HomeMy WebLinkAbout34-91 - - "" RESOLUTION NO. 34-91 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the city of Port Angeles, Washington, declaring the intention of the city council to order the improvement of a certain area within the city by doing street improvement, and by doing all other work necessary in connection therewith, and fixing a time, date, and place for a hearing on this resolution of intention. BE IT RESOLVED by the City council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, as follows: Section 1. Based upon the receipt of the petition attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by this reference, it is the intention of the city Council of the city of Port Angeles, Washington, to order the improvement of that certain area described in Exhibit "A", by doing street improvements, and by doing all other work necessary in connection therewith. Section 2. The City Engineer is hereby directed to submit to the Council at or prior to the date fixed for the hearing on this Resolution, the following: 1. An estimate of the costs and expense of the proposed improvement; 2. All papers and information in his possession touching the proposed improvement; 3. A description of the boundaries of the district; 4. A statement of the portion of the cost and expense of the improvement which should be borne by the property within the proposed boundaries of the district; 5. A detailed statement setting out the outstanding and unpaid local improvement assessments against the property in the proposed district; and 6. A statement of the aggregate actual valuation of the real estate in the district, including twenty-five percent of the -1- - - actual valuation of the improvements in the proposed district, according to the valuation last placed upon it for the purposes of general taxation. section 3. All persons who desire to object to the formation of such improvement district, including the nature and territorial extent of the improvement, are hereby notified to appear and present their objections at a meeting of the City Council to be held in the Council Chambers, 321 East Fifth street, Port Angeles, Washington, at 7:00 P.M. on October 15, 1991. Section 4. The City Clerk and Engineer are hereby directed to prepare and give notice of such hearing in the following manners: 1. By publication of this Resolution in at least two consecutive issues of the official newspaper of Port Angeles, with the first publication to be at least fifteen (15) days prior to October 15, 1991. 2. By giving notice by mail at least fifteen days before the day fixed for hearing to the owners or reputed owners of all lots, tracts, and parcels of land or other property to be specially benefitted by the proposed improvement, as shown on the rolls of the County Treasurer, directed to the address thereon shown, which notice shall set forth the nature of the proposed improvement, the estimated costs, and the estimated benefits of the particular lot, tract, or parcel, in accordance with the form marked as Exhibit "B", attached hereto and incorporated in this Resolution by reference. -2- - - PASSED by the city council of the city of Port Angeles September[ 1991. at a regular meeting of said council held on the 17th day of ATTEST: ~ 0 (l0,1...4:--0:-. l...Ao+nA_ Becky J .<fpt'ofl, Cl. ty Clerk Attorney PUBLISHED: September 27, 1991 September 29, 1991 ~""",..,.~..".. ...~~:. . -: ~,..." 'FI, ....-v....~. .1"":--" ~ :\,''':\ ..........~~-~ I .;# ~'" ~'"<-^. #...~...;- ~ ~~~: ~ ~~~~ - .... ...,.., ,,- ~~~~ :3 .~/..~- }=~ ~ ......'""...... "-..-' ....~0~ ~." ,.~ ~,.. --:-.$ .'/: fA ~- .-::.. ~ '0/:F/~"~~_"~:~-:" ~~ PW. 3'7'.6~\- 'Y::- \"........'.... "'.................'10'\""':"... -3- ~c-~~J MAY 0 R Where quality is always the best buy! '.;.':' RECEIVED .20.: August 20; 1990 l .-, ... .,~-, T~r~- .... . " I . ., ~.. . Hr. Jack Pittis City of Port Angeles P.O. Box 1150 Port Angeles Wa. Dear Jack: The purpose of this letter is to inform you of my desire to have the City of Port Angeles form a L.I.D. to provide street improvements to third and fourth street that abutt my property known as n Exhibit A ft. The reason for this request is to satisfy requiremnts imposed by the City of Port Angeles. Therefore I formally request that this L.t.D. be formed, and that the City of Port Angeles pursue construction until completion. It is my intent to complete the remainder of the requirements privately. I would also desire to bond the street improvement so that I may have final approval on the replat prior to completion of the street improvrnents. Respectfull U itted; Rick Anders President LBR Construction Inc. e OIRECTOR DEPUTY DIIBIlIt CITY ENGINtEIt SaUD WASTE SEWERlWATEI STREET BUILDIIIJ FILE 618 South Peabody . Port Angeles, Washington 98362 . Phone (206) 452-1232 EXHIBIT "A" page 1 .111 D (3-851 .....- EXHIBIT A e PARCEL A: Wl'S 1 '10 4, INCIlJSIVE, AND IDl'S 20 '10 23 INCIDSIVE, BIDCK 6, GREEN'S BELlE ~ A1DITIOO 'IO rom' ~F.q, ACOJRDING ro PIAT 'lHEmDF REmRIED IN VOWME 1 OF PrATS, PAGE 45, REXIJlUlj OF CIAUAM CXllNIY, ~. PARCEL B: IOl'S 5 'lO 19 INCIDSIVE, BI.CX:K 6, GREDf'S BEUE VDJq AOOITIaf 'It) FORr ~F.q, AaXIRDING '10 PIAT 'lHEREDF REmRIED m VOWME 1 OF PIA'IS, PAGE 45, mn:moo OF ClAUAM cmny, WASfIING'Ia{, 'IOOEIHER Wl'IH 'DmT KlRl'ICN OF '!HE VACATED ALU.Y m SAID BLOCK 6, ADJOINING, AS VACATED BY ~ ftfl'ta<tJJ IN CIALIAM canmr SUPERIOR CIllRl' CAISE 00. 20208, EXCEPr 'llM roRl'ICH 'lHEREX)F DESaUBED AS FOI.l.CXS: 'lHAT roRl'ICJf OF BI.CX:K 6, GREEN'S BEI1E VIEW AOOITIOO 'It) roRr ANGEUS t:lIOO W~l'UCLY OF '!HE FOI.UJolIN:; DESaUBED LINE: BeGINNING AT '!HE NJRIHFAST CDRNER OF !Dr 8 m SAID BLOCK 6; '!HENCE m A S<XJlHWESTERIH DJl<tX.:.1'.lQ{ 'It) A lOINI' IN '!HE SCX1IH LINE OF IDr 15, SAID BI.OCK 6, WHIaJ IS 22.4 FEEl' WEST OF '!HE SCX11HEAST CORNER OF SAID !Dr 15. END OF EXHIBIT A e 04 068813 M-58490 (gJ TICOR TITLE INSURANce - 2- Ticor Title Insurance Company of California EXHIBIT "A" page 2 Mailed: (Date) CITY OF PORT ANGELES NOTICE OF HEARING e Resolution of Intention Third/Fourth streets and Alley West of Golf Course Road, LID No. 214 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Port Angeles, Washington, proposes to order the improvement of the area generally known as the Third/Fourth streets and Alley West of Golf Course Road L.I.D. by grading, draining, paving, and by doing all work required in connection with said improvements in accordance with Resolution No. of the City Council of the city of Port Angeles passed and approved on September 17, 1991. The total estimated cost of said improvement is approximately $108,000, all of which is proposed to be borne by assessments against the property within the proposed improvement district specially benefitted by said improvements. A pUblic hearing on the proposed improvements will be held before the City Council in the Council Chambers, 321 East Fifth Street, Port Angeles, Washington, at 7:00 P.M. on October 15, 1991. Any person who may desire to file a written protest with the City Clerk should show on such protest the lot and block or other legal description of his property. The following are the estimated benefits and the estimated amount of the assessment which is proposed to be levied against the following described lots, tracts, or parcels of land of which you are the owner or reputed owner; provided, however, that actual assessments may vary from the assessment estimates so long as they do not exceed a figure equal to the increased true and fair value the improvement adds to the property, and the estimates benefits of the particular lot. SEE ATTACHED e Becky J. Upton, City Clerk City of Port Angeles Port Angeles, Washington PW.337 Exhibit "B" ASSESSMENT METHODS 3RD/4TH ST. LID (WEST OF GOLF COURSE RD.) (m PWIF) PARCEL NUMBER LEGAL DESCRIPTION OWNER ADDRESS ZONE & TERMINI 12-Sep-91 FRONT FOOTAGE PER PARCEL PAGE 1 PER PARCEL AREA e GREEN'S BELLE VIEW BLOCK 5 ____..a.___________..__.____________________.________________._______________________~______.__________________________ 063011 500540 (LT 16 EXC. ~. 141 & L T 17) OZ CUNNINGHAM 1825 E. 3RD PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 063011 500550 (LT 18 & 19 & VACATED ALLEY) SAN FORO/LA VERNE KEYS 280 GOLF COURSE RD. PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 063011 500530 (E 6' LT 14, LT 15 & W 14' LT 16) ALBERT J. DUNKEL 1815 E. 3RD PORT ANGELES, liA. 98362 063011 500520 (LT 14 EXC. E 6' RUTH TEEFY & VACATED ALLEY) 1813 E. 3RD AND PORT ANGELES, WA. 0630U 500515 (LT 13 & PT VACATED 98362 STREET & ALLEY) 063011 500513 (LT 12 & PT VACATED FREDERICK D. NORTON STREET & ALLEY) 44929-13TH ST. W. LANCASTER, CA. 93534 063011 500510 (LT10&11& FREDERICK L. RABER VACATEO ALLEY) 1811 E. 3RD PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 BLOCK 6 063011 500650 <TX #4217 EXC DARllIN A. LIND 18323) 1812 E. 3RD PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 e S5,067.84 $6,167.50 S5,440.15 S5,655.37 $3,083.75 $6,283.75 S9, 771. 23 EXHIBIT B, page 2 S5,274.20 S5,274.20 $5,274.20 $5,274.20 $5,274.20 S5,274.20 $5,274.20 $4,928.82 $5,998.37 $5,291.07 $5,539.35 S2,998.55 $4,927.55 $9,622.09 ASSESSMENT METHODS 3RD/4TH ST. LID (~ST OF GOLF COURSE RD.) 12-Sep-91 PARCEL NUMBER LEGAL DESCR I PT lON OWNER ADDRESS ZONE & TERMINI FRONT FOOTAGE PER PARCEL PAGE 2 PER PARCEL AREA e F.G. RICHARDS BLOCK 117 -------------------------..-.-------.-----------------.-.-.-------------------------------------....-...--------------- N/A 063000 550265 (E2 LT 16 & ALL LT 17) LLOYD A. LINDBERG 1729 E. 3RD PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 (CITY RESPONSIBILITY) BLOCK 100 N/A 063000 550100 (LT 1 & 2) CLIFFORD CLAPSHAW 1738 E. 3RD PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 (CITY RESPONSIBILITY) $4,241.53 $5,969.56 $5,274.20 $5,274.20 $3,386.89 SS,511.80 SUB-TOTAL 3rd STREET (NO ALLEY) ---------------.-----------------------------------_.----_P.._----------------------------------------------___._______ $51,204.49 GREEN'S BELLE VIEW BLOCK 6 063011 500600 (LT 1-23 EXC. TX j4217 & #8323) LBR 618 S. PEABODY PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 REPLAT LOT 1 LOT 2 LOT 3 LOT 4 lOT 5 $51,680.68 $5,344.97 $5,344.97 55,344.97 55,344.97 $4,176.33 S47, 467. 77 $6,026.46 $6,026.46 $6,026.46 $6,026.46 $6,026.46 $5,245.23 $5,245.23 $5,245.23 55,245.23 $5,358.58 --------------------------------...------------------.-----~----------------------------._--_._------~-----------.-.... $26,339.48 SUBJfOTAL' (3rd:sTREET &'112-ALLEY) e '$25,,56.22 EXHIBIT B, page 3 $30,132.32 ASSESSMENT METHODS 3RD/4TH ST. LID (weST OF GOLF COURSE RD.) PARCEL NUMBER LEGAL DESCRIPTlOH 12-Sep-91 OWNER ADDRESS ZONE & TERMINI FRONT FOOTAGE PER PARCEL PAGE 3 PER PARCEL AREA _____._____...~___________________.A._.._.__._....____..._________________________.6___________________________________ ., 500600 GREEN'S BELLE VIEW BLOCK 6 (LT 1-23 EXC. TX 14217 & #8323) LOT 6 LOT 7 LOT 8 LOT 9 LOT10 LBR 618 S. PEABOOY PORT ANGELES, VA. 98362 $3,647.95 $4,218.92 $3,659.92 $3,647.95 $4,218.92 $3,659.92 $3,647.95 $4,218.92 $3,659.92 $3,647.95 $4,218.92 13,659.92 $4,924.74 $4,218.92 $4,063.29 ~.__________._.__________________._..~...___._____________________.______________.~~w____________________________...... 063011 500660 SUB-TOTAL (4th STREET & 1/2 ALLEY) (TX #8323 & EASE LTS 12-16) JOSEPH B. ABRAM 1803 E. 4TH PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 $19,516.56 $5,407.89 $21,094.61 $3,466.65 $18,702.99 $5,914.39 .______________..______________....._w________________________________.___________.___.________________________________ e NIA NIA SUB-TOTAL 4th STREET (NO ALLEY) SUB'TOTAL STORM DRAIN CITY 4th STREET STORM DRAIN SUll4ARY 3rd STREET COSTS (NO ALLEY) 3~ STREET COSTS (WITH 1/2 ALLEY) 4th STREET COSTS (WITH 1/2 ALLEY) 4th STREET COSTS (NO ALLEY) CJTY DRAINAGE" ~TS TOTAL COSTS LESS C IfY COSTS NET LID COSTS $5,407.89 $5,135.24 $5,135.24 $51,680.68 $25,556.22 $19,516.56 S5,407.89 $5,135.24 $107,296.59 S15,346.33 191,950.26 EXHIBIT.B. page 4 $3,466.65 $5,135.24 $5,135.24 $47,467.77 $30,132.32 $21,094.61 $3,466.65 S5,135.24 S107,296.59 $15,683.63 $91,612.96 $5,914.39 $5,135.24 $5,135.24 $51,204.49 $26,339.48 $18,702.99 $5.914.39 $5.135.24 $107,296.59 $17,033.93 $90,262.66