HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/11/2003
I. Call to Order:
Port Angeles, Washington
February 11, 2003
Chairman Erickson called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m.
II. Roll Call:
Members Present:
Members Absent:
Staff Present:
Others Present:
III. Approval of Minutes:
Chairman Erickson, Councilmember Rogers, Councilman Campbell, Allen
Dean Reed
Michael Quinn, Craig Knutson, Glenn Cutler, Gary Kenworthy, Scott
McLain, Larry Dunbar, Steve Sperr, Cate Rinehart
Brian Gawley - Daily News
Greg Casad -Olypen
Craig Johnson - Capacity Provisioning
Pete Grigorieff - Northland Cable TV
Steven Weed - Wave Division Holdings
Dennis Bragg - Den-Ree Productions
John Miller - Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe
Robert Elofson - Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe
Carol Brown - Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe
Marty Harper - Berryman & Henigar (Consultant)
Chairman Erickson asked if there were any additions or corrections to the meeting minutes of
January 11, 2003. The words "a discussion regarding" were added to the fluoridation
presentation conclusion. Councilman Campbell moved to approve the minutes. Allen Bentley
seconded the motion. Councilmember Rogers abstained due to absence at the meeting.
IV. Discussion Items
A. Internet Access - Press Release
Greg Casad, Olypen General Manager of Customer Care, announced in conjunction with Capacity
Provisioning the intent to provide internet access to qualifying municipal and non-profit organizations at
no charge through the year 2004. Those currently qualifying include the City of Port Angeles, the Port
Angeles School District, Peninsula College, Queen of Angels, Olympic Medical Center, the North
Olympic Library System, Peninsula Mental Health, the Port of Port Angeles, and Clallam County. The
gesture is an expression of gratitude for the continued support of the local community.
February 11, 2003
Information only. No action taken other than well deserved appreciation for the tremendous gift.
B. Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe Sewer System Connection To The City's Wastewater
Treatment Plant
Steve Sperr, Utility Engineer, reviewed the alternatives to the current use of on-site septic systems due to
anticipated rising groundwater following removal of the Elwha River dams. The formation of a sewer
district that would connect to the City's sewer collection system at 18th Street via Milwaukee Drive
appears to be the most favorable solution. Various connection issues were addressed with concerns from
the tribe regarding the equivalent residential unit development charge, latecomer fee, and the 150%
surcharge. A discussion followed.
Allen Bentley moved to table the discussion to a special meeting set for February 24'h at 3 p.m.
Councilmember Rogers seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
C. Cable Television Franchise Transfer Ordinance
Steve Weed, Chief Executive Officer of Wave Division Holdings, gave a brief introduction of his
company summarizing their intentions as the transfer occurs from Northland to them. Larry Dunbar,
Power Resources Manager, summarized the financial qualifications, network upgrade and I-Net
compliance, telecommunications services, and transfer ordinance acceptance. There was a short
discussion with a request to include the letter from Wave Division Holdings to the City Manager
indicating intent with the Council memo.
Councilman Campbell moved to recommend to City Council to approve the proposed ordinance
consenting to the transfer of ownership of the Cable Television Franchise Ordinance No. 3116 and
the Fiber Optic Wide Area Network Use Agreement from Northland Cable Television, Inc. to
Wave Division III, LLC and the subsequent transfer to Wave Division Holdings, LLC.
Councilmember Rogers seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
D. Energy Star Utility Participation Agreement
Larry Dunbar, Power Resources Manager, announced the Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance (NEEA)
had formed a partnership with eight manufacturers to provide a $50 rebate on energy efficient Energy
Star clothes washers. The "Double Your Savings" campaign indicates a reduction in energy and water
use by up to 50% per load although actual savings may vary. The promotional period would be from
April 15, 2003 through July 31, 2003 and would require the submission of a coupon with the purchase
receipt to NEEA by the customer. Coupons will be available to customers through the utility billing
process. There was a brief discussion
February 11, 2003
Allen Bentley moved to recommend City Council approved the Energy Star Utility Participation
Agreement. Councilman Campbell seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
E. Reports:
Institutional Network Implementation Consulting Services
Information only. No action taken.
F. Dry Creek Water Association Water Supply Mitigation Feasibility Study
Glenn Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities, explained the Dry Creek Water Association is
directly impacted by the removal of the Elwha River dams and that alternatives had been identified to
address the issue. Alternatives include flood proofing the existing well field, developing an alternative
well field, or connecting to the City of Port Angeles. Further information will need to be developed
before any action will be considered. There was a brief discussion and staff was requested to provide a
map of the Dry Creek Water Association area at a future UAC meeting.
Information only. No action taken.
G. Morse Creek Hydroelectric Project Status Report
Discussion tabled and referred to the special meeting set for February 24'h at 3 p.m.
V. Late Items
Bonneville Power Administration Implementation Of Safety Net CRAC
Scott McLain, Deputy Director For Power Systems, pointed out that due to a combination ofthe 2001
drought, volatile market prices, and the West Coast energy crisis the Bonneville Power Administration
had been losing more than $300 million for the past two years. To offset the loss Bonneville has begun
the process of implementing the safety net cost recovery adjustment clause (SN CRAC). A rate case is
expected to begin in March or early April which will set the level and design of the SN CRAC. The City
involvement with the Columbia Storage Power Exchange ends April 2003 and the contract with LG&E
ends September 2003 which means other increases to power costs in addition to the rate adjustments. .
Further information will be available at a later date. There was a brief discussion.
Information only. No action taken.
VI. Next Meeting:
Special meeting set for February 24, 2003, 3 p.m.( Public Works Conference Room).
The next regular meeting will be March 5, 2003, 3 p.m. (Parks and Recreation Conference Room).
February 11, 2003
VII. Adjournment:
The meeting adjourned at 5 :25 p.m.
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Councilmember Erickson, Chairman
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Cate Rinehart, Administrative