HomeMy WebLinkAbout26-95SENT BY:Preston Gates &Ellis ;11- 7-95 ; 1:40PM ; PRESTON, SEA, FL, 49- 360 417 4509;g 3 ]~,SOLTJTION N0.2 6- 9 5 A RESOLT. TrXON of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Wsshinamn, ac~ptin~ a bid for the role of its Unlimitud Tax General Obiiaation nonca, 1~; ~ t~ ~t m~ a~l ot~t~ of~uc~ bo~b; ~1 ~ fortA d~m"~ oftl~ such bonds, an u provided by Ordinance No. 2892 of the City. ~, the ci~, of ~,oa ~ wa~aaatoa (~ "City") ]m .thoriz~ ~ i~ o~ $~,~,~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ (~ "~."), ~upm~~No, 2~ ~~, ~~~ 17, 1~5 (~ ~ ~~"); ~ ~p~ ~~ 1~-12 of~ S~ ~ A~ Co~~; ~ ~ow, ~o~ ~ ~ ~o~ ~ ~ ~ c~ of ~ ~ oe "~" ~ ~ ~~ S~ ~ B~ ~ ~ ~r to its ~m. SENT BY:Preston ~a=es &Ellis ;11- ?-95 ; 1:41PM ; PRESTON, SEA, FL, 49- 380 417 4509;# 4 S~'fion 2. _Acce~a~. of'Bid end Ap__u~ of Bomi Terms. Thc bid of the PurchMer for the Bond~ ~ u F, xhibit A hereto and hcmpoFated herdn by ods refbrmce, is hereby in ~ rupecu accept~ and approved, and ~ Bonds shall be i~_,~ and sold ~o ~he Purchaser in nuture on November I in the yeara and amoun~ ami bern* interest at the rMoa set Forth below. 1~6 $ loo,ooo 2.9o% 1997 110,000 3.9O 1998 l IS,0O0 4.00 t9~9 120,000 4.12S 200O 125,000 4.25 2001 135,000 4.30 2OO2 140,000 4.40 20O3 150,000 4.50 2005 165,000 4.70 2OO6 175,000 4.80 2007 185,000 4.90 2008 195,000 5.00 20O9 210,OO0 5. lO 2010 220,000 $,20 2011 230,000 5.25 2012 245,000 5.40 1013 260,000 5,50 2014 270,000 5.50 2015 290,000 $.~0 the Bond Ordinnce end Ods resolution. Section 4. Undmakine m Provide ~ Disciomre. the benefit of'the ownaj nd Bauflci, l Owners (-- hereinafter defined) of the Bonds u required b~ Section CoXS) o~the P. ute. B. Financi~ Ststanent~Ooereti~_ D~t-~ Thc Cit7 qroes to providc or came to be in ~ with tim Rule, the R~lowin~ ~ ~ ~ ~ operatin~ data f~ tim SENT BY:Preeton Ga~ee &EIl£e ;11- 7-95 ; 1:41PM ; PRESTON, SEA. FL, 49~ 360 417 4509;~ 5 SENT BY:Preston Gates &Ellis ;11- ?-95 ; 1:42PM ; PRESTON, SEA, FL, 49~ 360 417 4509;# 6 6. Adver~ tax opiniom or eva~ sitbctins the tax-exempt Bonda; - 9. ~0. ~ ~b~ ~ ~ of ~, ~ ~, ~ ~ ~ ~ k~ ~ ~ 10 ~e, ~ d~ ~ ~ B~ ~ m ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~. ~ ~ Ci~ ~~ ~ to D. N~~ U~ F~ m ~d. FlaUnt ~ ~ C~ ~ to p~ ~, ~ of ~ ~m m ~e ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ S~on B ~~m~to~~~~B~. ~ r~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~y to ~ B~; ~ ~ ~S~ ~ ~ ~, ~ ~, of ~ O~On ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. SENT BY:Preston Gates &Ellis ;11- 7-95 ; 1:43P~ ; PRESTON, SEA. FL, 49~ 360 417 4509;# ? in the nme mature' u for a mttea, l eve~ ~,~d~ ~ C, ~md ('~) the annual ~ f~ the year in which the Gl~b mole ~ ~ a compamon ('m aa'm~ ~)rm ,ad aZ.o, · l~ne6~ Owner of ~onds to enhance fl~ ~ of this section shall be ~ to a ri~t to Bonds hamnd~. For i, urpos~ of this sectlon. 'Ben~cial Owner" n~ms any person who hu nmice ofbond ni~ the Pmdmer hu obtained, at ~ ~ole expense, a policy of municipal bond of sad interest on the Bond~ The C~ ~ ac. knowled~M ~1 tMn'ov~ the ~l SENT BY:Preston Gages &Ellis ;11- ?-95 ; 1:43PM ; PRESTON, SEA. FL, 49- 360 417 4509;~ 8 m~d ~ in this reooluflon nd droll in no w~y dt~t flJe veiMity of the other provisions of' this ~n or of'tr~ Bomb. Section S. ~. This resolution dali take ~ bnnudiately upon its ADO~ b~ ~he C~ Council or' the Ci~ of Port Anseb, Wubin~on, ~t a resubr retains tbacot'this ';th dry ot'N~, l~S. ~ OF POII.T A~S, WASHINGTON ATTEST: ~ENT BY:Preston OaSes &Ellis ;ll- ?-95 ; l:44PM ; PRESTON,~EA. FL, 4g-* 300 417 4509;~ EXM~B~T A CITY OF PORT ~GE~ W~G~N ~ T~ GE~ OB~GA~ON BO~S, l~S m,~ ~ 2o=o ~o,~ ,~. IM,~ ' '-~ I~,~ ~, ~ ~ 2014 2~,~ ~. % % ~~ , l~. SENT DY:Pres=on aa~es &Ellis ;11- 7-95 ; 1:45PM ; PRESTON, SEA. FL, 49~ 360 417 4509;~10 SENT BY:Preston Gates &Ellis ;11- ?-95 ; 1:45PM ; PRESTON, SEA, FL, 49- 360 417 4509;#11 AFFIDAVIT RE BIDS RECEIVED AT PUBLIC SALE The undersigned, David O. Thompson, hereby states that ~ total of I0 bids were received in connection with the public sale on November 7, 1995 of the City of Port Angclcs, Washington, Unlirnit~ Tax Gon~ral Obligation Bond~, 1995. Copies of all bids r~c~ived ar~ attached to this Affidavit. DATI~D this 7th day ofNovembe, r, 1995. l~vid O. Thorap~ STAT~ OF WASHINGTON ) )sa. COUNTY OF KING ) On this 7th day of November, 199~, b~ore me, ~he und~r~isned, a Notary Public in and for the S~ate of Waslgngto~ duly commissioned and sworn, personally ~ppeared David O. Thompson, to me known to be the individual described in and who exeoned the within and for~goinl~ instrument, and acknowl~dscd to me fl~at he si~ned said instrument as his fr~ and voluntary act and deed for the u~os and purpo~e~ therein mentioned. WITNESS my hand and official ~ hereto affixed the day and year in tttis cerlifica~ above written, SENT §Y:Pres~on Ga'ces &Ellis ;11- 7-95 ; 1:46PM ; PRESTON, SEA. FL, 49-' 360 417 4509;~t12 ~ , SENT §Y:Preston Qates &Ellis ;11- ?-95 ; I:4?PM ; PRESTON, SEA, FL, 49-~ 3BO 417 4509;~14 NOV 0,t'95 lS:~9 No.015 P,Ot SENT DY:Preston Gates &Ellis ;11- ?-95 ; l:48PM ; PRESTON, SEA. FL, 49- 360 417 4509;~15 CITY OF PORT ANG~ ~ TAX ~~ Y~T~~~ F~ Fi ~a~ Bank _ ~athl~n R~nnke ~IR 765-4030 SENT DY:Pres'~on 6a~es &Ellis ;11- 1-95 ; 1:49PM ; PRESTON, SEA. FL,~,9'* 360 417 4509;~16 SENT BY:Preston 6ate9 &Ellis ;11- ?-95 ; 1:49PM ; PRESTON, SEA. FL, 49'-' 350 417 4509;#17 OBLIGATION SENT DY:Preston ea~;es &Ellis ;11- 7-95 ; 1:50PM ; PRESTON, SEA, FL, 49-* 360 417 4509;~10 SENT §Y:Pres~on (lares &Ellis ;11- ?-95 ; 1:51P1~ ; PRESTON, SEA, FL, 49-, 360 417 4509;~t19 ~ O~ ~T ~G~ W~~ ~ T~ G~ O~GA~ON ~~ 1~ SENT BY:Preston Qates &Ellis ;11- 9-95 ; 1:52PM ; PRESTON,$EA. FL, 49~ 360 417 4509;~20 9FFIC AL Bm FORM CITY OF PORT AN~ WA~I~qGTON UNI.IMITKD TAX G~ OBLIGATION BOND~ 199~ Wmhinato~ V~l~d Tax Omerd OMlSmim Bonds, 1o95 (~e *Bomb~ m be dtmt Novmber 1~, l~J, md lmyd~ on Noveml~ I or~ of ~ y~-s and in b anmus~ ~ ~ wil~ in. est ~ ~ ~n b ft~t ds~ ef]~.., and % SENT BY:Presl;on Gal;es &Ellis ;11- 7-95 ; 1:52PM ; PRESTON, SEA. FL, 49'* 360 417 4509;~t21 CITY O1' ~ ANGB:LI~ W.4,SmI~TO~ TAX GnIERAL Om,Ig~ON BOhl~ liras _ mm Il m m