HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 06/15/1998
Port Angeles, Washington
June 15, 1998
I. Call to Order:
Chairman Doyle called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m.
II. Roll Call:
Members Present: Councilmen Campbell, Doyle, and Williams, and Bill Myers.
Members Absent: Joe Michalczik.
Staff Present: C. Knutson, 1. Pittis, B. Titus, S. McLain, C. Hagar, and B.
III. Approval of Minutes:
Councilman Campbell moved to approve the minutes of the May 11, 1998, meeting.
Councilman Williams secondedth~ motion, which carried unanimously.
IV. Discussion Items:
A. Pole Contact Agreement with Virginia Mason
Deputy Director Titus reminded the Committee it had discussed a similar agreement with the
hospital in September. At that time, a recommendation was made to charge a $300 annual
administrative fee plus $8.00 per pole contact. This recommendation was never presented to the
Council, as the hospital did not wish to proceed. Deputy Director Titus asked the Committee if
it still wished to proceed in that direction.
Discussion ensued and Mr. Titus responded to questions and provided clarification. It was the
general consensus of the Committee to recommend to Council the charges as previously discussed.
B. BPA "NT" Transmission Agreement
Deputy Director Titus reviewed the information contained in the packet. Mr. Titus stated he has
spoken to Terry Mundorf, the Attorney with WPAG. Mr. Mundorf had reviewed the general
context and the general provisions were satisfactory. The only concern was the specific section
dealing with the Elwha. Mr. Titus stated that Mr. Mundorf will get back to him regarding that
section, but hasn't as yet. He is asking for a recommendation to Council to approve the contract
subject to confirmation from Terry Mundorf that the subject of Daishowa's transmission is
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Utility Advisory Committee
June 15, 1998
adequately addressed by this contract.
Following limited discussion and clarification, Councilman Williams moved to recommend
Council approve the BPA "NT" Transmission Agreement, subject to conf"mnation from
Terry Mundorf of WPAG that the subject of Daishowa's transmission is adequately
addressed. Councilman Campbell seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
C. Solid Waste Agreement with Jefferson County
Scott McLain, Power Manager, distributed copies of a letter to Jefferson County regarding
tonnage rates for use of the Port Angeles landfill. Mr. Mclain reviewed the contents of the letter
and stated he felt the proposal made by the City was fair for both sides. If this offer is
implemented, about $1.38 million would be raised over the proposed term of the agreement.
Discussion followed regarding the future of the Port Angeles landfill and long hauling.
No action was taken, pending response from Jefferson County.
Councilman Campbell and Bill Myers commended the efforts of staff in negotiating this
The Committee recessed for a five minute break at 3:45 p.m.
VI. Late Items
A. Marine Bluff Issue
Planning Director Collins reviewed the history of this issue. The Port of Port Angeles has asked
the City to take the lead in a geotechnical study of the Marine Drive hillside. Inquiries by City
staff have proven there are no FEMA monies available for the study. However, if the City were
going to prevent a disaster, some planning funds may be available.
Staff has surveyed other cities such as Edmonds and Seattle. These cities are doing extensive
studies, but they are not related to the types of issues Port Angeles is facing with marine bluffs
and failures not necessarily related to development of the site. Director Collins stated the County
has received some grant money to do an analysis of marine bluffs and preventive landslide
measures. The City supported the County in its application, and it is possible some of that
information may be applicable to the marine bluff issue.
Director Collins distributed copies of a second letter from the Port, again asking the City to take
a leadership role in addressing this problem. The letter stated it would be in everyone's best
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June 15, 1998
interest to have the City develop a master plan to mitigate any further personal or property
damage and that the Port is willing to participate as a partner in this endeavor.
Director Collins stated an application for FEMA money has not been submitted. The hillside is
still ripe for failure. A recent geotechnical report for the Brickie's Tavern site states the hillside
will likely continue to fail. To his knowledge, the City is not liable for any damage caused by
a slide and he asked the Committee for direction in this matter.
Interim Manager Pittis felt the Spruce railroad line is part of the hillside problem, as it is not
maintained. Director Collins explained what caused the landslide behind Brickie's. He stated the
reliability of funds to perform a geotechnical study are not good. He felt it was more likely that
the money would have to come from local sources. Director Collins stated that the City is the
property owner with the least amount of liability, and feared liability could be increased if the
City became involved in a study. He stated there are two issues: 1) who is responsible for
improvements and the cost of a study, and 2) public safety and property protection. Director
Collins then responded to questions and provided further clarification. Lengthy discussion ensued
and Interim Manager Pittis sketched a diagram to demonstrate slide factors.
Attorney Knutson felt there were reasons for the City to step forward and take the leadership role
in this issue. If slides occurred above the Waterfront Trail, that trail could be destroyed. A study
would help the City learn how to avoid future slides.
Councilman Campbell felt the City should take the leadership role to see what, if anything, can
be done. He noted Seattle has attempted to mitigate slide problems with drains, soil anchors, etc.
He felt the issue was a City problem that can't be solved by anyone property owner. There must
be a higher leadership involved who takes the initiative in starting a project of this magnitude.
Interim Manager Pittis listed six steps to help solve this dilemma: 1) cost estimate for soils,
consultant to study, 2) meeting of property owners, 3) who pays for the study, 4) Council go/no
go, 5) study, and 6) mitigation for property owners. Further discussion ensued, and Interim
Manager Pittis stated that the City could honor the request to get involved simply by performing
the first three steps in the list. Councilman Campbell felt that the answer to question three was
obvious, essentially it must be the property owners that pay.
At the Committee's request, Interim Manager Pittis and Director Collins explained what could
have contributed to the slides that occurred behind Lamont's and Brickie's. Discussion followed
regarding mitigation of the problem and the City's liability; Interim Manager Pittis and Director
Collins responded to further questions and provided additional clarification.
Councilman Campbell moved to recommend to the City Council that the City, in
partnership with the Port, take a leadership role in reviewing the slide potential of the
Marine Drive bluff from Tumwater to the top of "I" Street. This would entail coming up
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June 15, 1998
with an estimate of what a study would cost, identifying the property owners, and holding
a meeting of property owners on how Iwhen to proceed. Bill Myers seconded the motion,
which carried unanimously.
V. Information Only Items
Deputy Director Titus stated he and Scott Mclain attended the BPA's Issues 98. There were
many handouts and he made copies of those he felt might be of interest to the UAC.
VI. Next Meeting:
The next meeting will be July 13, 1998, at 3:00 p.m.
VIII. Adjournment:
The meeting adjourned at 4:35 p.m.
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