HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/09/2002
Port Angeles, Washington
April 9, 2002
L Call to Order:
Chairman Bentley called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m.
II. Roll Call:
Members Present:
Chairman Bentley, Councilmember Erickson, Councilmember Rogers
(3:03), Councilman Campbell (3:05), Dean Reed
Members Absent:
Staff Present:
Craig Knutson, Ken Ridout, Scott McLain, Gary Kenworthy, Larry
Dunbar, Doyle McGinley, Jim Harper, Steve Sperr, Jeff Young, Cate
Others Present:
Brian Gawley - Peninsula Daily News
III. Approval of Minutes:
Chairman Bentley asked if there were any additions or corrections to the meeting minutes of
March 12,2002. None were given. Dean Reed moved to approve the minutes. Councilmember
Erickson seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
IV, Discussion Items:
A. Leak Detection 2002 Results
Doyle McGinley, Water/Wastewater Collection Superintendent, explained that the City had contracted
with Utility Services Associates to locate leaks in the water distribution system. The company worked
four days at a cost of under $ I ,000 per day and can cover the entire City in five to six years. The general
location ofthe survey this year was from Lauridsen Boulevard to Railroad Avenue and Lincoln to Cedar.
The estimated water loss detected and repaired was 55,800 gallons per day. A brief discussion followed.
Staff was asked to review chart figures to compare areas.
No action taken. Information only.
B. Wastewater NPDES Permit Update
Jeff Young, Treatment Plant Superintendent, briefed the committee on the National Pollutant Discharge
Elimination System (NPDES) permit indicating a nine minimum control plan was being addressed.
Indications are that the milestone goal is for more indepth testing. Brown and Caldwell are involved in
reviewing the information as it changes. A short discussion followed.
April 9, 2002
No action taken. Information only.
C. 2002 Electric Design Consultant Selection
Jim Harper, Electrical Engineering Manager, advised two electrical rebuild projects (Valley Feeder 1205
Overhead and the Elwha Underground) were scheduled to be packaged as a single design contract.
Proposals for the designs were requested from five engineering consulting firms with three responding.
An evaluation team determined the most qualified firm for the job. There was a brief discussion with
questions regarding the consultant selection process.
Dean Reed moved to recommend City Council authorize the Mayor to sign an agreement with R.
W. Beck for electrical design services for a cost not to exceed the negotiated amount of $95,350.
Councilmember Erickson seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
D. Northland Cable Negotiation Update
Larry Dunbar, Power Resources Manager, announced that as a result of the tenth negotiation meeting
held on March 27th an agreement was ready for adoption. Should Northland Cable accept the agreement
on May 6th it will return to the May 14th UAC and to Council May 21 ". A short discussion followed
with questions regarding changes the cable attorney had made in the agreement. Mr. Dunbar indicated
there was nothing significant.
No action taken. Information only.
E. Phase III Downtown Watermain/Sidewalks Loan Application
Stephen Sperr, Utility Engineer, emphasized the third phase would complete the downtown watermain
replacement and was designed to target mains west of Oak Street to Valley Street and along the north
side of Front Street between Laurel Street and Oak Street. It will also include sidewalk replacement
along a portion of First Street, Front Street and possibly Laurel Street on the west side between Railroad
Avenue and Front Street. A Public Works Trust Fund application (PWTF) had been submitted last year
but failed to make the list. Revisions have been made and the application will be submitted before the
May 13th deadline. During the discussion that followed there were some questions concerning the reason
for failing to make the list last year and if the west side of Laurel Street between First Street and Front
Street would be addressed. It was disclosed that the City missed by one point and that a smaller project
had been pushed ahead. The Laurel Street issue would be included as part of the application.
Councilman Campbell moved to recommend City Council authorize the Mayor to sign the Public
Works Trust Fund loan application certification in an amount not to exceed $1,980,000 for Phase
III of the Downtown Watermain/Sidewalk Replacement Project. In addition, if the loan is
approved, authorize the Mayor to execute the PWTF loan agreement provided that the loan
amount does not exceed $1,980,000. Councilmember Rogers seconded the motion, which carried
April 9, 2002
F. Consultant Selection for 2002/2003 Water & Wastewater Projects
Stephen Sperr, Utility Engineer, mentioned there are four water and wastewater projects that require
engineering and other services not already part of an existing consultant agreement. Four firms were
sent a request for proposal for design and two responded. Selection was based on the written proposal,
presentation and interview. There was a brief discussion with questions concerning the high fee and the
lack of response. It was explained that unusual conditions are involved with one of the projects as it
goes through rough terrain and through Olympic National Park. Engineering consultants that did not
submit proposals indicated that they were either too busy to take on the project, or they didn't have the
expertise for these particular projects.
Councilmember Erickson moved to recommend City Council authorize the Mayor to sign an
Agreement with Skillings-Connolly, Inc. for engineering support services for a total amount not to
exceed $160,000. Council member Rogers seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
G. Amendment No.1 to Engineering Services Agreement with Parametrix, Inc.
Gary Kenworthy, Deputy Director of EngineeringlCity Engineer, pointed out that the agreement with
Parametrix needed to be amended to reflect actual costs, additional costs for ongoing tasks, the addition
of a new task and the extension of the time of performance. A review was given concerning the various
areas and the status of each. A discussion followed with questions regarding contract costs falling in
future budget years.
Councilman Campbell moved to recommend City Council authorize the Mayor to sign
Amendment No.1 to the Agreement for Professional Services with Parametrix, inc., increasing the
not-to-exceed total of the agreement to $607,970. Councilmember Erickson seconded the motion,
which carried unanimously.
V, Late Items: None
VII. Next Meeting:
The next meeting will be May 14, 2002. At 3:00 p.m.
VIII. Adjournment:
The meeting adjourned at 4:35 p.m.
Allen Bentley, Chairman
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Cate Rinehart, Administrative