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A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port
Angeles respectfully requesting the Clallam County
Commissioners and Planning Commission to set aside
additional property for Industrial Development in the
Comprehensi ve Plan.
WHEREAS, the Clallam County Planning Commission is in the process
of holding public hearings and this is the proper time and place for submitting com-
ments on the proposed County Comprehensive Plan, and
WHEREAS, Milwaukee Railroad has announced a tentative decision to.
abandon their railroad line on the Olympic Peninsula due to a lack of industry to
support the railroad, and
WHEREAS, many young people are forced to leave the North Olympic
Peninsula to find employment due to a lack of industrial growth to furnish local
job opportunities, and
WHEREAS, automation in some phases of the timber and pulp industry
have created the need for more jobs locally, and
WHEREAS, the style of log storage has been changing from water to
dry land storage because of adverse environmental impacts of logs on water, there-
by greatly increasing the quantity of land required for industrial purposes, and
WHEREAS, different types of industries have different requirements in
locating a plant; therefore, a wide variety of different types of sites should be
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WHEREAS,. there' now exists a.serious defiCiency in potential industrial
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sites within Clallam County I and
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WHEREAS, a strong, heal thy economy is dependent upon a variety of
industries in convenient and compatible locations.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of
Port Angeles to respectfully request that the ClaHam County Commissioners and
Planning Commission review the proposed Clallam County Comprehensive Plan to
insure that provision is made for a wide variety of potential industrial development
sites to enhance the continued economic well-being of Clallam County.
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular
meeting of the Council held on the 27th day of July, 1977.
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Marian C. Parrish, City Clerk
Approved as to form:
C. T. Walrath, City Attorney
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Carleton B. Olson, Mayor
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