HomeMy WebLinkAbout20-95 RESOLUTION NO. 20-95
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of
Port Angeles, Washington, relating to a money
purchase retirement plan.
WHEREAS, the City has employees rendering valuable
services; and
WHEREAS, the establishment of a money purchase retirement
~lan benefits employees by providing funds for retirement and funds
for their beneficiaries in the event of death; and
WHEREAS, the City desires that its money purchase
retirement plan be administered by the ICMA Retirement Corporation
and that the funds held under such plan be invested in the ICMA
Retirement Trust, a trust established by public employers for the
collective investment of funds held under their retirement and
deferred compensation plans:
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the
City of Port Angeles that the City of Port Angeles hereby
establishes a money purchase retirement plan (the Plan) in the form
of the ICMA Retirement Corporation Prototype Money Purchase Plan
and Trust, pursuant to the specific provisions of the Adoption
Agreement (copy attached hereto).
The Plan shall be maintained for the exclusive benefit of
eligible employees and their beneficiaries; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City hereby executes the
ICMA Retirement Trust; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City hereby agrees to serve
as trustee under the Plan and to invest funds held under the Plan
in the ICMA Retirement Trust; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City's Human Resources
Manager shall be the coordinator of the Plan; shall receive
necessary reports, notices, etc., from the ICMA Retirement
Corporation or the ICMA Retirement Trust; shall cast, on behalf of
the City any required votes under the ICMA Retirement Trust; may
delegate any administrative duties relating to the Plan to
appropriate personnel; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City hereby authorizes
Robert Coons, Human Resources Manager, to execute all necessary
agreements with the ICMA Retirement Corporation incidental to the
administration of the Plan.
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at
a regular meeting of said Council held on the 5th day of
September , 1995.
M A Y O~
Carol A. Hagar, ~puty
Crai~ D. ~utson, City Attorney
Thc Employer he.by establishes a ~onm/~ Plan and Talc m be knmm as City of Port
Anqeles City ~naoer (d~ ~PI~") ~n ~ {o{m ~ d~ lClviA Retire
Corporation ~~ M~ ~ P~ ~ T~
~ y~ ~ No
hereby ame~ ~d ~:
1. Emplo~r. City of Port Angeles ,
ll. Proto ,type Sponsor.
lqame: ICMA Retirm~ent Corporation
Address: 777 N. Capitol Sm-et, N.E.
Washin~on, D.C. 20002-4240
Telephone Number:. (202) 962-4600
III. The Effective Date of the Plan shall be the first da+, of the Plan Year durin~ which the
Employer adopts the Plan, unless an alternate Effective Dam is heml~/
IV. Plan Year will mcan: '
The twe|ve (12) conr~cutive month period which coinc, id~ with the [imit~-
tion year. (Se~ Section 6.05(0 of the Plan.)
The twe lye (12) c~utive month period comamncing on 01/01 and
MPP Ado]orion Agreement 12/23/94
V. Normal Retirement Age ~ be age 65-13 {not to eat~i age 65).
1. The following group or grOUl~ of Emplovem m'~ eligible to participa~ m th~ Plan:
All EmpioWm
All Full.'rir~ F. mplolm~
City mnaoer 0nly , ,
The group ~p~:ffied mm ~ to a geoup of th~ mam~ dmignation that is defined
in the statures, ordinance, rules, regulations, personal manual~ or othar material in
effect in the state or locality of tl~
2. The Employer h~b,/waiv~ or ~itu:~ tt~ r~luix~nent of a twelve (12) month
Period of Servi~ for participation. The e~quix~ Period of S~vi~ mhall be
(write N/A if an Employ~ is eligible to pax~ipa~ upon ~uxployment).
If this waiver or reduction is elected, it shall apply to all Employees within the
Covered Employment Classification.
3. A minimum ag~' requirement is hereby mpe¢ifieat for eligibility to participate. The
minimum age requirement is N/R {not to exceed age 21. Write N/A if no
m,mmum age is declared.)
1. The Employer ahall c. ontnbute a~ follow~ (e..hoo~ one, if applicable):
KI Fixeg Employ. Camtxibutiom With Or Without lvi~u~ Participant
- Contributions.
The Employer shall contribute on behal{ o{ each Participant 7,. 6,2 % of
Earnings or $..~. for the Plan Year (subject to the [imimuons o{ Article VI
o£ the Plan). Each Pamctpant is requi~d m conmbute -~- % of Eamin~
or $ 0, {or the PLan Year as a condition o{ participation in the Plan. (Write
"0" if no conmbution is required.) If Parucipant Co-nuibutions m~ r~lui~d
under this option, a Panicipan~ shall not have the n~t to discontinue or
var~ the rate of such conmbutions a/r~r becomir~ a Plan Pamcipsr~.
MPP Adoption A§reement 12Z23/g4
nnq _¢~a
The Employer hereby elects to ~pick up" the Mandatory~ir~ Pnrticipam
N/A ~ Yes ~l No
INote m Emplov~ Neither sn opinion let~r issued ~ ~ ln~
Revenue S~i~ ~ ~t m ~ ~m~ P~ nor a
le~er ~ w ~ ~~ ~~ ~ a ~,li~ ~ ~ lnt~l Revere
Se~ice ~t Pamci~t ~mbu~ ~t ~ p~ up ~ ~e
~t ~l~ble m ~ ~~'s ~ ~ f~ ~
Picked up contributiom
ineorrm under section 414~)(2)
if~ ~t ~ ~u~~ ~B~.
~~enu ~ (1) ~t ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~t ~e ~mbutio~,
al~ough d~i~ted ~ e~t~ ~m~ti~, ~ ~ paid by ~e Em-
plover m lieu of conmbuti~
not ~ve ~e option of mce~ ~e ~bu~ ~~ dimctt? imt~ of
~vlng ~em ~id ~ ~ ~l~ m ~ p~]
Fixed Employer Match of ~t Con~
The Hmplcn/~ shall contribute on behal/of ~ Participant % of Earn-
ings for the Plan Year (subject to the limimtiom of Amcles V and VI of the
Plan) for each Plan Year timt such Participant has conmbuted % of
Earnings or $ Under this option, there is a single, fixed rate of Em-
plover contributions, but a Participant tray decline to make the required
Participant conmbutions in any Plan Year, in which ca.se no Employer contri-
bution will be made on the Participant's behal/m that Plan Year.
Variable Employer Match Of Participant Contributions.
The Employer shall conmbute on behalf of each Patucipant an amount de-
termined as iollows (subject to the limitations of Arlic~ V al~ VI of the Plan):
.. % of the Participant contributions nm& by the Participant for
the Plan Year (not including Participant contributions exceeding % of
Eaming~ or $ );
PLUS % of the contributions made by the Participant for the
Plan Year m excess of those included m the above paragraph (but not includ-
ing Participant conmbutiom exceeding in the aggre~te , , % of Earnings
or $ ).
Employer Contributiom on behalf of a Participant for a Plan Y~r
ex= $ or % of n , w mev r Ca or ! 2 4
MPP Adoption Agreement 12/23/94
Each Pamcipam n~y make volunmr~ (unmamh~), a/tm'-m conmbuuon, mbjec~ w
~e li~m~ of S~ion 4.05 ~ Anicl~ V ~ ~ ~ ~ P~
~ y~ ~ No
3. Em. plover contributions ~ Pamci;mm contributions shall i~ contriburz~l to the
Trust m accorchnce with the followi~ palnnent schedule
First ~eek after esch month earneO
Eamir~, as defined under Section 2.0/) of the Plm,
(a) ~
O Y~s I~ No
(b) Bonus=
~1 Y~ ~ No
If the Employer (i) maintains or ever maintained another qualified plan m which any Par-
ttctpant in this Phn is (or w'as) a pamcipant or could possibly become a paracide, and/or
(ii) maintatm a welfar~ ben~t fund (as defined in section 419(e) of the Code) or an indi-
vidual medical account (as defined m section 415(1)(2) of the Cocle, under which amounts
are treated as Annual Additions with respect to any Participant in this Plan) the Employer
hereby agrees to limit conmbutions to all such plans as provided hereto, if necessary in order
to avoid excess conmbutions (as described in Sections 6.03 and 6.04 of the Plan).
!. If the Participant is cove~d under another qualified defined contribution plan
maintained by the Employer, other than a Regional Prototype Plan, the provisiom
of Secuon 6.02{a) through (lc) of the Plan will apply as if the other plan were a
Master Prototype Plan, unless another method has been indicated below.
Other Method. (Provide the m~thod under which the plans will limit
total Annual Additions to the Maximum Petmi.~ible Amount, and will
properly x~luce any excess amounts, in a manner that precludes Employer
MPP Adoption Asreement 12/23/94
2. If the Participant is or has ever been a pamcipanc in a defined benefiz plan main.
tamed by the Empire/et, and if the limitation m Section 6.04 of the Plan would be
exceeded, then the Pamcipant's Projected Annual l~mefit uxa:let the defined benefit
plan shall be reduced in accozdance with the terms thereof to the extent necessary to
satts~ such limitation. If such plan does not provide for such reduction, or if the
limitation ts mil exceeded after the teductior, armual additions ~hall be zeduced to
the extent necessary in the manner de~:tibed in Sections 6.01 through 6.03. The
methods of avoiding the l!mJcazfl:m described m this patagtaph will not apply if the
the 1.0 limitation c~ section 415(e) of the Cade. Such language must
pzeclude Employer ~ See section 1.415-I of the Regulations for
3. The limitation year ts the following 12-comecucive month period: 3an 1 - Dec 31.
The Employer hereby specifies the following vesting schedule, subject to (1) the minimum
vesnng requ,tements as noted and (2) the concurrence of the Plan Admmisttator.
Years of Specified Minimum
Service Percent Vesting
Completed V~ne ~r~lllLtgllIr~a**
Zero ll]O % No minimum
One 100 % No minimum
Two 100 % No minimum
Three 'T00~% Not less than 20%
Four 1[]~ % Not less than 40~
Five ~IX) % Not less than 60%
Six 100% Not less than 80%
'- Seven, or mote I00 % Must equal 100~
(**These minimum vesting requirements conform to the Cocle's three to seven year vem~mg
schedule. If the employee becomes 100% veszed by the completion of five yeats of service,
there is no minimum for yeats three and four.)
XI. Loans are permitted under the Plan, as provided in Article XIV:
~ Yes C~ No
MPP Adoption Agreemem 12.223/94 ~ __.
001-94 I' I
Plan made puouant to Section IS.05 of the Plan m of' ch~
of the Plan.
XIV. Th~ Emvlo~ h~mi~ al~m~ the Pmmtt~ $lmmm u
the tm and conditmm of the I(~lvlA P,~rlILEI~TT CORPORATION PROTOTYPE
Ti~ Emplov~ l~n~ a~.es to ~ pa,.aiom d time Plan ~ T~
Adop~on A~~t ~V ~t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.
XVI. An adop~g ~plo~ ~ ~t mty ~ a ~~ l~ ~ ~ ~ Nati~l ~
D~mct ~i~ of ~ ~te~l Revenue ~ ~ ev~ ~t ~ P~ h qml~Md
under secnon 401 of ~ ~~ Re~ ~ In ~ m o~ m~ M~
This Adopuon Agreement may he used only in conjunccion with basic Plan document
number 001.
In Witness Whereof, the Employer he_m~ camm this Agmen~-nt to he executed on
EMPLOYER Ac. cepmd: l(21v~ R.L~i'lR]~fl~q~ GORPORATION
T ttc: HL nan Resources mna0er ae: con t
MPP Adoption A~eement 12/23/94