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A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles,
Washington, amending the City Personnel Policy and Procedures for
City employees.
WHEREAS, the City of Port Angeles desires to update and modify its policies
regarding travel expenses, vehicle use, and reimbursement policies.
Section 1. The City of Port Angeles Personnel Policy and Procedures Manual is
hereby amended by revising Chapter 12 as set forth in the attached Exhibit A.
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said
Council held on the 18 day of September, 2012.
ansa Hurd, City Clerk E. Bloor, City Attorney
G \LEGAL\a ORDINANCES &RESOLUTIONS\RESOLUTIONS 2012\21 Travel Policy 09 06 12 wpd
Cherie Kidd, Mayor
This policy is to provide for consistent application and use of travel funds, and
authorization and reimbursement of travel expenses. The City Manager may authorize
travel expenses that vary from this policy at his /her discretion, on a case -by -case basis,
when necessary.
It is the employee's sole responsibility to use travel funds for their approved purpose
only and properly document expenditures with receipts in accordance with this policy.
Contact the Finance Department for a copy of the travel request form.
Failure of the employee to properly and timely reconcile their travel advance through the
Finance Department shall authorize the City to deduct all funds advanced from the
employee's paycheck.
Prior to travel, employees must submit a Travel Request form to their Department
Director for approval. The form must provide all travel costs, including transportation,
lodging, registration, meals, and other related expenses. If an employee wants money
for travel expenses in advance of the travel, such requests must be received in the
Finance Department by 5 p.m. on Wednesday of the week before the planned trip. Any
prior travel advances must be reconciled before additional advances will be given.
Requests for less than $50 will be processed after completion of the travel.
All travel requests must be signed and approved by the employee's Department
Director or his /her designee. Travel for Department Directors must be signed and
approved by the City Manager or his /her designee. Travel for the City Manager must be
signed by the Mayor or his /her designee. Travel for Council members must be signed
and approved by the City Manager or his /her designee.
All travel in excess of $2,500 must be signed and approved by the City Manager. This
includes ALL travel related expenses, such as registration, testing, mileage, etc.
Travel expenses in excess of those received in advance will be paid to employees upon
submission of the approved travel request/expense form. Travel expenses which the
employee cannot document with receipts or other appropriate verification will not be
approved for reimbursement (excluding meals).
Registration fees may be paid by City credit card, or be submitted for payment through
Accounts Payable and paid directly to the vendor from information submitted. A copy of
the registration showing what is included in the registration fee (i.e. meals, recreational
activities, etc.) must also be attached to the Advance Travel form.
Travel expenses incurred but not approved on the Travel Request form may be
reimbursable with proper verification, provided such expenses are directly related to
City travel and are approved by the Department Director or City Manager, per
procedures noted above.
Expenses incurred but not related to the actual travel, such as for copies, books, etc.,
should not be included on the travel form. Rather, these should be submitted for
payment either through Accounts Payable or petty cash (depending on the amount) and
coded accordingly, or may be paid by City credit card.
The employee shall submit the completed and reconciled travel /expense form to
Finance within five (5) working days after completion of the travel. Per IRS regulations,
travel not reconciled in a timely manner will become taxable income.
Checks for less than $10.00 will not be written for those who travel frequently, but may
be added to the next travel request. It is the responsibility of the employee to keep track
of the minor amounts owed and add them to a future travel advance.
The Finance Director shall review meal, lodging, mileage and car allowances
periodically and recommend adjustments.
Employees are encouraged to pay advance travel overages by check or money order.
However, in the event this is not possible, cash and the travel form must be turned in to
the Finance Department for a written receipt.
Transportation Reimbursement:
A pool car should be used for travel, however, if approved by the Department Director,
private vehicles may be used and mileage paid at the rate set by the City Manager. If
no pool car is available, the IRS mileage will be paid. The IRS mileage rates can be
found on the web at http: /irs- mileage rate.com.
If more than one employee is traveling at the same time to the same event, only one
may claim the full mileage allowance or they may share the allowed amount for a
private vehicle.
If more than one employee is traveling at the same time to the same event and one is
taking a pool car, the other employee shall receive no mileage reimbursement, unless
there is a valid work related reason for having to take a second vehicle, and with
advanced approval by the City Manager
To qualify for breakfast, an employee must leave before 7:00 a.m. To qualify for dinner,
the employee must reasonably expect to return from business activities after 7:00 p.m.
In the event travel is less than one day (i.e. an employee does not leave home or work
until 7 a.m. or the meeting ends at early enough in the day to allow the employee to be
back before 7 p.m.), the per diem payment will be pro -rated 25% for breakfast, 25% for
lunch, and 50% for dinner. To qualify for meal allowance, the employee must be on City
business outside the Port Angeles area (30 -mile radius) during regular meal hours. No
receipts are required for meal expenses unless you use your City credit card, then all
receipts must be attached and no further amount will be paid.
If an employee is attending a meeting or conference where meals are included, or if the
hotel in which the employee is staying provides a hot breakfast included in the room
rate, reimbursement for substitute meals will not be allowed and the per diem will be
reduced accordingly. However, if the hotel or conference only provides what is
commonly known as a continental breakfast, this does not qualify as a meal and per
diem for breakfast will be allowed.
Lodging arrangements must be made in the most cost effective manner. Whenever
possible, IRS rates should be followed. The Finance Department publishes the rates
annually and tax is in addition to these IRS rates. When calling a hotel /motel for rates,
always ask for government, corporate, or other discounted rates.
The IRS meal per diem schedule by location will be distributed annually by the Finance
Department or can be found on the web at http: /www.gsa.gov /portal /category/21287.
New rates go into effect as of October 1 of each year, and include tax and gratuity. The
maximum per diem allowable will be at the Seattle level, regardless of IRS rates.
If the lodging expenses for the conference host site exceed the IRS lodging per diem,
alternate accommodations should be sought. Excess per diem may be approved under
the following conditions: 1) No alternate lodging is available within a reasonable
distance of the event site which is within the IRS limit; 2) Transportation between the
alternate lodging site and the event site would exceed any savings; or 3) the
Department Director or his /her designee has authorized the excess expenditure in
writing and in advance for any exigent circumstances which may exist. In such instance,
the City Manager will be informed of the variance to this policy for his /her concurrence.
If a family member or a guest accompanies the employee, the employee shall pay the
amount over a single accommodation.
Receipts for lodging are required.
Airline Tickets:
Coach fare airline tickets will be purchased in the most cost effective manner. Any
charges above coach rate will be the responsibility of the employee, if they opt for
upgrades, such as bulkhead row, exit row seat, etc. Each Department will be
responsible for placing reservations. Invoices for airfare must be submitted to Accounts
Payable for payment, with a copy of the invoice, or a City credit card may be used. The
City will pay for only one piece of luggage to be checked.
Ferry Fees and Taxi Fares:
These expenses will be reimbursed on the basis of receipts.
General City Vehicle Policy:
City vehicles may only be used by employees for City business. The Department
Director is responsible to ensure compliance with this vehicle use policy for their
department. An employee may be assigned a vehicle on a regular basis or for special
needs due to workload changes, seasonal or weather conditions that require an
additional vehicle to provide services.
Employees authorized to use City vehicles shall operate the vehicle in a safe,
courteous, and efficient manner and shall conform to all State and local laws governing
the use and operation of a motor vehicle. Employee should not talk on cell phones
while driving a city vehicle or if necessary, pull over off the roadway where it is safe.
Employees must have valid Washington drivers' license and proof of insurance. The
City reserves the right to require employees driving City vehicles to produce a driving
record abstract upon request.
City vehicles may not be operated if the employee has consumed any amount of alcohol
or is under the influence of any drug which may impair one's ability to operate the
vehicle safely. It is the responsibility of the employee to notify his supervisor of any
possible impairment, so he /she does not operate equipment or vehicles.
Any accident or injury occurring in a City vehicle shall be reported immediately to the
employee's supervisor as well as completing the necessary accident report forms
obtained from the employee's supervisor.
Gas Credit Cards:
A CFN gas card is included whenever a pool car is checked out and may only be used
for City -owned vehicles.
After -Hours City Vehicle Use for Employees Subject to Call Back:
The Department Director shall determine whether an employee takes home an
assigned vehicle or has the employee report to a City facility to pick up the vehicle for
after -hours use. This determination shall be based upon:
a) The frequency of the call -outs (average of once per month);
b) The person performs after hours emergency services;
c) It is the most efficient method of operation in performing the services during the
after -hours work.
d) The employee must use the vehicle to respond directly to the call -out scene.
Non -City Employee Transportation:
An employee may transport non -City employees in City vehicles during the execution of
City business only. This action requires advanced approval from the employee's
Department Director. An employee assigned a City vehicle for after -hours use on a
regular basis may use the vehicle for incidental personal business such as making a
quick stop for groceries on the way home or other similar situation. Family members
may not be transported in a City vehicle.
Reimbursement for Employees Using Their Private Vehicles:
Employees are encouraged to use a City vehicle for City business whenever possible.
However, an employee may be authorized to use his /her private vehicle for conducting
City business as determined by the Department Director. If a City vehicle is not
available, reimbursement for mileage shall be based upon the Internal Revenue Service
mileage reimbursement rate. In the event the employee prefers to use his /her private
vehicle for out -of -town travel in lieu of an available City vehicle, the employee shall
receive prior Department Director approval to be reimbursed for mileage at the rate
authorized by the City Manager.
If an employee is authorized to use his /her private vehicle for City business, it is the
responsibility of the Department Director to ensure the employee has a valid driver's
license and vehicle insurance to protect the City in the event of an accident.
General Rule:
The personal use of a City provided vehicle is taxable to the employee. "Personal use"
includes commuting, as well as local and out -of -town personal travel.
Record Keeping Requirements:
Employees must keep records for business and personal miles driven in City provided
vehicles. Record keeping procedures shall be prescribed by the Finance Department.
For specific IRS regulations on record keeping and vehicle taxation, see the Finance
Loss of Drivers License:
If an employee who is expected to drive a City vehicle or operate equipment as a
normal job activity loses his /her driver's license, the employee will notify their supervisor
immediately and shall not operate any vehicle or equipment. The City will determine if
the employee has an acceptable driving record and what personnel actions, if any, are
necessary relative to employment status due to the loss of the driver's license.