HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/06/1998 UTILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE
Port Angeles, Washington
July 6, 1998
L Call to Order:
Chairman Doyle called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m.
II. Roll Call:
Members Present: Councilmen Campbell, Doyle, and Williams, Joe Michalczik, and
Bill Myers.
Members Absent: None.
Staff Present: C. Knutson, J. Pittis, K. Godbey, B. Titus, C. Hagar, K. Ridout,
S. Kenyon, and J. Harper.
II1. Approval of Minutes:
Councilman Campbell moved to approve the minutes of the June 15, 1998, meeting. Bill
Myers seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Bob Titus, Deputy Director of Utility Services, introduced Jim Harper, the new Electrical
Engineer. Introductions were made around the table.
IV. Discussion Items:
A. Senior Discount Income Level Adjustments
Scott Kenyon, Customer Service Representative, reviewed the information provided in the packet
and responded to questions posed by the Committee. Councilman Doyle inquired if this program
was well publicized. Mr. Kenyon stated that the Senior Center was aware of the program, the
City is in a statewide directory used by social service groups, and it will be noted on the City's
website starting this month.
Councilman Campbell felt this fell into the category ora public purpose item for City Light. Mr.
Kenyon informed the Committee that this discount applied to all utilities, not just electrical.
Deputy Director Titus stated that this is a low income subsidy and none of the proposed Bills
acknowledge it as a public purpose. Councilmen Campbell and Doyle felt this should be added
to the City's contribution for human service allocations. Attorney Knutson suggested this be
noted in the budget as part of the human services allocation, and Finance Director Godbey agreed.
Following further limited discussing, Bill Myers moved to recommend that City Council pass
Utility Advisory Committee
July 6, 1998
the Ordinance changing the guidelines for calculating the Senior Discount. Joe Michalczlk
seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
B. Solid Waste Agreement with Jefferson County
Interim Manager Pittis praised Scott McLain's efforts in negotiating with Jefferson County. He
reviewed the history of this issue and summarized the information contained in the packet.
Interim Manager Pittis stated that currently Jefferson County is only seeking an agreement for a
seven-month period. If the City wishes to continue receiving the waste after that time, it must
either bid on it, or negotiate with other haulers. He recommended accepting the tipping fee
proposal for $30 per ton for a seven-month period. Lengthy discussion ensued, and Interim
Manager Pittis and Scott McLain, Power Manager, responded to questions and provided
additional clarification.
Interim Manager Pittis informed the Committee that the City could make an additional $240,000
in revenue during the seven months of this agreement, which could be used to alleviate the $1
million shortfall for landfill closure. He further explained that the tipping fee for Jefferson
County is market-based, rather than on cost-of-service.
Mr. Michalczik asked for staff's opinion on the likelihood of continuing landfill operations past
the year 2000, and Attorney Knutson summarized staff's last meeting with the Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA). Attorney Knutson stated staff had met with representatives from the FAA
as well as the staff from the United States Depa~i~,ent of Agriculture (USDA) who are performing
the bird study and monitoring and implementation of bird hazing measures for the City. The FAA
stated that it would allow the City until the year 2000 to operate the landfill. The USDA indicated
that the study was not conclusive enough for operation beyond 2000. The FAA did say it would
keep an open mind beyond the year 2000; however, this will be based on the City's success in
containing bird movement.
Joe Michalczik asked that staff discuss this tonnage fee with local haulers to ensure they will not
be upset. Finance Director Godbey explained that local haulers have an obligation to pay landfill
closure and post-closure costs, which Jefferson County does not. The tipping fee for Jefferson
County is based solely on the market; therefore, a much lower tipping fee for them is not unfair
to City and County residents. Interim Manager Pittis stated that when Jefferson County goes out
for bids, Port Angeles will be able to use that information to discover if its landfill fees are
competitive. Further discussion and clarification followed, and Councilman Doyle suggested this
item be forwarded to the City Council for a work session at its next regularly scheduled meeting.
Following further discussion, Joe Michalczik moved to forward this issue to the City Council
for further review. Bill Myers seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Joe Michalczik again requested that staff contact local haulers for their feeling on this issue, to
which Interim Manager Pittis agreed.
Utility Advisory Committee
July 6, 1998
V. Information Only Items
VI. Late Items
Deputy Director Titus reminded the Committee that Gary Saleba and Charlie Earl of EES were
to attend the July meeting to present the findings of the Strategic Plan. The original meeting date
was changed, and they were unable to attend today's meeting. At a recent meeting, the PUD
indicated its consultant would have a final report this week, and the PUD is pressing to create a
joint operating agency. The City's consultant is advising that the City continue to operate as is.
Mr. Titus discussed the situation with Councilman Campbell, who also attended the meeting, and
it was suggested a special meeting be held. Mr. Saleba was contacted and he indicated he was
available for a meeting on either July 27 or 28th.
Following brief discussion, it was decided to have a special UAC meeting on Monday, July 27,
1998, at 3:00 p.m.
The Committee then viewed a video on the downtown sidewalk and watermain improvement
(Downtown Forward) project.
VI. Next Meeting:
The next Utility Advisory Committee meeting will be held July 27, 1998, at 3:00 p.m. in the
Public Works Conference Room.
VIII. Adjournment:
The meeting adjourned at 4:45 p.m.