HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/06/2000 UTILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE
Port Angeles, Washington
March 6, 2000
I. Call to Order:
Chairman Campbell called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m.
II. Roll Call:
Members Present: Chairman Campbell, Mayor Doyle, Dean Reed, and Councilrrfan
Members Absent: Bill Myers.
Staff Present: M. Quinn, Attorney Knutson, C. Hagar, D. McGinley, S. McLain, G.
Kenworthy, K. Ridont, G. Cutler, and T. McCabe.
IIL Approval of Minutes:
Dean Reed noted an error on page 5, fourth paragraph "...tmderground city and he Perry urged the..."
should read "...underground city and he urged the..." Mayor Doyle moved to approve the minutes
of the February 8, 2000, meeting. Dean Reed seconded the motion, which carried
IV. Discussion Items:
A. WPAG Contract for 2000
Scott McLain reviewed the information contained in the packet and asked for a recommendation' to
approve the agreement. Dean Reed stated that Daishowa belongs to a similar group for industrial
customers. He felt it was a cost-effective way to stay abreast of changes in the field and was
supportive of the contract. Following limited discussion and clarification. Mayor Doyle moved
to recommend the Council approve the agreement with WPAG for 2000. Councilman
Williams seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
B. Landfill Permit Update
Tom McCabe, Solid Waste Superintendent, distributed updated information on the Landfill Permit.
The current permit has been extended to March 15, 2000, to allow the City more time to gather the
necessary information for renewal. The City has requested a five-year permit, but may only receive
a two or a three-year permit. Permit review began on February 27, 2000. Final review will be
accomplished by three staff members of Clallam County, after which, the City will be notified of
the decision.
Director Cutler informed the Committee that Mr. McCabe is attempting to get approval from the
County to use tarps as cover for the landfill instead of using soil every day. This method is working
well for Kitsap County and the WAC does permit this type of cover. Using tarps is more cost
effective and allows more material to go into the landfill than using soil. Mr. McCabe stated that
an example of a schedule using tarps would be tarps on Monday and Tuesday, cover material
Wednesday, soil on Thursday and Friday, tarps, cover material on Saturday. Discussion ensued and
staff responded to questions and provided clarification.
No action was taken.
V. Information Only Items:
A. Water Line Leak Location Project
Doyle McGinley, Water Maintenance Supervisor, reviewed the information contained in the packet
and explained the procedures used to located leaks using sound amplification. If time permits, this
will cover the area from Water Street to Boulevard and from Ennis Street to Lincoln Street, as well
as the Elwha and Morse Creek transmission lines.
Mr. McGinley stated that Utility Services Associates, who is performing the project, has many years
of experience. The equipment is extremely sensitive and they can discern the difference between
a water leak of the faucet being run in the house. Discussion ensued and staff responded to questions
and provided clarification.
No action was taken.
VI. Late Items:
Downtown Watermain Project
Chairman Campbell asked if there was any further discussion on the downtown watermain project
as a recommendation should go to Council. Mayor Doyle stated he had received a call from a
downtown property owner who felt the project should go forward as originally planned. Councilman
Campbell stated he had also received a call in that regard. Councilman Williams also received a call
to that effect. He stated that the Downtown Business Association wanted the sidewalks and
watermains replaced as planned after the tourist season and Downtown Forward made a similar
recommendation. Councilman Williams had spoken to Arla Holzscuh of the Downtown Business
Association who indicated that downtown vacancies dropped to less than 2%.
Councilman Williams informed the Committee that he discovered that many downtown store fronts
are original, as the buildings were raised and placed on stilts. This is why there are so few store
fronts underground. He stated that many people have stopped him and asked to have the
underground saved. Discussion followed and staffresponded to questions and provided clarification.
It was the general consensus of the Committee that it this issue go to Council as originally planned.
VII. Next Meeting:
The next meeting will be held May 8, 2000, at 3:00 p.m. in the Public Works Conference Room.
VIII. Adjournment:
The meeting adjourned at 3:47 p.m.
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