HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 06/07/1999 UTILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE
Port Angeles, Washington
June 7, 1999
L Call to Order:
Chairman Campbell called the meeting to order at 3:05 p.m.
IL Roll Call:
Members Present: Councilmen Campbell, Doyle and Williams, Bill Myers, and Joe
Members Absent: None.
Staff Present: J. Pittis, Y. Ziomkowski, B. Titus, S. McLain, T. Smith, D.
McGinley, R. Ellsworth, D. Miller, S. Evans, K. Ridout, and C.
Others Present: Steve Sanderson, Karen Rogers.
IIL Approval of Minutes:
Councilman Doyle moved to approve the minutes of the.~qm{(~, 1999, meeting. Councilman
Williams seconded the motion. Ken Ridout's name was inadvertently omitted from staff present
at the meeting, which will be corrected. A vote was taken on the motion, which carried
As a courtesy to Mr. Sanderson who was present to make the TOPS Presentation, that item was
placed at the top of the agenda.
IV. Discussion Items:
Mr. Sanderson reviewed the information contained in the packet regarding the possible construction
ora Thermal Oxidation Process System (TOPS) for on-site testing at the Port Angeles Landfill. He
assured the Committee that the System could be removed, if desired, when testing was completed.
Mr. Sanderson briefly reviewed the process and showed a short video which demonstrated the TOPS
theory. Following the video, Mr. Sanderson stressed that a test site is being sought, and the landfill
would be the most likely spot to locate the system. He responded to questions and provided
additional information and clarification regarding the TOPS unit.
A minimum of one quarter acre is necessary for the test site, and Mr. Sanderson felt there were
several suitable areas at the landfill. Councilman Campbell suggested staff review the requirements
and compile a list of possible test sites at the landfill.
Councilman Williams expressed concern over liability issues regarding air pollution, etc., as a result
of testing. Mr. Sanderson stated that, prior to testing, permits must be issued by the Olympic Air
Pollution Control Authority (OAPCA), Department of Ecology (DOE), and County Health
Department. Therefore, OAPCA would be the pollution regulatory agency, and any complaints
Utility Advisory Committee
June 7, 1999
would be forwarded to them and the City is held harmless.
Following further discussion, Councilman Doyle moved to recommend the City Council
authorize and support the siting of a TOPS test facility for Lincoln Environmental Solutions,
Inc., at the Port Angeles landfill, provided all necessary permits can be obtained to the
satisfaction of the City Attorney's office and the Public Works and Utilities Department. Bill
Myers seconded the motion. Following further discussion, a vote was taken on the motion,
which carried unanimously.
A. Telecommunication Ordinance
Interim Manager Pittis explained that Attorney Knutson had been detained at another meeting and
could not be present for this discussion. Therefore, this item will be treated as information only and
brought back to the July meeting. He reviewed the information contained in the packet. Interim
Manager Pittis referred to the brochure on the Local Telecommunications Infrastructures Options
seminar which will be held in August of this year. Attorney Knutson will be attending this
conference, and Interim Manager Pittis suggested that Chairman Campbell and one other member of
the UAC also attend. Both Councilman Campbell and Councilman Doyle expressed interest.
Councilman Campbell reminded the Committee that one of the City's goals under Quality of Life was
establishment of a Telecommunications Ordinance. However, he felt that telecommunications
facilities also served the needs of the City, businesses, hospitals, schools, etc. Therefore, he felt that
staffshould look into what the City is attempting to accomplish by establishing this ordinance, stich
as encouraging the development of facilities and services which would benefit the community,
promoting economic development, and generating revenue. Councilman Campbell stated that, in
reviewing this Ordinance, all these things should be considered.
Interim Manager Pittis pointed out that the seven points contained in Attorney Knutson's memo
describe the basic provisions of the Ordinance. He explained that this Ordinance basically regulates
the use of the public rights-of-way, which is a charge of the City Council.
Discussion ensued, and staffresponded to questions and provided clarification. No action was taken;
this item will be brought back to the July meeting.
B. SCADA Quotes
Deputy Director Titus reviewed the information contained in the packet and provided a brief history
of this issue. S & B Inc. has provided services at the wastewater treatment plant, and staff`has been
satisfied with the work performed. Deputy Director Titus responded to questions and provided
clarification. At Councilman Doyle's request, he explained the functions of the SCADA system and
how it would be of benefit to the City.
Deputy Director Titus explained that the existing control system for the water utility is antiquated,
and repairs are difficult as parts are no longer readily available. Stafffelt it was in the best interest
of the City to standardize the manufacturer and product line, and SCADA has been used in other
areas of the City. Hopefully, all systems will be transferred to SCADA within the next five years.
If approved by the Council, the system can be up and running in about three months.
Following further discussion, Joe Michalczik moved to recommend the City Council authorize
the Mayor to enter into an agreement with S & B, Inc. for a water SCADA system at a cost not
to exceed $100,000. Councilman Doyle seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Utility Advisory Committee
June 7, 1999
Weatherization Loan Report
Interim Manager Pittis reminded the Committee that staff had been asked for an update on the
Weatherization Loan Programs. He then deferred to Scott McLain, Power Manager, and Finance
Director Ziomkowski.
Scott McLain explained that Zero-Interest Loans were available from 1980 to 1983. The money was
provided by the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA), and loan payments are returned to them.
Five of these loans remain to be paid.
Money for the Weatherization Loans came from the City Light reserves. The loans are administered
by the Finance Department, along with the Conservation Loans, which are funded with flex-fund
modes. In 1998, a loan program was begun which is administered by First Federal Savings and Loan
and backed by the City.
Director Ziomkowski reviewed the Weatherization and Conservation Loans. The last Weatherization
Loan will be paid off?in the year 2000. This was a successful program, as almost 1,200 loans were
given. A successful audit was recently conducted on both Weatherization and Conservation Loans.
Director Ziomkowski reminded the Committee that flex fund money can be reused when repaid for
future Conservation Loans. Interim Manager Pittis stated that under deregulation the BPA could
possibly ask the City to pay 3% of electric revenues for future conservation programs.
Discussion ensued and staffresponded to questions and provided clarification. Councilman Williams
encouraged the City to include a "due on sale" clause to future loans. Mr. McLain will look into this.
No action was necessary.
E. Water Strategy
Interim Manager Pittis reminded the Committee that the Draft Water Supply Strategy Report from
CH2M Hill had been discussed at the last meeting. He asked if the Committee had any further
thoughts, comments, or changes to make regarding the report. Discussion followed regarding the
industrial pipeline.
No changes to the report were requested. A final draft of the Report will be brought back to a future
F. Discussion of Fiber Presentation
Deputy Director Titus reviewed the information contained in the packet. He noted that the May 26,
1999, presentation by R. W. Beck had run over time; therefore, a review of the action plan had not
taken place. He noted that other utilities and municipalities have pursued, to some degree, either fiber
optics or telecommunications options. Based on feedback received following the meeting with R.
W. Beck, staff?felt it was time to move toward having a feasibility study completed to determine the
desirability of the City going into the telecommunications business. Staffis seeking direction from
the UAC and the City Council in this regard.
Joe Michalczik noted that the PUD has been speaking to potential customers and asked Deputy
Director Titus for comment. Deputy Director Titus stated the PUD Commissioners had authorized
proceeding with investigating telecommunications. PUD staff had spoken to the hospital, park
service, school district and some of the larger potential users in the community to see if there was any
interest in this service or tying into infrastructure once it was in place and what they would be willing
Utility Advisory Committee
June 7, 1999
to pay for the service. The PUD will then tailor its approach to telecommunications based on
information received.
Discussion ensued, and Deputy Director Titus provided additional clarification. Tim Smith,
Economic Development Director, felt that business growth in Port Angeles and across the peninsula
needed this technology and infrastructure. The City can wait and assume the PUD or U. S. West will
provide the service, or the City can do its part to provide a backbone within its distribution area. The
City should work with the PUD and U.S. West in order to help provide the necessary infrastructure.
Mr. Smith felt this was an opportunity that can't miss, and City Light has the capabilities of studying
the issue and helping to get it implemented. Joe Michalczik asked what an RFP might include, and
Deputy Director Titus responded.
Following further discussion and explanation, Councilman Williams moved to recommend to the
City Council that they go on record as supporting the concept of the City entering into the
telecommunications field and authorizing staff to devote the resources necessary to follow the
action plan as attached to the memo, up to and including issuing an RFP for a feasibility study.
Bill Myers seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
VII. Next Meeting:
The next meeting will be July 12, 1999, at 3:00 p.m.
VIII. Adjournment:
The meeting adjoumed at 5:05 p.m.
Orx;~e Cam~d~ell,~fhairman '~ Carol A. Hagar, Depu~ tl2ity Clerk