HomeMy WebLinkAbout20-67 .~"'~ .'.........- . . . . RESOLUTION NO. ~ A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles "amending Sections 4 and 5 of Resolution No. 1-67. . BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT I to I ANGELES that Section 4 of Resolution No. 1-67 is hereby amended read as follows: Section 4. ANNUAL LEAVE WITH PAY: Duri~g each of the first eight (8) years of employment, annual leave with pay shall I accrue to each employee of the City at the rate of ten (10) work- I ing days "for eflchtwelve (12) months of service. Employees havi~g completed ~~~"i;~ars of continuous service in the employ of I NIl-'''- <-ql the City shall be entitled to fifteen (15) working days of annual J leavei employees having been in the continuous employ of the City for a period of sixteen years shall be entitled to twenty (20) working days of annual "leavei employees having been in the con- tinuous employ of the City for a period of twenty-five (25) years service or more shall be entitled to twenty-five (25) working days of annual leave. (a) Annual leave after eight {8) years service shall accrue each month as follows: Nine (9) through fifteen (15) I years at the rate of fifteen working days per yeari sixteen (16) through twenty-four years at the rate of twenty (20) working days per yeari after twenty-five "(25) years service at the rate of twenty-five (25) working days per year. (b) The leave credited for any month of service may betaken in any subsequent month provided, however 1 such leave , will not interfere with the work of the ~epartment, and applica- tion for such leave has been made in advance and approved by the Department Head. (c) No employee shall be permitted to accumulate annual leave in excess of the amount earned over a two (2) year period and such leave is subject to provision (b) stated above. ~,_- ,-"")7'" . . . . (d) Any annual leave accumulated in excess of two (2) weeks may be paid in' cash provided pay is taken the year after vacation is accumulated. (e) Vacation will be, granted only after the com- pletion of one full year's service. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES that Section 5 of Resolution No. 1-67 is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 5. LEGAL HOLIDAYS: The following are l~gal holi- days: the first day of January, commonly called New Year's Day; the twelfth day of February, being the anniversary of the birth of Abraham Lincoln; the twenty-second day of February, being the day in September, to be known as Labor Day; the first Tuesday be known as Veteran's Day; the twenty-fifth day of December, commonly called Christmas Day, and any day designated by public proclamation of the Chief Executive of the State as a day of Provided that: whenever any l~gal holiday falls on a Sunday, em- ployees who. generally do not work on Sunday shall have Monday as a holiday, and except whenever any holiday falls on a Saturday, em- ployees who generally do not work on Saturday shall have the pre- T~ -1-1~ ~~ I .:lId- ~ ~ J),E.;./Ef"'lrJJ:1/a;l.7, vious Friday-as a holiday. .... " ..... ." AHest: =:6 ;g'1Jzu71;Q~~ .~ City Clerk " ' ..~ ..... ~c " ApprOved as to -form: ~e~ V Cl.ty orney