HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/08/2000 UTILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE
Port Angeles, Washington
February 8, 2000
Call to Order:
Chairman Campbell called the meeting to order at 3:05 p.m.
IL Roll Call:
Members Present: Chairman Campbell, Mayor Doyle, Dean Reed, and Councilman
Members Absent: Bill Myers.
Staff Present: Attorney Knutson, C. Hagar, D. Miller, J. Harper, T. McCabe, S.
McLain, G. Kenworthy, G. Cutler, K. Ridout, T. Gloor, and J. Young.
Others Present: B. Dunlap, D. Perry, and P. Ripley.
IIL Approval of Minutes:
Mayor Doyle moved to approve the minutes of the January 10, 2000, meeting. Councilman
Williams seconded the motion. All Committee members voted in support of the motion, with
the exception of Dean Reed, who abstained due to his absence from that meeting. Because
abstentions are counted as affirmative votes, the motion carried unanimously.
IV. Discussion Items:
As a courtesy to Butch Dunlap of Parametrix, Chairman Campbell brought Item G., Biosolids
Disposal, up on the agenda.
G. Biosolids Disposal- Presentation by Parametrix
Director Cutler introduced Butch Dunlap from Parametrix, presented a brief background on the
issue, and introduced Jeff Young, the new Wastewater Superintendent, who has extensive
background in biosolids.
Butch Dunlap, Paramethx, distributed a Briefing Memo entitled Biosolids Disposal Analysis. Mr.
Dunlap reviewed the background and key issues. He explained that composting for final disposal
of biosolids began in 1994 and suspended in 1999 due to operational problems and staff shortage.
Biosolids are currently disposed of directly into the landfill, which is in violation of WACs. Mr.
Dunlap explained that the new landfill permit cannot be granted by the County as long as the City
is in violation of the WACs.
There are five altematives to solving this problem which range from doing nothing to regarding t. he
composting operations to produce a marketable product available for outside sale.
In evaluating the five alternatives, Mr. Dunlap pointed out that doing nothing was not feasible, as
the City would be out of compliance with WAC 173-308 and the County could deny its landfill
permit. Co-composting the biosolids with yard waste to make a marketable product was the most
expensive alternative, but would create two permanent jobs and provide soil enhancement of the
Discussion ensued and Mr. Dunlap responded to questions and provided clarification of several
points. Mayor Doyle expressed concern over possible lawsuits relating to a composing facility. Mr.
Dunlap did not feel this was an issue, as the facility would be too small to generate the types of
problems, such as odor, that draw lawsuits. Mayor Doyle asked how long biosolids can be stored,
Director Cutler stated he did not have the answer, but that staff will discuss this with the county.
Mr. Dunlap referred back to the final page of his handout and stated that Parametrix recommended
implementing Alternative 5, co-composting to produce a marketable product. Director Cutler stated
he will look into what is necessary to restart the composting operation and return to a later meeting
with a capital plan. However, if County approval is not gained for storing biosolids, staff will have
to proceed with finding a method of disposal.
Dean Reed asked for numbers past 2006 should the City go with Alternative 5, as he felt it was
probably the best altemative. Director Cutler agreed, especially based on avoided costs. He further
advised the Committee that the County had extended the current landfill permit until March 15,
2000, to give the City time to correct the biosolids disposal problem at the landfill.
A. Free Dump Day - Benefit Food Bank
Director Cutler stated staff is seeking direction regarding free dumps days and deferred the issue to
Dale Miller, Recycling Coordinator. Mr. Miller reviewed the information contained in the packet
which provided the background and history of free dumping at the landfill. It was noted that in
1999, twice as many county residents utilized the free dump day than did city residents, dumping
243 tons of trash at a rate of $87.85 per ton.
Mr. Miller outlined five possible ways to curb the cost of future dump days, which ranged from
discontinuation of the program, to continuing the program during the life of the landfill. Discussion
ensued, and staff responded to questions and provided clarification. Chairman Campbell felt that
soliciting the County for assistance, option three, was the best solution to the problem. Dale
reminded the Committee that the County group included the cities of Forks and Sequim. Director
Cutler suggested contacting those cities and asking for manpower assistance in staffing the landfill
on the free days.
Further discussion followed, and it was suggested a letter be sent to the other benefitting entities
asking that a cooperative partnership be formed to help relieve the City's burden of free dump days.
If no cooperation is received, staff can then look into raising landfill fees for nonresident to help
defray the expense of the flee days.
Following further discussion and clarification, Mayor Doyle moved to proceed with Free Dump
Day at the landfill. Councilman Williams seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
B. Olympic Coast Beach Clean Up
Director Cutler reviewed the information contained in the packet. Discussion followed, and staff
responded to questions and furnished clarification. Director Cutler assured the Committee that any
debris brought to the transfer station from this clean up project would be monitored to ensure that
it was only debris from this clean up and no other materials. Mayor Doyle suggested that Olympic
National Park be invited to participate in the Free Dump Day and be sent the same letter as
mentioned in the proceeding item.
Attorney Knutson reminded the Committee that City Ordinance allows for waivers in certain
circumstances for certain identified charitable organizations, therefore, the Ordinance would have
to be amended. Tom McCabe, Solid Waste Superintendent, felt a time frame would need to be set
for this project so the landfill cover can be applied without overtime.
Chairman Campbell felt it was unfair to ask the citizens of Port Angeles to pay the total bill for two
free landfill days, when clearly the County residents are benefitting as well. Discussion continued.
Mayor Doyle moved to recommend the City Council grant a 50% reduction in landf'ffi tipping
fees for the Olympic Coast Beach Clean Up, and that an appropriate Ordinance be drafted.
Dean Reed seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
C. Fiber Optics Study Update
A draft of the "Communications Systems Evaluation for Public Utility District No. 1 of Clallam
County and the City of Port Angeles" was distributed. Director Cutler lauded the efforts of Scott
McLain, Power Manager, in obtaining the feasibility study. This is not a final draft, and Public
Works staff is working with Information Services to incorporate the comments in the study, whi. ch
will then be returned to Power Engineers.
Staffis hoping for a recommendation from the UAC to the Council to set a date for special meeting
with the PUD Commissioners to discuss the feasibility study.
Scott McLain, Power Manager, briefly reviewed the history of this issue and stated the purpose of
feasibility study was to provide the City and PUD with a general evaluation of the feasibility of
installing a fiberoptic communications system. It is not intended to provide a detailed evaluation
or the engineering to build a system. It will provide estimates of costs if the system is built. Mr.
McLain stated that more detailed information is available in his office should the committee
members wish to read it.
Discussion ensued. The Council will be requested to set a special meeting for either March 9 or 16
at 4:00 p.m.
D. 'I "$treet Substation RFP
Jim Harper, Electrical Engineer, stated that he has received eight proposals for the "I" Stroet
substation. They are currently being evaluated and this should be completed within the next few
days. Staff hopes to have a recommendation to Council prior to the next UAC meeting, as the
transformer must be ordered by early summer, as it takes 52 weeks for delivery.
At Mayor Doyle's request, Mr. Harper explained that the 'T' Street transformer will be replaced and
a circuit switcher added. The total project will cost approximately $600,000, but this is simply the
design portion of the project as the transformer will not be delivered until 2001.
No action was taken.
E. I/I Pilot Program
Gary Kenworthy, Deputy Director of Utility Services, distributed copies of a summary of the inflow
and infiltration pilot program and maps showing the areas affected by it. Mr. Kenworthy reviewed
the information contained in the summary and explained that the program deals with water going
into the sewer system. He informed the Committee that nine flow monitoring devices have been
purchased, which will be used measure and record storm water flow. Mr. Kenworthy stated that staff
is going after inflow and infiltration, as it is the most inexpensive method of adding to the treatment
plant's capacity.
Discussion followed, and Mr. Kenworthy responded to questions and provided clarification. Staff
will provide regular updates to the Committee on the progress of this program. No action was taken.
F. Downtown Watermain/Sidewalk Project
A memo regarding the issue was distributed. Director Cutler explained that a memo could not be
included in the packet as staff was attempting to gather information regarding additional costs and
various options should the scope of the project be changed.
Gary Kenworthy, Deputy Director of Utility Services, reviewed the history of the downtown
watermain project. He reviewed the information contained in the memo, which included a
description of Phase II of this project and the historical areas which would be impacted by the
current scope of work. Mr. Kenworthy stated that, knowing the sensitive nature of the area, input
was solicited regarding historical or other features which should be preserved with this project. Two
written responses and several phone calls were received. One of the calls was from Betty Warder,
who provided the City with an album of pictures of the downtown dating back to 1914. Copies of
the album are being made.
Mr. Kenworthy stated that those areas identified as historically significant and which would be
impacted by the current sc6pe of work, include the murals under the bike shop and the old City Hall
brick face. The primary watermain replacement options available are: 1) placing the watermain
under the sidewalk area with retaining walls and fill; 2) watermains under sidewalk area with
structural cover; and 3) placing the watermain in the street. Mr. Kenworthy what these options
would include, development of access, additional cost of design/construction, and additional funding
that would be necessary.
The project is funded by a State loan and the original loan scope of work includes funding of the
watermain, sidewalk replacement, pavers, and tree replacement. Significant changes will require
State approval. Significant changes could also delay the project to the 2001 construction season.
Councilman Williams described his tour of the underground facilities and showed a map which
demonstrated the area under discussion. He distributed copies of sketches which showed the area
as currently found and as it would look if cleaned up and lighted. One of the benefits of opening up
the underground would be 70,000 square feet of additional floor space available for future
development. Councilman Williams distributed copies of drawings by Jackson Smart showing his
concept of what the underground could look like if developed into storefronts.
Don Perry, representing a group of people interested in the Port Angeles underground, spoke in favor
of saving the underground city. He reminded the Committee that once the underground is gone, it's
gone forever. He stated the Seattle underground tour has less to offer than Port Angeles and this
could be a tourist draw for the City. He asked for public input before any work is begun on the
watermains. Mr. Perry sai~ s~veral service organizations have volunteered free labor to save the
underground city and he-lX&,¥y-urged the City to take advantage of this offer. He encouraged the
City to put the pipe line in the street to allow for time to save the underground.
Lengthy discussion ensued, and staff, Councilman Williams's and Mr. Perry responded to questions
and provided clarification. Attorney Knutson suggested the downtown merchants be polled as to
what they would like to see done. Mr. Pen3, responded that he had spoken to several of them and
they are already excited about being able to expand their businesses into the underground.
Dean Reed and Mayor Doyle felt the additional funding necessary to change the scope of work could
be a deterrent to public acceptance of this project. It was felt that all the information must be put to
the public to make them aware of the additional costs involved.
Following further discussion, Dean Reed moved to recommend to the City Council that the
decision to determine the scope of the Phase II project be delayed until such time as the public
has the opportunity to input on the decision. Mayor Doyle seconded the motion. Mr. Reed
noted that by default, construction is being delayed until fall at the earliest. A vote was taken on
the motion, which carried unanimously.
H. Residential Container Conversion
Tom McCabe, Solid Waste Superintendent, distributed additional information and briefly reviewed
the information contained in the packet. He stated that Dale Miller, Recycling Coordinator, has
created a public information plan to help advise the residents of this upcoming change. Mr. McCabe
explained what changes would be incurred by adoption of the container conversion, how the
conversion would be completed, the costs associated with it.
Mayor Doyle moved to recommend the City Council support conversion of the 300-gallon
residential containers to 90-gallon containers. Councilman Williams seconded the motion,
which carried unanimously.
I. Appreciation Day - February 24th
Director Cutler reminded the Committee that the Boards and Commission Appreciation Night will
be held on February 24, 2000, 6:00 p.m. at the Senior Center.
J. Set Meeting Date of March
As several Committee members are unavailable for the regular March meeting, an alternate meeting
date was set for Monday, March 6, 2000, at 3:00 p.m. in the Public Works Conference Center.
V. Information Only Items:
VL Late Items:
A. Franchise Agreement with Daishowa
Scott McLain, Power Manager, stated the franchise agreement with Daishowa would be presented
to the Council at its next meeting and staff felt the Committee should be advised of this. Mr.
McLain briefly explained the changes and modifications, one of which is the addition of
telecommunication lines. No action was taken.
VII. Next Meeting:
The next meeting will be held March 6, 2000, at 3:00 p.m. in the Public Works Conference Room.
VIIL Adjournment:
The meeting adjourned at 6:20 p.m.
Orv,lle Campbell, ~ha,rman Carol A. Hagar, Depu~t)tly C~erk