HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/15/1999 UTILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE Port Angeles, Washington March 15, 1999 L Call to Order: Vice Chairman Michalczik called the meeting to order at 2:05 p.m. II. Roll Call: Members Present: Councilmen Doyle and Williams [2:16], Bill Myers and Joe Michalczik. Members Absent: Councilman Campbell. StaffPresent: J. Pittis, B. Titus, C Knutson, C. Hagar, and D Sawyer. IIL Approval of Minutes: Councilman Doyle moved to approve the minutes of the February 8, 1999, meeting. Bill Myer seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. IV. Discussion Items: A. Marine Drive Bluff Meetings Update At Mr. Michalcziks's request, Senior Planner Sawyer reviewed the information contained in the packet. There has been a series of four meetings over the past two months for property owners located along the top and bottom of the marine bluffbetween Tumwater and Hill Streets. At the first meeting, residents discussed issues impacting their property. At the second meeting, a geotechnical engineer led discussion on marine bluffs in general and staff provided handouts regarding what to watch for during and alter storms. Jim Johannesen, a coastal geological engineer, gave a presentation and responded to questions at the third meeting. At the fourth meeting, the residents decided to send out letters specifically asking other property owners if they would be willing to participate in a cooperative effort to fund a geotechnical study of the bluff Mr. Mike Dean will lead this effort and staffwill provide him with a property owner mailing list to aid in this endeavor. It is staff's intent to relinquish its role as facilitator and let the group continue on its own. Mr. Sawyer responded to questions and provided clarification. No action was taken. A report will also be provided to the City Council. B. Wholesale Water Agreement with PUD Public Works Director Pittis reviewed the information contained in the packet. Staff recommends extending the Wholesale Water Agreement to December 1999, to allow time to conduct a cost of service study for the water utility. Should the results of that study prove a rate increase to be necessary, it is best to implement that increase during the winter months when consumption is lower. Director Pittis also noted that extending the contract to December 1999, would allow for a better opportunity to know what will be occurring regarding the issues of regional area of water supply, dam removal, etc. Discussion ensued, and Director Pittis responded to questions and provided additional clarification. Bill Myer moved to recommend the City Council approve the extension of the wholesale water agreement with the PUD with the same terms and conditions to December 31, 1999. Utility Advisory Committee March 15, 1999 Councilman Doyle seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. C. Extension of lnterlocal Agreement with Jefferson County for Use of Landfill Director Pittis reviewed the information contained in the packet. He stated it is hoped that our cooperation with Jefferson County will be remembered in the future, if the City goes to regional long hauling. Brief discussion followed regarding various methods of disposing of garbage after the landfill closes. Director Pittis and Deputy Director Titus responded to questions and provided clarification. Councilman Doyle moved to recommend the City Council extend the Interlocal Agreement with Jefferson County until April 29, 1999. Councilman Williams seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. D. lnterlocal Agreement with Port of Port Angeles for Wildlife Management Director Pittis reviewed and explained the information contained in the packet. He reminded the Committee that the City had hired the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to perform a wildlife assessment of the landfill and airport. Part of that report included an outline of a Wildlife Management Plan. The assessment describes and analyzes the risks, and this was the basis for submitting a report to the county which demonstrated there is no bird/aircraft hazard relating to the landfill's proximity to the airport. The Wildlife Management Plan is the step which ensures that the demonstration continues forward. This document describes numerous ways to address and deal with migratory birds, starlings, rodents, etc. It describes the responsibilities of the Port personnel and the City. The Plan also establishes a committee which will periodically review the program, assesses the available information, and makes necessary correction to address the issues of wildlife. Director Pittis then reviewed the necessary steps to reach implementation of the Plan and stated staff is pleased with the document. Discussion followed and Director Pittis responded to questions. Attorney Knutson explained that the FAA did not have legal control over the City's landfill. The County issued the City it's permit because the USDA developed this plan and assessment. As long as the City follows the Plan, the landfill is legal and the City can continue to operate it as long as necessary, unless the law is changed. Currently, the City has satisfied the County, Department of Ecology, and Environmental Protection Act regulations and there is no legal hold for the FAA over the landfill. Further discussion ensued. Councilman Doyle moved to concur with the Wildlife Management Plan and the Interlocal Agreement with the Port to implement the plan as presented and forward it to City Council upon its review and approval by the Port. Bill Myer seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. E. Letter to Congressional Delegation Supporting Private Uae Legislation Deputy Director of Utility Services Titus reviewed the information contained in the packet. Director Pittis reminded the Comnfittee that several years ago, there was some effort in Congress to eliminate tax exempt financing for wastewater and water facilities. This is another attempt. Deputy Director Titus explained that certain parts of the country are almost exclusively private power, and have been after public power for years. Discussion ensued and Mr. Titus responded to questions and provided clarification. He stated that if the delegation did not support private use legislation, the City's costs Utility Advisory Committee March 15, 1999 would be increased not only for utilities but general city government costs. Following further limited discussion, Councilman Doyle moved to recommend the City Council approve sending the letters to the congressional delegation supporting [I.1L 721 and S. 386. Bill Myers seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. F. Verbal Report on Regional Water and Electrical Issues Director Pittis stated CH2M Hill has been commissioned to perform a water resource review and study. It has been updated to reflect the possibilities based on whether one or both dams are removed, and how this might relate to water supplies. Discussions were then held between the City and the PUD to consider the value of the study as a joint City/PUD project, to look at water supply collectively rather than independently. At the same time, the City had a brief discussion with the Tribe regarding similar issues. The Tribe is developing a list of its issues, which will be forwarded to the City. One of the Tribe's ideas was to use the Ranney well water to augment the flow of the river for fish uses, reducing the highly turbid river flows during dam removal with the water from the Ranney well. This would mean the City would use the industrial line and place a treatment plant along it, or build another Ranney well, etc. Staffis hoping to obtain additional information which can be useful in developing a regional strategy that would satisfy the PUD, City, Tribe, and any other entity seeking to use water from the regional system. This will be difficult but worthwhile project. Director Pittis distributed Ennis Creek Cooperation, Vision of the Future, which is a drat~ vision statement for potential use of the Rayonier mill site and water facilities. He stated this is just a possible approach to this issue. Councilman Williams stated he attended Science, Technology and Manufacturing Association Open House. One of the presentations put on by a group of individuals, showed how to connect the downtown and all the water resources. East of Ennis Creek was a golf course and a tribal cultural center, west of the creek was offices and marinas, and the boat haven was turned into heavy industrial shipping. Discussion followed. Director Pittis distributed maps showing the Port Angeles water supply system and described the various water service lines. He stated that staff hoped to expand the scope of the study being performed by CH2M Hill to discover what would be necessary in order to connect a new treatment plant to the current water system, and how much it would cost to accomplish. This expanded study would provide the information necessary to bring to the PUD Commissioners and City Council so they can make a decision on the issue. The PUD, City, Tribe, etc., collectively, can agree on a regional water supply, then permission can be sought from the federal authorities to carry out the new program. Senator Gorton has indicated he would be supportive of reimbursing the City for some of its costs relative to protecting its own interests. Councilman Doyle stated that during the National League of Cities Conference, Council members met with Patty Murray's and Slate Gorton's representatives, as well as Congressman Dicks. Congressman Dicks informed that Secretary of the Interior Babbitt wishes to ensure there is a plan in place before money is paid out for the purchase of the dams. He felt the federal government wanted to ensure they would have no liability regarding the dams, once they were purchased. Discussion ensued and Joe Michalczik felt that dam removal would be harmful to Port Angeles due Utility Advisory Committee March 15, 1999 to the length of time it would take to accomplish flow down. Director Pittis described what he thought would happen if the dams were removed and what the Department of Health would mandate regarding water sampling, and explained why it was beneficial to the City to work in cooperation with the PUD and Tribe and on this issue. Councilman Doyle noted that the Elwha dam removal has been an issue for several years, but the listing of the salmon is going to affect everyone. Many entities will be seeking federal or state funds and working with other agencies will give the City its best chance of obtaining support for a water treatment system. Director Pittis spoke briefly on the possibility of reusing water in the future. Further discussion followed, and Joe Michalczik expressed concern over maintaining water quality and cost of water delivery. Director Pittis stated this issue will be returned to the UAC after CH2M Hill has been approached regarding adjusting the scope of work. VI. Information Only Items A. Lockbox Memo to Customers Finance Director Godbey reminded the Committee that the City Council had approved a contract with Lockbox, Inc. about one year ago. Lockbox will process and deposit payments, then electronically upload the information to the City's computer system. This will free up the processing of approximately 400 payments per month. There was a delay in implementing the program as the software was ensuring all programs were Y2K compliant. The program is currently being tested and it is hoped actual service will begin shortly. Director Godbey responded to questions and provided additional clarification on the program. No action was taken. VI. Next Meeting: The next meeting will be April 12, 1999, at 3:00 p.m. VII. Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 3:55 p.m. Deputy City Clerk ~/¢hain~an ' -4-