hich it hilS ilgree([.
"here~''''':.:( 'c') -furnlsh'or to' cause to 'be furnished to the Local'Authodty,orto
tbet::no.:Jts 0'[ any Project, the ,Local AuthorHy inctirs tiny expe.nse to .ol:r~ain
"suc~,s.~r'Jic~s.'or faci'lltiesthen the Loca'l l\uthoritY-IT!ay deduct the <"mollnt of .
SUC:l 2X)lense .fr ()!TI , al1Y :Payme'i'lt5 i n: ~i eu of laxes due or to become dUe ,to ).:he [':\II1i-
" , 'pal i tj; i n, dspe'ct to any ~r:oj ec~ or. any other ') OIH'ent hOlls,; ng proj C:::1:S ,m'!n2:U
, " or. operated .by th~ Loc'a1, Alitr.orHy., ' . ' . . J
'~',;:,::~:,":.,;~,:;: /. .:,.,.,: c' . ~i ,. ',. .... " . .~' {
. : ;:.'?,~;<, ria "coop~l'atio'nJ\9reement'her.etofoie entered into I~ehleen the'!'lunicipal:ity ,',.'
. ,: ';arid':e~:tof'iFAuthori.ty' shaJ'l' be. ,construed to il'pply to. any, ,Pl'oject ;'coii~,"ecl by ,: j
.' .toi:, :~,g,;~",,:~; ::j;,::, . >' ;".:' .:.",'" . ..' .
';" ,.,' _:<.~:,,\:,,_'No:',mei:1ber.:'Of:i~ri,"gbverning.,bodY of tli'~ r,lunl cipa 15 ty ',01' any oti;er:. pub1 k ,," - :, " "
"" o~Ji c'i~r :C};: the, JiUl"dc:ipaHtY'I'llioexe'1'ci.5~S', ?my responsibilities or ftlr:tti ons,' , 'f:~,
: \'lit'hn::spect, to allY ~rbj ect'iJuri rig ,hfs . tentlre 0\', for one year therear t':::r sha 11: '
, ~;,ha\(8";::~I~f,:-jll~wr(>st', dlr~ct or;:indir'ett, 'in uny' Pi'bject';o'f' ciny property'inc1ud2u
", ,; Cr,p1ir1f1CQ7to be'inc:)~ded.in:i1n.:n)f(iject, oraily conhw:tsin COill,2ctlon \'lith'such, ~:
:,. ,~'.\1rojet'cs,-pr prDpeftY~'.;ll.f -ariy~ucli' governing body memIJer gr' such other ,public . ' " .
:,,~i~ ".,ofti~'iaY of :theI1unicfR<\l'itY i,nv'olunta.rily 'ocquil'es or had acquired',o';ior::l:O the',
~ . " b~9j!),n'rng:rif his'~.1enure\ ~n:;Csuch ~i rtercs.t, re ~lla 11 imm2di ate ly d:isc:1cSQ,such,'." ..:' ,.
. '.' . .. !~~;;~;;~ti:~~I;:,;~:,~ ~~~~l~~;:~:~";~,:~"'th" ~~:, . MI;,e,;y ~ "Od . ;;;~. :~L:~:'e"t .... rf;' :
, fori'louns,'(tnc1udi ng, pr~,Urri1'na.y.y 'Toans} -or annutllcontr.i butt ons ,or'both~,. in 'i
.cor.i;~ctior;.' t.j1tJ:>~any'P;;ciject (em,dns~'in:force,and effect, 0\'''50 '10n9<.\s ar.j . ." ,."
bon:ds:, j ~5uid, in conneCt'i on' 1-15 th. any Project. or any. mOlli es due to the. GOV2J'r;ment .
. in 'cGiE1~ct'lon \"Hhany.;Pr.oje{;t' remain,unp~id, tliis i\gfN'ment shilll notb~ '.
. ilbros'ated;<,~~aI1ged,'i:11:;l)lodiJied l;!ithout,:tile co'nserit.9f, the Government:.)":,,:; -
pr:i vf\ cS2s'an(l: !J~1i g'atjops::of' th~ 'r.1Ulli cipi1li ty hereundersha 11 rcma in in" fun
:9:~C~' tJ.Qdc:~fe.,~~yit,~:r~sp~ctto ',.e~ch -p~9je~t ;;0,1 onU,ils ,the .bCI12fi::i a1: ti t'le:
, t.o sClshPrOJCCl.:,'I,s,heH!by:the Local, Authonty or by any other pub11c body or
." . g6verr.T-ental: agency" "') ncl ud,i n9 ,the Government, (]uthJi~i zed by 1 al'l to el1g2ge .
in,the, de\'~lopment~cir::<\dministr~tion of lo\,,~rent housing 'projects. ,if .ot en:; .
ti~2 tr.e',beriefic:ial'-ti.tle,to. 'or .possess'ion of, any Project is held bj', s~Jch other,;'
public bbdj Ot govenirilerita1 ilgency, including the Government, the pl'o"is~'::r,s hereof
sha n i niJre to the be,lefit of and m,ay. lie enforced by, sllch othel' pub ii c bo~y or
gO'/Ernrr,enta 1 a,gency. j acl uding the Government.
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HI H ITNESS \,!HEREOF the I-iuni ci pa 1 i ty and the Loca 1 r\Uthority have n'spec-
tively sic'nod this ^gnocment and caused their sl:als to be affixed ilnd attested
as ~f U~e" d~y and year first above ,-wi tten.
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Page 1 ., f
This Agreement entered into this ~ day
between The Housing Authority of Clallam County
and The City of Port Angeles. Washinp,ton (herein
of March . 1978 , by and
(herein called the "Local Authority")
called the "Hunicipality") witnesseth:
In consideration of the mutual covenants hereinafter set forth, the parties
,hereto do agree as follows:
Whenever used in this Agreement:
(a) The term "Project" shall mean any low-rent housing hereafter
developed or acquired by the Local Authority with financial assistance
of the United States of America acting through the Secretary of Housing
and Urban Development (herein called the "Government"); excluding. how-
ever, any low-rent housing project covered by any contract for loans and
annual contr.ibutions entered into between the Local Authority and the
Government, or its predecessor agencies, prior to the date of this Agree-
(b) The term "Taxing Body" shall mean the state or any political sub-
division or taxing unit thereof in which a Project is situated and which
would have authority to assess or levy real or personal property taxes
or to certify such taxes to a taxing body or public officer to be levied
for its use and benefit with respect to a Project if it were not exempt
from taxation.
(c) The term "Shelter Rent" shall mean the total of all charges to all
tenants of a Project for dwelling rents and nondwelling rents (excluding
all other income of such Project), less the cost to the Local Authority
of all dwelling and nondwelling utilities.
(d) The term "Slum" shall mean any area where dwellings predominate
which, by. reason of dilapidation, overcrowding, faulty arrangement or
design, lack of ventilation, light or sanitation facilities, or any
combination of these factors, are detrimental to safety, health or morals.
2. The Local Authority shall endeavor (a) to secure a. contract or contracts
, with the local government for loans and annual contributions covering one or more
Projects comprising approximately 115 units of low-rent housing and (b) to develop
or acquire and administer such Project or Projects, each of which shall be located
within the corporate limits of the Municipality. The obligations of the parties
hereto shall apply to each such Project.
3. (a) Under the constitution and statutes of the State of Washington,
all Projects are exempt from all real and personal property taxes and special assess-
ments levied or imposed by any Taxing Body. With respect to any Project, so
long as either (i) such Project is owned by a public body or governmental agency
and is used for low-rent housing purposes or (ii) any contract between the Local
Authority and the Government for loans or annual contributions, or both, in
connection with such Project remains in force and effect, or (iii) any bonds
issued in connection with such Project remain unpaid, whichever period is the
,-,longest, the Municipality agrees that it will not levy or impose any real or
"'personal property taxes or special assessments upon such Project or upon the
Local Authority with respect thereto. During such period, the Local Authority
shall make annual payments (herein called "Payments in Lieu of Taxes") in
lieu of such taxes and special assessments and in payment for the Public services
and facilities furnished from time to time without other cost or charge for
or with respect to such Project.
Pagt: ~
j. cont.
(b) Each such annual Payment in Lieu of Taxes shall be made after the
end of the fiscal year established for such Project. and shall be in an amount
equal to either (i) ten percent (10%) of the Shelter Rent charged by the Local
Authority in respect to such Project during such fiscal year or (ii) the amount
permitted to be paid by applicable State law in effect on the date such payment
is made. whichever amount is the lower.
(c) The Municipality shall distribute the Payments in Lieu of Taxes
among the Taxing Bodies in the ,proportion which the real property taxes which
would have been paid to each Taxing Body for such year if the Project were not
exempt from taxation bears to the total real property taxes which would have
been paid to all of the Taxing Bodies for such year if the Project were not
exempt from taxation; Provided. however. That no payment for any year shall
,be made to any Taxing Body in excess of the amount of the real property taxes
which would have been paid to such Taxing Body for such year if the Project
were not exempt from taxation.
(d) Upon failure of the Local Authority to make any Payment in Lieu of
Taxes. no lien against any Project or assets of the Local Authority shall attach.
nor shall any interest or penalties accrue or attach on account thereof.
4. During the period commencing with the date of the acquisition of any
part of the site or sites of any Project and continuing so long as either (i)
such Project is owned by a public body or governmental agency and is used for
low-rent housing purposes. or (ii) any contract between the Local Authority
and the Government for loans or annual contributions. or both. in connection
with such Project remains in force and effect. or (iii) any bonds issued in
connection with such Project or any monies due to the Government in connection
with such Project remain unpaid. whichever period is the longest. the Municipality
without cost or charge to the Local Authority or the tenants of such Project
{other than the Payments in Lieu of Taxes) 'shall:
(a) Furnish or cause to be furnished to the Local Authority and the tenants
of such Froject public services and facilities of the same character and to
the same extent as are furnished from time to time without cost or charge to
other dwellings and inhabitants in the Municipality;
(b) Vacate such streets. roads. and alleys within the area of such Project
as may be necessary in the development thereof, and convey without charge
to the Local Authority such interest as the Municipality may have in such
vacated areas; and., in so far as it is lawfully able to do so without cost
or expense to the Local Authority or to the Municipality. cause to be
removed from such vacated areas, in so far as it may be necessary, all public
or private utility lines and equipment;
(c) In so far as the Municipality may lawfully do so. (i) grant such
deviations from the building code of the Municipality as are reasonable
and necessary to promote economy and efficienty in the development and
administration of such Project. and at the same time safeguard health and
safety, and (ii) make such changes in any zoning of the site and surrounding
territory of such Project as are reasonable and necessary for the develop-
ment and protection of such Project and the surrounding territory;
~ and
(d) Accept grants of easements necessary for the developnlent of such Project;
(e) Cooperate with the Local Authority by such other lawful action or ways
as the Municipality and the Local Authority may find necessary in connection
with the development and administration ~f such Project.
- ..- ...----------,..-........--~-----~~
Pag~ 3
5. In respect to any Project, the MunicipaLity forther agrees that within a
reasonable time after receipt of a written request therefor from the Local Authority:
(a) It will accept the dedication of all interior streets, roads"alleys,
and adjacent side~.alks within the area of such Project, together with
all storm and sanitary sewer mains in such dedicated areas, after the Local
Authority, at its own expense, has completed the grading, improvement,
paving, and installation thereof in accordance with specifications accept-
able to the Municipality;
(b) It will accept necessary dedications of land for, and will grade, improve
pave, and provide sidewalks for, all streets bounding such Project or
necessary to provide adequate access thereto (in consideration whereof the
Local Authority, shall pay to the Municipality such amount as would be
assessed against the Project site for such work if such site were privately owned); and
(c) It will. provide, or cause to be provided, water mains, and storm and
sanitary sewer mains, leading to such Project and serving the bounding streets
thereof (in consideration I.hereof the local Authority shall pay to the Municipality
such amount as would be assessed against the Project site for such work if such
site were privately owned.
6. If by reason of the Municipality's failure or refusal to furnish or
cause to be furnished any public services or facilities which it has agreed
hereunder to furnish or to cause to be furnished to the Local Authority or to
the tenants of any Project, the Local Authority incurs any expense to obtain
such services or facilities then the Local Authority may deduct the amount of
such expense from any Payments in Lieu of Taxes due or to become due to the Muni-
pality in respect to any Project or any other low-rent housing projects owned
or operated by the Local Authority.
7. No Cooperation Agreement heretofore entered into between the Municipality
and the Local Authority shall be construed to apply to any Project covered by
this Agreement.
8. No member of the governing body of the Municipality or any other public,
Official of the Municipality who exercises any responsibilities or functions
with respect to any Project during his tenure or for one year thereafter shall
have any interest, direct or indirect, in any Project or any property included
or planned to be included in any project, or any contracts in connection with such
Projects or property. If any such governing body member or such other public
official of the Municipality involuntarily acquires or had acquired prior to the
beginning of his tenure any such interest, he shall immediately disclose such
interest to the Local Authority.
9. So long as any contract between the Local Authority and the Government
for loans (including preliminary loans) or annual contributions, or both, in
connection with any Project remains in force and effect, or so long as any
bonds issued in connection with any Project or any monies due to the Goverrunent
in connection with any Project remain unpaid, this Agreement shall not be
abrogated, changed, or modified without the consent of the Government. The
privileges and obligations of the Municipality hereunder shall remain in full
force and effect with respect to each Project so long as the beneficial title
to such Project is held by the Local Authority or by any other public body or
governmental agency, including the Government, authorized by law to engage
in the development OT administration of low-rent housing projects. If at any
time the beneficial title to, or possession of, any Project is held by such other
public body or governmental agency, including the Government, the provisions hereof
shall inure to the benefit of and may be enforced by, such other public body or
governmental agency, including the Government.
Page 4
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Municipality and the Local Authority have respec-
tively signed this Agreement and caused their seals to be affixed and attested
as of the day and year first above written.
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(Title) ,
, (Title)
HousinR Authority of the County of Clallam
(Corporate Name of Local Authority)
BY c97~ m_~
>:' ...~-~,-.........--....,..-- ~~ - - -'~,I'" ......,.
I, Marian C. ,'Parrish
, the City Clerk of the City of
, ..Po'Ct~!I,!)~Blcs
,_.._,do.hereby certify as
That on j;z,~ .7.1
, 19~, when the City Council and Mayor
of the City of ~Pott~~ng~~es
,adopted the'attached Res~lution
No. /9-7&,
. it'~as composedof'the 'following qualified members:
iEa'X hA.nch;rtlnn
,Carole ,Boar,dman
Harold Buck
Dorothy Duncan
John Hordyk
,.Ricbar.d",Wray L.
That the attached Resolution No. /9-1/1
is a true, correct and
conformed copy of the original resolution on file in my office and'was adopted by
the following vote of the City Council:
Unanimous vote in favor of the
That such Resolution No. 19-7/1
was adopted at a regular meeting
of the City Council of the City of
. held in the
Port Angeles
City Hall on the AI:w
day of , '2;-t~
, 19~, at the
hour of
. in accordance with the provisions of
7 :30 P.M.
Ordinance No.
. a true copy of which Ordinance is also attached
IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official
seal of the City of
of ~
. 19 1&
. .this
City Clerk
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1\N ORDINANCE amending Ordinance Nos 1670, 1873
and 1911 of the City of Port l\.ngelcs cstab-
lishingthe time, date and mee'Ling place of
the City Council. .
'., :1
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;O~~;N_A:::O::~:;:O~NCI~ OF . T.": .. ~ITY OF:;':?"" ANGELES ~~~"rEn~/";j
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i..~'; '..',. Q:j:"Qi).1an:c~.NQp. .16,7Q, ',~87,8and,'1911~, .:copies of ,\'1hich\ .are" ~'. ....
'~~'/'\ ..!'13;....._\.....j=:...: " '~,;.:..'.. {:~>..,F'l'..~='.;: . '1 ~, _ ,. ~ _ I '
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latt'a~hef1..1wreb) .and,.~.7hich ..are by this refe':/fnce' incorr>ora~e(~ her~'{~ r ;';' '
. ; '~.\:::'1. ;,,' : -r;.--: ~ "" 1".: .; . _ 1 l" .. :i'
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are ;h'ereby: ,amended to read as: 'follovlS:.' . .. . : .!' :;. 'j
.~J: "~ :,,:'~-_ :.~:.7.',.,? ~~. c:~ ~ _~.. '.~l:' ': "./ ': " '. . .:", . .... _.. :Ie -' ~ :.~..;
'. ; ." ." :'s'ectiov.:' I'. :. The regular meetiD<Js .of the ci ty CO~):lCi ~ of' ,'.'
'-:r ".. ~' ", "'_I"' (..~'~." " 'I . "'j),. .~. " \- !
'..' "'. -t. _.' '. '. '. '. . .
.,,' :'5_~,..::_:;: : the ,Ci ty'~ or" ~6rt' Angeles shall: be held- on' .the" 'fi:r:;SJc ~.an<I :~;,I.~,.',;
lO L:.;:~ ~~-~-~~: -t.';,;, .~,: ~ _,.:', ....,.. ~'. ~ ... . ,"\.' .. . ~ t I.'" t
" ", ";'- third tuesdays of each month beginning ~t'7: 30 P~i'l.: s~'~&f":'
.... .....~ ,-~, l-' ..... '. "-" . ..,., ...-:.-1': ....'~,.~....:'.:..~..: :;.~t
'. meetihgs shall be held in the City Council Chambers, rtt'113'4,':
:'. ;. 1. :(~. 4' f
,.:',\,,\ .~. West Front. Street in Port 1\ngele8. If the du'ce' of any ;S?~~ i \
~~;:;i\rc9Ul~r,;meetingOf the City Co=cil s~:~' fall, :p~n a/r;~l ~t
, ::3 ;'c' '. hOlid,~Y:' . s'uc,h~eeting sJ:1all be. held e~ er on ".~.': p~e- : i: ~,
.,. .' - <. ceding business day or on the succeeding business 'day" ':
;,;' . i
, Notice of the day selected for the meeting shall.be given
.'p"';'-", .
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(24) hours'.'"
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.~.. ; to the 'local. ne,.,s media at least t~venty..:four
, '
", ,r
"I~> .\ .~'l, .
prior'tothe meeting~
.' ;,
\ "
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Portllngeles a~'
" .'. . '. ~ ' , I '
a r~gnlar meeting of the City Council on the 9th day of January, i ".
1973.' ,
ik{(L',(Jc.r-J( Ii.'
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" ' !,,' i'
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j1d~l;:l' e. ,e;~t~~~
City Clerk
Approved as to form:
Published: January 29, 1978
.~ :~~..-- .,-.....- ._-'_...~..................--.;:-."f""'"~ .on--','" ...."".-.
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1:7 '~', . .......~.d'>_ -1""'-.....1 ~ -~~ '., ~.q~
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City of Port Angeles
As an Attorney for ~ L1 ,t;-f f""f; ks (!tJf'? lI"t
my opinion has been requested egarding the Cooperation Agree~nt w9fch has been
entered into between the Housing Au~h.9rity 9f the t!Plil1fj.~" f~//.;JJ#
and the (City) ~Celiftt..,..) of IOrt ,dJ1(JelR~
I have examined the Cooperation Agreement which is dated ~~~~ ;e~/~)7~
and the proceedings which approved the Agreement and authorized its execution.
It is my opinion the Resolution(s) and the proceedings which approved the
Agreement and the manner in which it has been etecuted are proper and in
accordance with the laws of the State of ltJ;Jsll!'1tf 1:fJ11 anj furthe~
that the Agrerment constitutes a legal and bindingdobligation of the ~~(~ b~
fR ~-t ~t?~~ in accordance with the terms thereof.
Dated this
t2,!t J- day of
, 19 Ptr
Respectfully submitted
. .
i i
. I
County of C1a11am
Howjrd.V. Dohet'ty,.be:lngifirst duly.sworn on oath, deposes-and
I am a'citizen of 'the United' States of'Amerlca and of the State of
Hashington, over,.tlle age of 18 years, not a party to the below entitled'1'ro-
ceeding and competent to be a witness therein.
On Lhe ~6th_ day of l~rch, .1978,'at.the request of The Housing
Authority of County of Clallam, I posted true copies of NOTICE OF ~reETING
at the fQllowing places:
1. ,In the 10.7er lobbi[/ of the Clallam County Courthouse,
Port Angeles, Washington;
2. In the upper lobby of the Clallam County Courthouse,
Port Angeles, Washington;
3. In the lobby of the City Hall, Front l. Oak Streets,
Port Angeles, ~.rashington ~~}!""'.;." '0
1 f ~'" 'f!t~::-';;~;".._~
1~~jI ~~E~,e4.,~R,{;~,
, ,\ ~ .....,;:.:.510'" i:;.. -,:'J.:1'~
~l . ~':' '1,.:........
SHOful' to and SUBSCRIBED bef~re me-'his 1(1'1 a~','Of .b~rqfu i~78. \
// ~ t..... ~y "\'l}- LP', ~
. S~:~I " ~
.../ V. . ~L . ~.... ,. ~
/;/~ __r~l::.(' . :~:r " / t:e'-n:/t"(",..,: 1lr ~
Y -~ry Public in ~~', .t~r /t:b~ \Sfat:e.?f::'}
Washington, residW -,a~r,gl?t~ ~g~le~ ,)'
T.T hi -~/L--.' I, ..)',-, . ~,J'
..as ngton. ~<: 0.... 'Co...' .'\~\ ~
~.." F yV p.. c., \\,pd'
212 EAST F"1f'T,", STR.EE"
PORT ANl:iELES. WASH. '90362
PHONE .'S2-23"'Jl
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~_ "._...._l:,.~.~~_
,f ;--.-----W-
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That a meeting of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington,
and,of representatives of the Housing Authority of Clallam County. Washington,
.wi11 be held in the City Council chambers at 134 W. Front Street, in Port
Angeles, Washington, on Tuesday, the 21st day of March, 1978, at 8:00 P.M.;
then and there to consider a rasolution approving a Co-Oper ation Agreement
between the City and the Housing Authority; and aut~orizing the execution
of such Agreement.
Copies of such Agreement are presently on file in the offices of such
city and housing authority and may be examined on request prior to and at such
This Notice is given pursuant to RCW 35.83.030 (10).
DATED this 16th day of March, 1978.
" . "I'-'
~7'-.A'.V [.. ~~'-"'V/
Ho~ard V. Doherty
Its Attorney