HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 06/10/1991UTILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE
Port Angeles, Washington
June 10, 1991
Call to Order:
Chairman Hallett called the meeting to order at 4:02 p.m.
Roll Call:
Members Present: Jim Hallett, Richard Wight,
and Jeff Rosbach.
Members Absent:
Guests Present:
Staff Present:
Mike Lemon
Thomas Hunt
Dean Reed, Daishowa America
J. Pomeranz, C. Knutson, J. Pittis, K. Godbey,
Titus, B. Upton, S. Hursh, S. McLain and G. Leaf.
III. Approval of Minutes:
The minutes of April 30, 1991, were approved as written.
IV. Discussion Items:
A. Electromagnetic Fields (EMF):
Light Engineering Manager Hursh reviewed studies conducted
where electromagnetic fields (EMF) created by overhead power
lines have been linked to increased cancer rates. Future
studies will compare levels and length of exposure. Potential
impacts on City Light are such that consideration might be
given to the establishment of certain requirements in terms of
underground lines and the like. A policy of the PUD on
Electromagnetic Fields had been distributed to members of the
UAC for review. Manager Hursh conducted a demonstration for
the members of the Utility Advisory Committee which indicated
increased exposure to EMF by the use of a fan. City Light
Director Titus indicated study results on EMF might well
affect the manufacturing of appliances more than utilities.
Attorney Knutson reported he will be attending a seminar for
electrical utility attorneys at which time more information in
this regard will be obtained. The Committee will be kept
apprised of further developments. In the meantime, the staff
of City Light will maintain a type of library for access by
the public; EMF readings will also be provided upon request.
Utility Advisory Committee
June 10, 1991
Page Two
Revised 1991 Cost-of-Service Study and Electric Rate
City Light Director Titus presented information pertinent to
an updated cost-of-service study to reflect the effects of the
proposed 1992 budget and BPA's announced rate increase. The
findings of the study show that revenues under the current
rate schedules will fall approximately 2.5% under the expected
expenses. In explaining the cost-of-service study, Director
Titus indicated there is a need to increase residential rates
by 4.17% and decrease municipal water rates by 9.71%.
City Manager Pomeranz suggested it might be appropriate and
timely to have the numbers reviewed by the same consultants
who conducted the cost-of-service study for the Solid Waste
Division. Councilman Wight supported this suggestion in that
it is almost a requirement for a public utility to
periodically seek outside review of rate structures. After
further discussion, Councilman Wight moved to have the City
Manager obtaln quotes for a City Light cost-of-service study,
and to have the matter reviewed by the City Council if the
quotes exceed $4,000. If quotes do not exceed $4,000, the
City Council is to be advised with an informational memo.
Jeff Rosbach seconded the motion which carried unanimously.
In the ensuing discussion, Director Titus indicated there is
a need to establish rate schedules for each of the rate
classes, subject to the review of the consultant. Also, there
is a need to identify the use of the reserve fund. Rate
design issues were considered and Jeff Rosbach expressed
concern about the street light allocation which is funded at
a 50% level by the industrial sector. It was his opinion this
funding should come from City funds, with consideration given
to which rate class benefits most from the street lighting.
Dean Reed, Daishowa America, agreed with comments made by Jeff
Rosbach on the issue of street lighting.
Discussion was held concerning rate schedules in general, with
opinions being expressed that each rate class should pay for
the actual service being received. Options identified were a
full cost of service with rate change or increase rates $1.00
plus institute an incremental increase in cost from the
previous year with City Light absorbing the remainder. In
addition, the suggestion was made to move all other rate
classes immediately to full cost of service but to institute
an incremental increase for residential on a 50/50 basis.
Light Director Titus will provide statistics for the different
options at a future meeting.
Utility Advisory Committee
June 10, 1991
Page Three
In considering the use of City Light reserve funds, the
recommendation had been submitted to offset 1% of the
projected rate increase by drawing down our reserves. There
is also a possibility of funding such projects as the PCB
cleanup. Director Titus indicated whatever option is pursued,
it must be assured that all customer classes benefit by the
action. Consideration was given to the advantages and
disadvantages of a customer refund, possibly by implementing
a credit on accounts. However, concern was expressed that
such an effort might result in artificially low rates. It was
agreed that Director Titus should proceed with the preparation
of rate schedules, incorporating the 1% draw down on reserves
and the other suggestions on reserve fund usage, such as PCB
Provision of Electrical service to Residents Currently
Served by PUD:
Director Titus reviewed a proposed agreement between the City
and the PUD whereby residents in the Cristman Place area off
Golf Course Road (Uplands Subdivision) would receive
electrical service from City Light. Discussions are being
held wherein a formula for determining compensation would use
City Light replacement costs as a starting point and then be
adjusted upward or downward depending on the application of
the formula finally agreed to in the Service Territory
Agreement. Approximate costs are estimated to be $54,000 with
a likely decrease when finalized. Jeff Rosbach indicated the
figure should be based on replacement costs less depreciation.
Members of the UAC agreed a recommendation should be forwarded
to City Council supporting the proposed transfer of customers
from the PUD to City Light.
D. Wastewater Rates:
Finance Director Godbey reviewed for the Utility Advisory
Committee the previous analysis conducted on the construction
of the secondary treatment plant. All figures in the analysis
have been updated, including grants, loans, etc. In order to
meet revenue projections, it would be necessary to increase
wastewater rates in the amount of $3.00 per month, or 15%. A
cost-of-service study would be conducted in 1993 or 1994. The
updated figures assume zero growth. After further discussion,
it was moved by Jeff Rosbach to accept the recommendation of
the Finance Department and to recommend to the city Council to
increase wastewater rates by $3.00 and to increase the
l&tecomer charge by $35.00. The motion was seconded by
Councilman Wight and carried unanimously.
Utility Advisory Committee
June 10, 1991
Page Four
E. Regular Meeting Dates/By-Laws
Attorney Knutson presented proposed By-Laws for consideration
by the Utility Advisory Committee. In considering regular
meeting dates, it was moved by Jeff Rosbach and seconded by
Councilman Wight to conduct a monthly meeting of the Utility
Advisory Committee on the second Monday of each month at 4:30
p.m. A vote was taken on the motion which carried
Councilman Lemon moved to adopt the By-Laws of the Utility
&dvisory Committee as presented. The motion was seconded by
Jeff Rosbach and carried unanimously.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:20 p.m.