HomeMy WebLinkAbout22-71 . . RESOLUTION NO. ~~-71 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles commending Joseph W. Wolfe. WHEREAS, at the inception of the Council-Manager form of government in this city in 1952 some fifty-two persons filed for election for the seven council seats and one of those was Joseph E. Wolfe who was elected, and WHEREAS, in spite of predictions of disaster from the un- informed, Joseph W. Wolfe and the rest of the Council made this new form of government function smoothly and efficiently for the benefit of the populace; and WHEREAS, during the 'last twenty years Joseph W. Wolfe has served on that Council for sixteen years in which time improve- ments and advancements too numerous to mention have came about in this City, so that as he retires as Mayor, Joe Wolfe can look back on a job well done. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that this Council go on record by this Resolution in expressing its appreciation to Joseph W. Wolfe for his untiring, cheerful devotion to duty over a period of sixteen years on behalf of the citizens of this City for which there is little reward, except for a realization that he has served and served well. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles and approved by its Mayor at a regular meeting of the Council held on this 11th day of January, 1972. ~ ,;...~~~~~... e-..!" - ~;' -:I sf- ~~ZJ .,4'~ Mayor ,- ,"!...-+ "'~'7::. E Attest.: _ (SEAL) Ll)p? ~/Vl C-A, "-,:' ~ //.u- /.il~~ "',,, ."~i ty'clerk Approved as to form: I !I '," . . j ~.~, .." " ,', ~ r., .> RESOLUTION NO.. .2c:t:- --;;.l j. ~ RRSOLUTIOlf of the Citylct6.Wl'cb:..Of ~El'.j:iti pi ~ort Angeles commenging Joseph W. Wolfe. r ,/I: 't.... .. ~- ~ 'f '..t- ~ '!- . .~ \ . , WHEREAS t at the inc,(;!f>t;!on.,ot: t!ie, Co~ci1-t;!~nagef fq,rm Of; .... I" '., _ I . . , go~rnment in this city in US2\ some. 'fiftir-:t:.\ltb pers.ons' fi1:&d" '.. for electiqn for the seven council seats and one of those was Joseph E. Wolfe who was elected, and WHEaEAS, in spite qf ;predictions 'of disaster from the un- informed, JosephW. Wolfe and the rest of the Council made this new fotIn of government function smoothly and efficiently for the , ' 'benefit of the populacel and ~fHEREAS, during the"last twenty years Joseph W. wolfe has '. se~ved on that Council for sixteen years in which time improve- I\lents a~? advancements too numerous to mention have carne about in this City, .0 that as, he retires as Mayor, Joe Wolfe can look back on a job well done. " NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESPLVED that this Council go on record by this Resolution in expressing its appreciation to . Joseph w. Wolfe for his untiring, cheerful devotion to duty over a period of sixte~n'years on behalf of the citizens of this City for which ~hexe is little reward, except for a realization that he has served and served well.' PASSED by the City.Council of the City of Port Angeles and apprQved by its Mayor, at. a regular meeting of the Council "."'. '~.'(n,~~.",) '.~ .. held,:'6U'1:.h.i,s'l:1th day of January, 1972. , ~..~ - ",'- ,., .~ ii,-.... e ' ;'~'''' , ~ . . t ~ -!:,- ,.... .,.~... ~ :/,.-..., ~~",.}oZc:/h~.~~~J ~:<~CNEECE , . .' City Clerk ";.cV~o~ Mayor ~ "l"