Port Angeles, Washington
July 9, 2001
Call to Order:
Chairman Reed called the meeting to order at 3:05 p.m.
II. Roll Call:
Members Present: Chairman Reed, Larry Williams, Mayor Doyle, Orville Campbell, Allen
Members Absent: None
StaffPresent: Craig Knutson, Glenn Cutler, Ken Ridout, Scott McLain, Gary Kenworthy,
Jim Harper, Doyle McKinley, Steve Sperr, Dale Miller, Tom McCabe, Larry
Dunbar, Cate Rinehart
Others Present: Karen Rogers - Northstar Data Sales and Marketing
III. Approval of Minutes:
Chairman Reed asked if there were any further changes or additions to the agenda. None were given.
Chairman Reed then asked if there were any additions or corrections to the meeting minutes of June
11, 2001. It was noted that under items D, G and H motions were indicated but the party seconding
had been inadvertently left out. Mayor Doyle moved to approve the minutes as amended. Allen
Bentley seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
IV. Discussion Items:
A. Benefit Dump Day
Dale Miller, Recycling Coordinator, showed a short film made by Dennis Bragg for $300 that will be used
to promote the program. Tom McCabe, Solid Waste Superintendent, reported there were volunteers from
the Port Angeles Food Bank, Waste Management and Clallam County Environmental Health. $2,854 in cash
and over 3 tons of food was taken in. Concerns were expressed by citizens over blocked driveways and
intersections however these issues were resolved. Staffrecommends additional personnel, increased traffic
control and an earlier start time of SAM for next year. A short discussion followed.
No action taken. Information only.
B. Sole Source Resolution - "I' Street Substation, Switchgear Door Replacement
Jim Harper, Electrical Engineering Manager, explained that to maintain an acceptable level of service on
July 9, 2001
the west side of the city the 'T' Street Substation needed upgrading. Significant load growth has used almost
all of the reserve capacity. Mr. Harper further stressed that by using the original manufacturer of the
switchgear there would be a savings of $13,500. A brief discussion followed.
Allen Bentley moved to recommend City Council approve a sole source resolution and accept the
$68,555.52 negotiated price, including applicable sales taxes, from Pederson Power Products, Inc. for
the purchase of five replacement switchgear doors complete with new electronic relays and wiring
harness and authorize the City Manager to sign the contract. Councilman Williams seconded the
motion, which carried unanimously.
C. Codification of the Water Shortage Response Plan
Doyle McGinley, Superintendent of Water/Wastewater Collection, reviewed the ordinance noting the
various stages and penalties. Concern was expressed regarding the method of giving notice with the
possibility of personal notification followed by certified mail if no contact was made.
Mayor Doyle moved to recommend to City Council to adopt the Water Shortage Response Plan.
Councilman Campbell seconded the motion. Craig Knutson, City Attorney, suggested a minor change
in the provision to allow certified mail under method of giving notice. Mayor Doyle moved to accept
the change. Allen Bentley seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
19. Elwha Pump Station (Ranney Well), Surge Tank Inspection
Doyle McGinley, Superintendent of Water/Wastewater Collection, explained the primary purpose of the
tank is to protect pipelines against destruction due to excess surge pressure. An initial inspection had been
made which revealed large rust deposits inside the tank and deteriorating protective paint coating outside.
A determination has not been made whether to replace the tank or perform major repaim. Cost estimate is
$50,000 to $100,000. Concerns were expressed regarding the frequency of inspections.
No action taken. Information only.
E. Realignment of Industrial Water Line Overflow Channel
Steve Sperr, Utility Engineer, relayed the State Department offish and Wildlife had requested permission
to alter the channel to increase flow from their adult pond at the Elwha Hatchery. This would increase the
attraction flow for adult Chinook returning to the hatchery. It was determined that there would be no adverse
impact. Mr. Sperr further indicated an approval letter was being drafted. A brief discussion followed.
Councilman Campbell moved to recommend City Council authorize the Director of Public Works and
Utilities to give the Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife written approval for the
proposed work. Mayor Doyle seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
F. Fiber Optic Pilot Project
Larry Dunbar, Power Resources Manager, proposed special meetings to include Port Angeles Works! for
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the purpose of recommending potential users, providers, connection fees and rates and to obtain feedback
prior to finalizing the engineering design. Meetings have been tentatively scheduled for July 23, 2001 at
11AM and August 13, 2001 at 3PM. A discussion followed with updated information on the area
dimensions and cooperation with Quest.
Allen Bentley moved to hold special meetings of the Utility Advisory Committee and Port Angeles
Works! Committee for presentation of the fiber optic project status reports 2 and 3 on July 23, 2001
with the time changed to 3PM and August 13, 2001 at 3PM respectively. Mayor Doyle seconded the
motion, which carried unanimously.
G. Telecommunications Right-Of- Way License Agreement
Larry Dunbar, Power Resources Manager, advised that two applications had been received to construct
telecommunications facilities. Clallam County Public Utility Distract No. 1 submitted a master permit
application but was only offered a right-of-way licence agreement due to their limited authority under State
law. Capacity provisioning submitted a letter of intent to apply however no action has been taken at this time.
No action taken. Information only.
H. Electric Rate Summary
Scott McLain, Deputy Director of Power Systems, pointed out the increase to the initial rates is 46.225% for
wholesale and was held to that level due to the efforts of many utilities reducing their load. BPA was able
to achieve 95% of the target reduction amount. Retail and commercial customers will see about a 24%
increase. A revenue requirements and cost of service study is currently underway to identify actual increases
required. There was a discussion regarding mechanisms to reduce the amount of the increase such as lifeline
rates and using reserves. Further information will be available at the August meeting
No action taken. Information only.
V. Late Items:
Morse Creek
Scott McLain, Deputy Director of Power Systems, gave a brief update on the instream flows, lease evaluation,
and pipeline repairs.
No action taken. Information only
Solid Waste Services in Upper Golf Course Road Annexation Area
Glenn Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities, passed out a copy of a letter survey being sent to
residences. The survey is to determine the wants of the residences as whether they would like solid waste
services or not. Information from the survey will assistance the UAC in making an informed decision.
Replies are requested by July 20th.
July 9, 2001
No action taken. Information only.
VII. Next Meeting:
The next meeting will be held July 23,2001 at 3:00 p.m. in the Public Works Conference Room.
This is a special joint meeting with Port Angeles Works!
VIII. Adjournment:
The meeting adj ~rned at 4:55 p.m.
D -Cl~airm ~'- v ~- Cate Rinehart, Administrative Assistant
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