HomeMy WebLinkAbout21-65 CED- 3 (7-62) J?cSt::; J. Vr IoN ND- ~/- '!1- .sm:GES'l'Efl F-O.ft:M OF ~ RELATIVE TO URBAN PLIlliNING ASSlSTANCE ORAl-IT . WHEREAS, tbo em 0'11'02lr ~~S desires to pro- vide for a planning study contribuUng to an over-all program for future community development, the preservation of community values, the prevention of conditions tending to cause urban blight, and the promotion of the general health, safety and welfare of its citizens; and, WHEREAS, the State Department of Commer(:e and Econom:Lc Development, uneer authority of Chapters 157 enrl 215, Statutes 1957, Regular Session, may provide planning assistance for such ~ program and receive financial assistance from the Urban Renewal Administration, as aut.horized by Section 701 of "~he Housing Act of 1954;, as ame11ded by the Housl,",g Act of 1959 and again by -Ghe HOl.lsii.:g Ad. of 1960; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that tho em at.POD! An'm'r~ hereby requests the State Depar"i:ment of Commerce and Economic Development .co provide planning assistance under authority of Chap"i;.ers 157 a.1C'. 215, Sta"i;.U"l,es 1957, Regular Session, with such financial assistance as may be provided by the Urban Renewal Administration, under authority of Section 701 of the Housing Act of 1954 (P.L. 860, 83rd Congress), as amended by the Housing Act of 1959 (P.L. 86- 372, 86th Congress). That such planning assistance is more particularly des- cribed in a project description that is attached hereto and made a part of this resolution as if fully Bet forth herein. THAT, tho em OJ' IOn'! &r.Gt:Lt:S , subject to approval of such planning assistance by the State and Federal authorities, hereby authorizes: (a) payment to the State Department of Commerce and Economic Development of a sum not to exceed C '.100 _ in cash and, (b) use of personnel of the em OP' PO:n' AfXJ:CL!:S technical assistance in this project, which assistance value of $ 1,500. for has an estimated . THAT, the total estimated cost of the project as planned is $ 18.400 THAT, the authorized official orB em 0!1 ~ ~~r"JN,J --.--- be, and he hereby is, authorized and empowered to execute in the name of t'Rn em tJ1l'OR! ~ all necessary contracts and agreements to implement a'1d carry out the purposes specified in thi.s resolut.ion. Pert AIt-olrta IS Passed by tje ccm:on. ./tfR::n;'Jf'~h , 19~. Effective ~ ~, Attest: of the em this ~dda"y of Ir'~- 11 ~ 'lI'k/ ~ff"'-i - , ( C erk ~'j ~ .. r~_~~, a ~Aut orize OrfiC& J ~ (Original and four certified copies to be submitted with the application to t~~a D(::p~trtment of Commerce and EconoI!".ic Development. ) (Five certified copies of this resolution were mailed to the Dept. of Commerce & Economic Development, Olympia, Wash, Sept. 3, 1965)