HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/11/1993UTILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE
Port Angeles, Washington
January 11, 1993
Call to Order:
Vice Chairman Hunt called the meeting to order at 4:36 p.m.
II. Roll Call:
Members Present: Jim Hallett (arrived at 4:40 p.m.), Thomas Hunt, Gary Braun, Joe
Michalczik, and Richard Wight.
Staff Present: J. Pomeranz, C. Knutson, B. Upton, B. Titus, J. Pittis, K. Ridout, and
B. Jones.
Approval ofMinutes:
Councilman Wight moved to approve the minutes of the December 7, 1992, meeting
as written. The motion was seconded by Councilman Braun and carried
IV. Discussion Items:
A. City Light Issues
City Light Director Titus reported he received a phone call from the BPA Regional
Manager of the Puget Sound area office who informed him the BPA has released its
preliminary rate figures. The increase currently being considered is 11.6%.
Concerning the PCB removal at 2nd & Valley, Director Titus indicated tests had been
conducted in order to meet certain building requirements pertinent to the foundation. The
results indicate there is an insufficient base to support a foundation; City Light may be
looking for other property in order to construct a warehouse.
B. Solid Waste Discussion
Solid Waste Superintendent Jones reviewed issues pertinent to the Solid Waste
Comprehensive Plan which, by State law, is the primary responsibility of the County.
He reviewed the history of the writing of the document and noted that, since the City
collects its refuse and owns and operates a landfill, it must either participate in the County
Utility Advisory Committee
January 11, 1993
plan or create one of its own. It is important to have an approved plan in order to qualify
for grant funds. Superintendent Jones reported the County is interested in discussing the
possibility of creating a solid waste district.
Superintendent Jones further reviewed the major issues addressed in the plan, such as
landfilling, composting, recycling, and options which might be incorporated should the
situation in the City or County change. The timeline for adoption of the plan is such that
it must be adopted by all involved by mid-February.
Superintendent Jones continued by reviewing the landfill permit issues and the permit
conditions which were made a part of the variance. Because soil test results conducted
by a City consultant varied from the results of a test conducted by the DOE, the variance
was required. Lengthy discussion followed, and Public Works Director Pittis indicated
that a soil testing report is due soon. All phases of the original cell #1 construction were
approved; however, the final product is now being questioned. This is the first landfill
being subjected to such scrutiny, and Director Pittis indicated it is important that Port
Angeles be governed by the same standards as all others. A construction permit for cell
#2 was required by DOE and has not been required of anyone else. Attorney Knutson
advised the group that the City should try to negotiate with DOE concerning the soil test
results. If negotiations are unsuccessful, the City could apply for an amended permit
which could be appealed if denied. Lengthy discussion followed.
Director Pittis reviewed the construction status report, the pertinent issues, and the solid
waste management analysis. If a solid waste district isn't formed and if the County
doesn't accept the landfill under its jurisdiction, the City has five years to recover
approximately thirty years of operational expenses for a closed landfill if FAA prevails
on the closure of the landfill. It is felt these costs need to be shared by all involved.
Lengthy discussion was held concerning a solid waste district, how it would be formed,
and the fact that it would constitute a taxing district. It was pointed out that the tonnage
rate for 1993 and the 1994 projected rate is still lower than what County residents would
pay to longhaul garbage.
Consideration was then given to the issue involving the FAA and the directive to close
the landfill in five years. Director Pittis noted a critical element of this issue is that the
City must prove its case with the FAA. Manager Pomeranz indicated the City's
legislative representatives are interested in being of assistance in this matter. Individuals
experienced in birds are being contacted in order to gain as much valuable information
as possible in conjunction with the FAA position. The staff plans to formulate a "game
plan" in the next three to four weeks and will keep the UAC advised of progress made.
Councilman Braun moved to have staff proceed in ali areas outlined, particularly
that which relates to obtaining input from a bird expert. Director Pittis indicated it
Utility Advisory Committee
January 11, 1993
is important to proceed logically through the decision process. Once the bird issue has
been resolved, the City can then address other landfill and collection methods.
Councilman Wight asked that distribution be made of information concerning the FAA
authority in this matter and any regulations which may prevail under the auspices of the
FAA. Staff agreed to provide this information. In response to Joe Michalczik's question
about the legal ramifications of the FAA's position, Attorney Knutson indicated DOE and
EPA have regulations which reference the FAA order on the proximity of landfills to
airports. Based on the FAA allowing the City's landfill to be used for five more years,
the City was able to get a permit for the full five year expected life of the newly
constructed cell. However, before the next cell can be permitted, financed, and
constructed, the bird issue will have to be resolved. Resolving the bird issue may be
easier under revised regulations currently being drafted by DOE. After further
discussion, Thomas Hunt seconded the motion made by Councilman Braun. A vote
was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously.
Next Meeting:
The next meeting of the Utility Advisory Committee will be held on Monday, February
8, 1993, at 4:30 p.m.
VI. Adjournment:
The meeting was adjourned at 5:47 p.m.