HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/10/2000 UTILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE
Port Angeles, Washington
April 10, 2000
I. Call to Order:
Chairman Campbell called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m.
II. Roll Call:
Members Present: Chairman Campbell, Mayor Doyle, and Dean Reed.
Members Absent: Councilman Williams.
Staff Present: Manager Quinn, C. Hagar, J. Harper, S. McLain, G. Cutler, K. Ridout, J.
Young, S. Sperr, B. Collins, and D. Miller,
Others Present: Rick Hlavka and Donna Richmond.
III. Approval of Minutes:
Dean Reed moved to approve the minutes of the March 6, 2000, meeting. Mayor Doyle seconded the
motion, which carried unanimously.
IV. Discussion Items:
A. Electric Utility Rural Economic Redevelopment Fund
Scott McLain reviewed the information contained in the packet, responded to questions and provided
clarification. Dean Reed asked if using this money for economic development was consistent with the
charter of the light utility as a portion of the rates collected from the rote payers is being used to supplement
another activity of the City. Director Cutler felt it was justified as economic development creates more jobs
and brings more business which results in higher power sales, generating more revenue.
Mr. Reed understood Director Curler's rationale, but still felt the question was begging. Discussion ensued.
Staff will research this issue and bring a report back to a future meeting.
Mayor Doyle moved to recommend the City Council approve the transfer of $50,000 from the Light
Fund to the Electric Utility Rural Economic Development Revolving Fund. Dean Reed seconded the
motion, which carried unanimously.
B. Maintenance and Operation Agreement for Daishowa Transmission Lines
Scott McLain reviewed the information contained in the packet, responded to questions, and provided
clarification. Dean Reed informed the Committee that Daishowa fought hard to retain ownership of the
transmission lines and is still responsible for maintaining them. However, there will no longer be a crew
there nor will a Daishowa employee serve as ~t,asi,stam. dispatcher.
Mayor Doyle moved to recommend the City Council approve the Maintenance Agreement and
Operating Agreement for the Daishowa Transmission Line. Dean Reed seconded the motion. Scott
McLain remarked that the documents contained in the packet are drafts. He received the final agreements
today, which are substantially unchanged. A vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously.
C. UtiliO~ ~ Up Outside of CiO~ and UGA
Planning Director Collins stated that the Council had asked for an update regarding the City's policy on
providing services to those outside the UGA. Director Collins stated he researched the City's policies and
regulations and the process for overcoming the problem of being outside the UGA and needing city services.
Director Collins noted that the policy originated with the City's Growth Management Act (GMA), but it had
been a long-standing policy that the City did not extend services without annexation. The GMA went a step
further and defined where urban services could and could not be provided, stating that in order to be
provided services, the area had to be designated as an Urban Growth Area (UGA).
Therefore, city services cannot be provided outside the City without annexation and cannot be provided
outside the UGA unless the UGA is amended.
Director Collins went on to explain that it takes approximately one and one-half years to change the City's
UGA, one year for annexation, and the County only changes its UGA once every ten years. Therefore,
making a change in the policy regarding extending services outside the UGA would be a lengthy process
using one of these methods.
Director Collins said it was possible for the City and County to develop an urban services involvement
agreement or a revenue sharing agreement, which would allow the City to avoid the necessity of annexation
to provide services. However, any of these processes would take one to two years to complete and enact.
Lengthy discussion followed and staff responded to questions and provided clarification.
Councilman Campbell noted that in the current annexation process, the City must buy out the portion of the
electric utility and water system owned by the PUD. This is very expensive and has a complicated process
to establish value. This is unfair to the rate payers also, as they pay for the same service twice. Discussion
proceeded on revenue sharing agreements and how they benefit the City or County.
Manager Quinn suggested that if the Council wished to consider extending services into the UGA for
economic development, a surcharge could be added to the rates. Upon annexation, the surcharge would be
dropped. This would create an incentive for annexation, while still allowing for the extension of services.
Discussion continued. The City Manager will continue to research and problem solve this issue. No action
was taken.
D. Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan
Dale Miller, Recycling Coordinator, introduced Rick Hlavka of Green Solutions Environmental Consulting.
Green Solutions was hired by the County to aid in the development of a Solid Waste Comprehensive Plan
for Clallam County.
Mr. Hlavka distributed a handout and used the overhead projector to give a presentation based on that
information. Mr. Hlavka reviewed the history of the Plan development and described the make up of the
Solid Waste Advisory Committee (SWAC). He described the changes ahead which included possible waste
export, and enumerated the elements addressed by the Plan which included waste prevention, composting,
and incineration.
Mr. Hlavka summarized the recommendations made inthe proposed plan and explained them. Some ofthe
recommendations were waste prevention through efforts such as swap events, increased recycling and
composting, possible incineration, and waste export. Mr. Hlavka further recommended interlocal
agreements for the new disposal system and addressed several special waste issues such as recovering more
wood waste and promoting recycling of construction and demolition debris. Mr. Hlavka concluded his
presentation by explaining the adoption process included completing a final draft of the plan, seeking
approval from local governments, obtaining approval of the Plan by the Department of Ecology, and finally
implementation of the Plan. Mr. Hlavka and staff responded to questions and provided clarification.
Following brief discussion, Dean Reed moved to forward a favorable recommendation to the City
Council for of the Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan. Mayor Doyle seconded the motion,
which carried unanimously.
Councilman Campbell thanked Mr. Hlavka for coming to give the presentation.
V. Information Only Items:
Vacancy on the UAC
Director Cutler informed the Committee that a press release has gone out to announce the vacancy on the
Committee. No applications have been received to date.
B. Electrical Distribution Design
Jim Harper, Electrical Engineer, distributed information regarding the issue. He stated that originally this
was just an information item, however, he has recently received the last of the information he needed, so he
is asking the Committee to make a recommendation. Mr. Harper then reviewed the information he had
provided and responded to questions. At Dean Reed's request, Mr. Harper explained the evaluation process
used for rating and evaluating the proposals.
Mayor Doyle moved to recommend the City Council authorize the Mayor to sign the contract with
Triaxis Engineering, Inc. Dean Reed seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
C. Biosolids Distribution to Farm Sites
JeffYoung, Wastewater Superintendent, distributed several fliers and a copy of the public notice regarding
biosolids distribution to farm sites. He informed the Committee that four farmers have signed agreements
with the City for the use ofbiosolids to grow hay. Mr. Young he has been working with the Department
of Ecology (DOE) on this program and the public notice will be published soon. He explained the process
to be followed for this project to reach final approval, and stated the City will have to look into purchasing
or leasing equipment to apply the biosolids. Discussion ensued; questions were answered and clarification
provided. Mr. Young informed the Committee that the City is responsible for supplying the equipment and
the manpower to spread the biosolids. The cost of equipment will be approximately $60,000 and the City
may contract out the work if it so wishes. Staff will look into the most economical way to handle this aspect
of the project.
No action was taken.
VI. Late Items:
A. Design Contract 'I "Street Substation Rebuild
Jim Harper, Electrical Engineer, distributed and reviewed information on the issue. Mr. Harper described
the scope of work. The actual construction will be performed in the summer of 2001, as the transformer has
a 40 - 60 week delivery time.
Following brief discussion and clarification, Dean Reed moved to recommend the City Council authorize
the mayor to sign the contract with Triaxis Engineering, Inc. Mayor Doyle seconded the motion,
which carried unanimously.
B. Northland Cable
Director Cutler informed the Committee that Northland Cable would be giving its annual report at the next
meeting. If the Committee has specific items it wishes to have addressed, please inform staff.
C. Thank You to the Secretary
Director Cutler announced that this would be Carol Hagar's last meeting and thanked her for her years of
dedicated service to the Committee.
VII. Next Meeting:
The next meeting will be held May 8, 2000, at 3:00 p.m. in the Public Works Conference Room.
VIII. Adjournment:
The meeting adjourned at 5:20 p.m.
tD~rv-ille Campb~grChai~nan "~- Cate Rinehart for Carol Hagar