HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/08/2012Utility Advisory Committee /Special City Council Meeting
Council Chambers
Port Angeles, WA 98362
May 8, 2012
3:00 p.m.
I. Call To Order
Chairman Dan DiGuilio called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m.
II. Roll Call
UAC Assigned
Councilmembers Present: Cherie Kidd, Dan Di Guilio, Sissi Bruch, PhD.
Other Councilmembers
Present: Max Mania, Patrick Downie
Other Councilmembers
Absent: Brad Collins, Brooke Nelson
Utility Advisory
Committee Members
Utility Advisory
Committee Members
Staff Present:
V. Late Items:
VI. Discussion Items:
Dean Reed, Paul Elliott, Murven Sears II
Dan McKeen, Glenn Cutler, Bill Bloor, Mike Puntenney, Larry
Dunbar, Phil Lusk, Kathryn Neal, Eric Walrath, Tom McCabe,
Helen Freilich, Sondya Wray, Rick Hostetler
Others Present: Harold E. Day Citizen
III. Introduction of Mr. Murven Sears, II, Community Representative Position No. 2
IV. Approval Of Minutes
Chairman Dan Di Guilio asked if there were any corrections to the minutes of April 10, 2012.
Committee Member Cherie Kidd moved to approve the minutes. Dean Reed seconded the
motion, which carried unanimously.
A. Stormwater Engineering Services Professional Services Agreement
Amendment No. 1
Kathryn Neal, P.E., Engineering Manager, discussed the PowerPoint Presentation and identified
where a high fecal coliform bacteria has been detected in Peabody Creek within the City limits.
Work is proposed to be added to the Stormwater Engineering Services Professional Services
Agreement that was awarded to Herrera Environmental Consultants on August 16, 2011. A
discussion followed.
Paul Elliot moved to recommend City Council to authorize the City Manager to sign
Amendment No. 1 to the Stormwater Engineering Professional Services Agreement with
Herrera Environmental Consultants in an amount not to exceed $20,976, which increases
the maximum compensation under the agreement from $107,143, to $128,119, and to make
minor modifications to the agreement, if necessary. Sissi Bruch seconded the motion, which
carried unanimously.
B. Concrete Cylinder Pipe Condition Assessment and Value Engineering
Mike Puntenney, P.E., City Engineer, reviewed the professional services related to the concrete
cylinder pipe condition assessment and value engineering has been awarded to Mill Creek
Management Technologies, Inc. There was a lengthy discussion.
For information only, no action requested.
C. Clallam Spring Clean Up Event
Tom McCabe, Solid Waste Superintendent, reviewed the public's participation and responses to
the Clallam Spring Clean Up Event. There was a brief discussion.
For information only, no action requested.
D. 2012/2013 EnergySmart Grocer Utility Participation Agreement
Phil Lusk, Power Resources Manager, shared the City was offered to participate in the
"EnergySmart Grocer Program" by Portland Energy Conservation, Inc. City expenses under the
agreement are eligible for reimbursement under the Bonneville Power Administration's Energy
Efficiency program. A discussion followed.
Dean Reed moved to recommend City Council to approve and authorize the City Manager
to sign the EnergySmart Grocer Utility Participation Agreement and to make minor
modifications to the agreement, if necessary. Paul Elliot seconded the motion, which
carried unanimously.
E. Utility Discount Ordinance Amendments
Larry Dunbar, Deputy Director of Power Systems, discussed a PowerPoint Presentation on the
proposed Utility Discount Ordinance Amendments. A lengthy discussion followed.
Guidance was provided by the Utility Advisory Committee for staff to return with a revised
ordinance that limits utility discounts to the Electric Utility, increases the income limits by
$2,000 per year, clarifies when participation in conservation programs is required, and
eliminates the requirement to participate in the City's average payment program.
D. Information Only Items:
A. Advance Metering Infrastructure System Update (verbal report only)
Information only. No action taken.
B. Wireless Mobile Data System Update (verbal report only)
Information only. No action taken.
VIII. Next Meeting Date: June 12, 2012
IX. Adjournment: 5:00 p.m.
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Cherie Kidd, Mayor on ya Wray, Administrative Specialist