HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/13/2004
Port Angeles, Washington
July 13, 2004
L Call to Order:
Chairman Rogers called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m.
II. Roll Call:
Members Present:
Chairman Rogers, Councilmember Erickson, Dean Reed, Allen Bentley
Members Absent:
Mayor Headrick
Staff Present:
Mike Quinn, Bill Bloor, Glenn Cutler, Yvonne Ziomkowski, Michael
Puntinney, Scott McLain, Gary Kenworthy, Tom McCabe, Larry Dunbar,
Steve Sperr, Jeff Young, Jim Harper, Cate Rinehart
Others Present:
Brian Gawley - Daily News
Cil Pierce - Economic and Engineering Services
Angie Sanchez - Economic and Engineering Services
III. Approval of Minutes:
Chairman Rogers asked ifthere were any additions or corrections to the meeting minutes of June
8, 2004. A spelling error on page two was noted. Allen Bentley moved to approve the minutes as
corrected. Councilmember Erickson seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
IV. Late Items - Nippon Paper Industries - Adjustment Of Basic Monthly Charge
- Washington Consumer Energy Fund
Added to the discussion items.
V. Discussion Items
A. Solid Waste Rate Study - Pre-Closure
Larry Dunbar, Power Resources Manager, and Tom McCabe, Solid Waste Superintendent, introduced
Cil Pierce and Angie Sanchez of Economic and Engineering Services. A handout was distributed and an
overhead projector was used to give a financial analysis presentation by the Economic and Engineering
Services staff. Proposed adjustments to landfill and collections rate are five percent per year in 2005 and
2006 including applicable taxes. There was a short discussion.
July 13, 2004
Dean Reed moved to recommend City Council amend Chapters 13.54.040 and 13.56.020 to
increase sanitary landfill and garbage collection rates in accordance with the recommendations.
Councilmember Erickson seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
B. Nippon Paper Industries - Adjustment Of Basic Monthly Charge
Michel Quinn, City Manager, discussed adjusting the temporary basic monthly charge to our major
industrial user. Mr. Quinn further discussed promoting operational efficiencies and reducing unnecessary
regulations for the benefit of public and private customers. To support this concept he recommended the
UAC endorse the ordinance being drafted by the City Attorney that would review the applicability of
assessing the monthly basic charge. There was a brief discussion.
Councilmember Erickson moved to recommend City Council adopt the ordinance repealing for
one year the basic monthly charge paid by Nippon Paper Industries, Inc. for industrial
transmission and revising Ordinance 3145 and Section 13.12.071 of the Port Angeles Municipal
Code. Chairman Rogers seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
C. City/County Interlocal Agreements For Solid Waste
Larry Dunbar, Power Resources Manager, distributed a revised proposed changes summary and revised
agreements. Mr. Dunbar reviewed the information, responded to questions, and provided clarification. It
was noted that a decision by the City of Sequim is anticipated by July 15, 2004 and by the County on July
20, 2004. A discussion followed.
Councilmember Erickson moved to recommend City Council approve the proposed revisions to
the Interlocal Agreement with and without Sequim. Dean Reed seconded the motion, which
carried unanimously.
D. Washington Consumer Energy Fund
Larry Dunbar, Power Resources Manager, announced a grant opportunity available to the City under the
Washington Consumer Energy Fund through a collaborative effort with Community Action and the
Clallam County Public Utility District. There was a brief discussion.
Councilmember Erickson moved to concur with Staff to provide a letter of endorsement for a
collaborative project proposal under the Washington Consumer Energy Fund. Allen Bentley
seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
E. Household Hazardous Waste Collection Event
Tom McCabe, Solid Waste Superintendent, pointed out that the City was again being asked to participate
in the event sponsored by the Clallam County Environmental Health and the Department of Ecology.
Grant funding pays 75% of the total costs of the event which costs approximately $59,000. There was a
brief discussion.
July 13, 2004
Councilmember Erickson moved to recommend City Council authorize the Mayor sign the 2004
agreement with Clallam County to provide a maximum of $6,000 toward the cost of the Household
Hazardous Waste Collection Event. Dean Reed seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
F. Update Of Combined Sewer Overflow Directed Actions By Department Of Ecology
Glenn Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities, briefly reviewed the actions and schedule table.
There was a brief discussion.
No action taken. Information only.
G. Combined Sewer Overflow Pollution Prevention Plan
Jeff Young, Waste Water Treatment Plant Superintendent, distributed information regarding the issue and
reviewed the nine minimum controls. The plan will be submitted to the Department of Ecology by July
22, 2004 will be implemented when approved. It was noted that one additional staff member will be
required for compliance activities. A discussion followed.
No action taken. Information only.
H. Residential Electric Extension Policy
Jim Harper, Electrical Engineering Manager, explained the proposed establishment of a fixed connection
fee to be paid by each customer to cover the cost for the transformer, meter, and connection labor.
Developers would pay the cost of extending primary power to each lot. Cost to the City would only be
the expense of the interest during the build out of the lots. A discussion followed.
Allen Bentley moved to recommend City Council approve electrical connection fees of $410 for
overhead service and $713 for underground service and direct the Electrical Extension Policy be
revised accordingly. Councilmember Erickson seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
1. Electric Underground Conversion Ediz Hook Phase II, Project 00-06
Jim Harper, Electrical Engineering Manager, reviewed the history of the project including the various
phases and funding. Staffrequested reaffirmation of the concept and approval of $250,000 in the 2005
budget. There was a brief discussion
No action taken. Tabled until September.
J. Non-Wires Alternatives Demonstration Project
Scott McLain, Deputy Director for Power Systems, explained that alternatives to building transmission
lines with more capacity are being investigated as a means to delay construction. This project, led by
Celerity Energy, a consulting firm under contract with the Bonneville Power Administration, would
July 13, 2004
utilize existing standby generation to provide resource requirements during load shedding events and
would operate for up to three years. There was a brief discussion with staff support to continue
investigating the proposal.
No action taken. Information only.
VI. Next meeting date: August 10, 2004
VII. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 5:30 p.m.
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Cate Rinehart, Administrative
airman Rogers