HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/07/2001 UTILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE
Port Angeles, Washington
May 7, 2001
I. Call to Order:
Vice Chairman Williams called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. It was
noted that the agenda was amended to remove the works "Special Meeting".
II. Roll Call:
Members Present: Vice Chairman Williams, Mayor Doyle, Orville Campbell, Allen Bentley
Members Absent: Dean Reed
Staff Present: Ken Ridout, Scott McLain, Gary Kenworthy, Tanya O'Neill, Larry Dunbar,
Mark Hughey, Cate Rinehart
Others Present: Jack Warburton - Brown and Caldwell
James Hansen - Brown and Caldwell
III. Approval of Minutes:
Vice Chairman Williams asked if there were any further changes or additions to the agenda. Scott
McLain, Deputy Director of Power Systems, added "Water Shortage Response Plan" under Late
Items. Vice Chairman Williams then asked if there were any additions or corrections to the meeting
minutes of April 9, 2001. Mayor Doyle moved to approve the minutes. Allen Bentley seconded the
motion, which carried unanimously.
IV. Discussion Items:
A. Stormwater Gap Analysis
Gary Kenworthy, Deputy Director of Engineering Services, introduced Jack Warburton and James Hansen
of Brown and Caldwell. A review was given of the regulations and requirements with a recommendation
to expand erosion and sediment control, establish water quality guidelines, provide formal documentation
and expand inspection. Existing operating activities, new program setup fees, additional annual operating
activities, and total program costs were explained and discussed. Various types of funding were explored
with the emphasis on spending more on staffand equipment than more studies. A discussion followed with
questions regarding noncompliance and the consequences. The consultants cautioned the possibility of a
third party lawsuit such as environmental groups and state refusal to allow building.
No action taken. Information only.
B. Net Metering Procedure
May 7, 2001
Scott McLain, Deputy Director of Power Systems, pointed out in 1998 the State Legislature approved
mandating net metering which allows customers with qualifying generation to be billed only for the net
amount of electrical energy delivered by the City. Qualifying generation may be fuel cell, solar, wind or
hydro power. Mr. McLain indicated a total of four inquiries have been made so far this year which clearly
indicated a need for a metering connection agreement and ordinance. A short discussion followed.
Councilman Campbell moved to recommend City Council approve the implementation of Net
Metering, the Net Energy Metering Connection Agreement form and the Ordinance authorizing the
Manager of Electric Engineering to sign net metering agreements. Allen Bentley seconded the motion,
which carried unanimously.
C. Conservation Plans and Publicity
Mark Hughey, Commemial Energy Analyst, summarized the various conservation programs which include
conservation awareness, energy/water conservation, compact fluorescent lamps, City facilities and building
improvements. Mr. Hughey reported these programs would qualify for the BPA Conservation and
Renewables Credit Discount. Larry Dunbar, Power Resources Manager, further elaborated on the building
improvement portion indicating the need for a contractor agreement to protect the City and comply with
BPA standards. A discussion followed with questions regarding the performance bond portion of the
agreement. Mr. Dunbar agreed to revise the final agreement to omit that portion of the first paragraph of
Allen Bentley moved to recommend to City Council that a budget adjustment be approved and the
Director of Public Works and Utilities, or his designee, be authorized to enter into City Authorized
Contractor Agreements as revised by omitting the performance bond section. Councilman Campbell
seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
D. PUD Electric Franchise Agreement
Larry Dunbar, Power Resources Manager, reviewed the past history of the expired fifty year franchise. After
several meetings a letter of acceptance has been received from the Clallam County PUD and the ordinance
is now ready. A short discussion followed with concerns regarding the words "No facilities within the City
limits may be engaged, improved, or expanded or retail customers served without obtaining the City's
permission, which can not be unreasonably denied...". Scott McLain, Deputy Director of Power Systems,
stated the City Attorney would be contacted regarding rewording that section.
Mayor Doyle moved to recommend City Council adopt the revised ordinance granting the Clallam
County Public Utility District No. 1 a franchise to operate and maintain infrastructure for the sole
purpose of transmission and distribution of electric energy. Councilman Campbell seconded the
motion, which carried unanimously.
E. Fiber Optic Backbone Business Plan Authorization to Proceed
Larry Dunbar, Power Resources Manager, summarized the sequence of events recommending the design
engineering agreement be cancelled due to the business paln recommendations. Mr. Dunbar further
May 7, 2001
explained the work sequence recommended in the business plan to be cable television franchise negotiations,
other scenario (3 and 4) negotiations, and a fiber optic pilot project. A meeting with PA Works! was held
earlier in the day and that committee recommended all three activities be conducted in parallel. PA Works!
also recommended that consortium partner development is completed beyond the consortium partner
development activity of the other scenario (3 and 4) negotiations recommended in the business plan. The
PA Works! committee directed staff to return in June with an expanded consulting services proposal for their
Councilman Campbell moved to recommend to City Council that the business plan be approved; that
the fiber optic backbone design engineering services agreement with Metropolitan Communications
Consultants be rescinded; that the Mayor be authorized to accept the consulting services proposals
with Metropolitan Communications Consultants and Dow, Cogburn and Friedman; that task II of
the cable franchise negotiations, task II of the other scenario negotiations, and task IV of the pilot
project proceed concurrently; and that additional scope of work be proposed beyond the consortium
partner development activity of the other scenario negotiations at the next regularly scheduled
meeting. Allen Bentley seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
F. Leak Detection 2001 Results
Ken Ridout, Deputy Director of Operations, advised contracted work with Utility Services Associates
revealed seven leaks detected and repaired. An estimated 41,000 gallons of water was recovered as a result.
A brief discussion followed.
No action taken. Information only.
G. Rayonier Leachate Report
Vice Chairman Williams left for an appointment - Councilman Campbell became Acting Chairman.
No action taken. Information only - graph.
V. Late Items
Codification of the Water Shortage Response Plan
Ken Ridout, Deputy Director of Operations, pointed out that due to below normal rainfall and snow pack
it was anticipated that low water flows could be experienced in the Elwha River and it may be necessary to
implement conservation measures. A response plan has been developed which includes five stages - internal
preparations, voluntary conservation, outdoor restrictions, mandatory outdoor/indoor restrictions and water
rationing. A brief discussion followed with concerns over the penalties associated with non compliance
which included a written warning, installation of flow restriction devices, and water service shutoff with a
$100 charge for reestablishing service.
Item tabled with a request to soften penalties and include the full ordinance at the next meeting. A
request was made to include mechanical failure as part of the plan.
May 7, 2001
VII. Next Meeting:
The next regular meeting will be held June 11, 2001, at 3:00 p.m. in the Public Works Conference Room.
VIII. Adjournment:
The meeting adjourned at 5:45 p.m.
i~xry~[iliiams, Vice Chairman Cate Rinehart, Admini-str-ative Assistant
C~uncilmaTn-Campbell, Actf~g Chairmiim