HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/31/1990Utility Advisory Committee
Port Angeles, Washington
May 31, 1990
4:30 p.m.
Call to Order:
Chairman Hallett called the meeting to order at 4:50 p.m.
II. Roll Call:
Members Present: Jim Hallett, Dick Wight, Jeff Rosbach; Mike
Lemon arrived at 5:15 p.m.
Staff Present: Jack Pittis, Craig Knutson, Bob Jones, Jim
Abernathy, Ralph Ellsworth, Bob Coons, Yvonne Ziomkowski, Lois
Danks and Ken Ridout.
Others Present: Duane Wolfe, Financial Consultant.
III. ADDroval of Minutes of May 7, 1990:
The minutes were approved as written.
IV. Discussion Items (Item #6 on the Aqenda Moved to Item ~2):
1. Landfill Financina Options:
Jack Pittis and Duane Wolfe provided background and strategies
for bond issuance and rate increases.
Contract awarded for Landfill construction to Delhur
o Issuing of bonds and increasing rates.
o Closure fund is set aside.
Parity Certificates - where new bonds will not impact
existing bonds.
o Need to close the bonds just after the 1st of July, 1990.
Bond council wants disclosure statement on possible
impacts on spotted owl decision on County residents.
Jack Pittis and Bob Jones then explained possible rate
structures for the Solid Waste Utility, with and without
Utility Advisory Committee Meeting
May 31, 1990
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UAC members requested staff to look at yard waste
proposals in conjunction with curbside.
0 East side of County growing faster than west side.
Advised UAC that Public Works has discussed with the
County the use of their Solid Waste Sworn Deputy to watch
for County residents using City containers.
UAC members wanted to know what progress the City is
making with the County concerning a County-wide solid
waste district.
A joint meeting has been scheduled for June 25,
After discussion, it was moved by Dick Wight and seconded by
Jeff Rosbach to recommend adoption of the Solid Waste rates,
including recycling, for the June 19, 1990 City Council
meeting. The motion was passed unanimously.
It was moved by Jeff Rosbach and seconded by Mike Lemon to
recommend consideration of the bond issue at the June 19, 1990
City Council meeting also. The motion was passed unanimously.
2. Status Report for Funding of Secondary:
Jack Pittis provided background and an explanation on
utilizing Federal grant money in lieu of State grant moneys.
The Department of Ecology has recommended the City pursue the
Federal funding to receive greater benefits, such as:
Additional 5% for contingency for possible changes in
site conditions.
o Higher grant percentage.
The one condition the City would have to meet is the change in
filing environmental documents. Craig Knutson explained the
difference in the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) and
the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). NEPA may
require an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). The City
would not be lead agency under NEPA. The lead agency would be
the Environmental Protection Agency.
Utility Advisory Committee Meeting
May 31, 1990
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Jeff Rosbach questioned whether or not we can still hold on to
the State grant until we receive the Federal grant. Jack
Pittis explained that the D.O.E. will work hard with the City
to assure that the City receives the funds. The State and
Federal funds are both administered by D.O.E.
After discussion, it was determined that no action is required
on the issue, but UAC members concurred that a letter be sent
back to D.O.E. regarding the grant.
3. Completed Storm Drain Plan:
The completed Stormwater Plan was distributed to all members.
Jack Pittis explained the implementation schedule and
recommended adoption of the concepts of the plan.
Dick Wight questioned if we are required to amend the
Comprehensive Plan first. Craig Knutson replied no.
Mike Lemon questioned if we adopt the plan, do we adopt the
sample ordinances included? Jack Pittis replied no, we adopt
the work and plan only. The individual elements and
regulatory aspects of the plan would be brought back as they
are finalized and submitted to the UAC and City Council.
After further discussion, the UAC recommended placement of the
item on the Information Agenda for the second City Council
meeting in June.
Possible Latecomer A~reements for Milwaukee Drive Sewer:
Jack Pittis explained latecomers concepts for sewers installed
by developers. In this case, the City Solid Waste Utility
would be the developer and should recover the excess costs for
installation of the sewer line to serve all of the area,
rather than just to serve the Landfill.
Jack Pittis explained the three approaches to latecomers fees:
0 Secondary Sewer latecomers already in place.
Site specific facility that runs in front of the
0 Charge for total "in place" system with pump stations.
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May 31, 1990
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Craig Knutson explained that the City can legally charge for
the original costs for what is in place, but cannot charge
based on current costs of replacement. Jack Pittis added that
the depreciated costs can be charged if you have no record of
the original cost.
After discussion, it was moved by Jeff Rosbach and seconded by
Mike Lemon to recommend adoption of the Milwaukee Drive Trunk
Sewer Connection Charge Ordinance. The motion was passed
5. "E" Street Reservoir Lininq:
Jack Pittis gave a brief explanation of the need to reline the
"E" Street Reservoir.
After discussion, it was moved by Dick Wight and seconded by
Mike Lemon to recommend to the City Council to proceed with
the call for bids for the relining of the "E" Street
Reservoir. The motion was passed unanimously.
6. Report on the Dellchem Process for Secondary:
Jack Pittis explained the memo briefly as being informational.
Staff has recommended that we do not proceed any further with
the investigation of the Dellchem Process. The UAC concurred
with the staff recommendation.
7. Rebroadcastinq "Local" TV Siqnals:
Craig Knutson explained the background on his research into
the technical feasibility and possible cost of the City
picking up local TV signals and rebroadcasting them.
The UAC recommended that Craig put something together for the
City Council meeting.
Late Items/Member Discussion:
There were no late items.
Utility Advisory Committee Meeting
May 31, 1990
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VI. Ad4 ournment:
The meeting adjourned at 7:04 p.m.
K?n RidoUt
Jim Hallett