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RES 0 t uti 0 N N O.
\'iHERJ<~AS, the Department of Highways of th~ State of Wtishington, acUng as
Agents of and for the Bureau of Public Ro~ds of the Department of Commerce of the
United States of America, is desirous of o.ol'iStrilcting a Federal Aid Project F-
007-3(10) through the City of Port Angeles and is desIrOUS
of routing the traffic on said in~rovement through said City of Port Angeles
over First Street, PSH 9 (SR 101), from Alder Street to the East
Corporate Limits.
and crossing other certain intersecting streets and public thoroughfares, and,
l~ttEREAS, the Department of Highways of the State of ITashington is desirous of
receiving l<~ederll funds for the improvement of said First Street
PSH 9 (SR 101). from Alder st. to the East Corporate Limits . and
r~ER8AS, the Bureau of Public Roads of the Department of CO"~0rce of the Uni-
ted States of America will not participate in the construdion of said First
street. PSH 9 (SR 101) from Alder St. to the.East Corporate Limits
until and unless the ~ of Port Angeles will agree to refrain from
perrratting encroachments upon thp. right of way of said above-mentioned streets;
H011!, THEimFORE, BE IT Rt<;SOLVt:D by the Hayor and Council of the Ci y of
Port Angles that for and L~ consideration of' the Department of
Hizhways of the State of 11ashington and the Bureau of Public Roads of the Depart-
ment of Com,lnerce of the United States of' America constructing said Federal
Aid Project F-007-3(10) and routing traffic on the
same through the ~ of ,. Port Angeles Clver First Street, PSH No. 9
(SR 101) from Alder street to the East Corporate Limits
and crossing other certain intersecting streets and public thoroughfares, it hereby
agrees v:it.h the Department of HiGhways of the State of ":ashington and t:le Bureau of
Public Roads of the Department of Cotrunerce of the United States of i.merica that it
will not, in the future, permit encroachments on the right of way of the sa:i.d above
mentioned streets.
PASS~D tho ~ Cou~ciy of the
Gounty, l'rashinGtori~is ~ day of
. -
Cit~ . Port. .;nse1es
/kJ. ~ A.D. 1) 65 .
, Clallam
-- :dJi ~ i-1edL--
A.D. 19.65
I hereby certify the foregoing to be a trl.le copy of the original resolution
No.25-65passed by the City COlmcil of the City of Port Angeles
Clallam County, Washington, on the 21stdayof Oct.. A.D., 19b~ .
In t~le regular meeting of said ~ Council.
Dated this ~ day of
A.D., 19~.
C L E R J(