HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/16/1989UTILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE
Port Angeles, Washington
February 16, 1989
Chairman Stamon called the meeting to order at 4:01 P.M.
Members Present:
Chairman Stamon, John Hordyk, Carl
Alexander, Jeff Rosbach.
Members Absent:
Staff Present:
Jim Hallett.
D. Flodstrom, B. Coons, J. Pittis, G.
Leaf, D. Wolfe, L. Danks, J. Abernathy,
S. Hardy.
1. Sewer Rate Increase
Director of Administrative Services Wolfe presented to the
Committee an outline of the three preferred alternatives.
(1) To establish a customer commodity-based rate for
residential customers with a maximum commodity charge, based
on estimated peak non-irrigation usage; (2) Establish a
customer/commodity-based rate for all customer classes, with
the summer irrigation rate reduction for residential
customers in conjunction with summer water rates; (3)
Establish a customer/commodity-based rate for residential
customers with a block of consumption included in the
customer charge and a maximum commodity charge, based on an
estimated peak non-irrigation usage.
Following a lengthy discussion of the analysis, Committee
Member Jeff Rosbach moved that the Committee recommend
Alternative (1), the establishment of a customer/commodity-
based rate for residential customers, with a maximum
commodity charge, based on estimated peak non-irrigation
usage; to set the customer charge estimate at $10.
Committee Member Carl Alexander seconded and the motion
passed 4 - 0.
Committee Member Carl Alexander moved that the Committee
recommend non-residential rates be increased by 28.85%, with
the customer charge of $3.05, estimated commodity charge of
89 cents per cubic foot. Committee Member John Hordyk
seconded and the motion passed, 4 - 0.
February 16, 1989
It was the decision of the Committee to set a meeting date
for March 9, 1989, at 4:00 P.M. to discuss a draft facility
plan on the Secondary Sewage Treatment Plant. Additionally,
the Committee decided to discuss latecomer charges for sewer
utilities at a subsequent meeting.
The meeting adjourned for a break at 5:30 P.M.
2. MCS Adoption
A. Legislative Efforts
Acting Light Department Director Hardy gave a presentation
to the Committee regarding the Model Conservation Standards
and the State adoption efforts. Some of the main points
covered were that electrically-heated homes would be built
to Model Conservation levels; that the effective date for
the new code would be July of 1990. Electric utilities
would be required to provide transition payments through
June, 1993.
The Committee discussed the number of climate zones, and
Committee Member Hordyk suggested expanding the number of
climate zones in the State of Washington.
Committee Member Carl Alexander discussed concerns regarding
whether the transition payment constituted a subsidy on the
part of the utilities.
It was the consensus that the City support the
State adoption and that the Committee members
concerns to their legislators.
efforts for
Chairman Stamon indicated she would be
AWC Legislative Conference and would
local legislators.
in attendance at the
be speaking to the
B. Northwest Enerq¥ Code Proqram
Acting City Light Director Sheila presented information to
the Committee regarding the Northwest Energy Code Program.
It was the agreement of the Committee to table this issue
until further information was provided from the Legislature
regarding the Model Conservation Standards.
3. Telecable Update
Manager Flodstrom updated the Utility Advisory Committee on
the recent events regarding the Telecable issue, specific-
ally the discussion between staff and Telecable on
February 16, 1989
Wednesday, February 15th, regarding a letter that was being
sent by the local manager of Telecable in response to
complaints being made by citizens on the recent increase in
rates. The Committee briefly discussed the waiver hearing,
and Chairman Stamon requested that non-Councilmembers
discuss this issue with the City Attorney so that they may
be fully informed of the events up to this date.
4. Selection Process for City Liqht Director
Manager Flodstrom distributed the remaining applications and
discussed how the Committee should proceed. The Committee
Members agreed to review the applications, to prioritize the
applicants, and bring a listing of the top candidates to the
next meeting. At that meeting, they would set forth the
final steps toward the recruiting of the Light Director.
5. Rate Reduction - Liqht Department
The Committee reviewed a report from the City Light Depart-
ment regarding the rate reduction for 1988, as it is a goal
of the Council to consider the possibility of reducing
electrical rates to City consumers. After some discussion,
it was recommended that the Utility not pursue rate
reductions at this time.
6. Business Incentive Throuqh Rates
The Committee reviewed the report regarding the possibility
of actively pursuing a rate reduction for businesses. The
recommendation was to not pursue the rate reduction at this
time. It was noted there was a tax incentive side of the
goal and this was to be presented to the City Council at a
later date.
7. Discussion of Alternatives to Eliminating Senior
Billinq Problems
This item was issued as a city Council Goal. The objective
was to revise the senior citizen utility billing dates to
accommodate the receipt of Social Security and retirement
payments. Following discussion, the members were requested
to address their concerns or questions to the Administrative
Services Director. The item will be brought back for future
February 16, 1989
8. Information on Federal BPA Debt Repayment
Manager Flodstrom stated
forthcoming and it would
this time.
there would
not be proper
be more information
for a discussion at
The meeting adjourned at approximately 7:30 P.M.
Prepared by