HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/14/2009
UlilIty Advisory Committee
PublIc Works Conference Room
Port Angeles, W A 98362
July 14, 2009
L Call To Order
Chmrman Reed called the meetmg to order at 3.00 pm
IL Roll Call
11embers Present
Chmrman Reed, Dan DI GmlIo, Betsy Wharton, Karen
Rogers, Orville Campbell, ElIzabeth Butler
11embers Absent
Staff Present
Kent 11yers, Bill Bloor, Glenn Cutler, Yvonne
ZlOmkowskl, Dan 11cKeen, Larry Dunbar, Steve Sperr,
Phil Lusk, Denms 11cBnde, Rick Hostetler, Cate Rmehart
Others Present.
Lynn Johnston - Wave Broadband
Crmg Johnson - Capacity ProvlSlonmg Inc
Carol Brown - Lower Elwha Klallam Tnbe
Gary B Schner - Wave Broadband
Happy Longfellow - Parametnx
Ross Tyler - Clallam County
Lee Afflerbach - Columbia TelecommumcatlOns
Corporalion (Via Video eleconference)
IlL Approval Of Minutes
Chairman Reed asked If there were any correctIOns to the mmutes of11ay 12,2009
Councilmember Rogers moved to approve the mmutes Councilmember Wharton
seconded the molion, which carried unammously Chmrman Reed asked Ifthere were
any correclions to the mmutes of June 3 and June 4,2009 Councilmember Rogers
moved to approve the mmutes Orville Campbell seconded the molion, which carned
Late Items:
EUGA Service Charge Order Number Three
V. Discussion Items:
A. Medic 1 Ambulance Transport Rate Adjustments
UtJlIty AdvIsory Committee
July 14, 2009
Dan McKeen, Fire Chief, advised that based on an audit of the current ambulance
transport rates m companng our rates agamst Medicare allowables and agamst the areas
preVailIng transport rates an adjustment needed to be made The new Advanced Life
Support service charge would cover the costs associated with those calls that reqUire
advanced lIfe support treatment, which mcludes procedures lIke IV admmlstratlOn,
medicatIOn mJectlOns and defibnllatlOn, but the patJent recelvmg treatment IS not
transported There was a bnef diSCUSSIOn
Councilmember Wharton moved to recommend City Council adjust the Medic 1
transport and mileage charges, and to establish a new advanced life support service
charge. Councilmember Rogers seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
B. Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe Valley Access Road
Carol Brown, Lower Elwha Klallam Tnbe, and Happy Longfellow, Parametnx,
dlstnbuted a handout and gave a powerpomt presentatIOn based upon that mformatlOn It
was requested that the City allow a new road to be constructed to access the reservatJon at
the mouth of the Elwha River There was a lengthy diSCUSSIOn
Councilmember Rogers moved to endorse the project to continuing work among the
three agencies staff. Orville Campbell seconded the motion, which carried
C. Network Needs Assessment And Public Safety Considerations
COlmcilmember Rogers furnished full disclosure of her relatIOnship With Capacity
ProvlslOmng, lnc and stated that she would abstam from yotmg If requested Lee
Afflerbach, Columbia TelecommumcatlOns CorporatJon, gave a powerpomt presentatJon
notmg that eqUipment and facilltJes need to be upgraded for an mtegrated system A
diSCUSSIOn followed
Councilmember Wharton moved to recommend City Councill) accept the
recommendation of CTC and authorize the City Manager to negotiate and execute
an acceptable extension of the term of the I-Net services agreement with Capacity
Provisioning, Inc.; and 2) authorize the Mayor to sign an amendment to the
agreement with Columbia Telecommunications Corporation in an mount not to
exceed $87,070 to proceed with a request for proposal and grant application, and
authorize the City Manager to execute minor modifications to the agreement, if
necessary. Orville Campbell seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
D. American Recovery And Reinvestment Act Block Grant
Ulihty AdvIsory Committee
July 14, 2009
Phil Lusk, Power Resources Manager, advised that the Amencan Recovery and
Remvestment Act of 2009 created a program to provide financial assistance to Improve
energy effiCiency m the bmldmg, transportatIOn, and other sectors There was a bnef
Councilman Di Guilio moved to recommend City Council authorize the City
Manager to engage for consulting services to assist in the preparatiou of
applications in an amount not to exceed $25,000 and for the Public Works and
Utilities Director to submit applications under the Block Grant program and other
Recovery Act Sources. Councilmember Wharton seconded the motion which was
passed on a vote of four to one with Councilmember Rogers in opposition.
E. Department Of Energy Smart Grid Investment Grant
Phil Lusk, Power Resources Manager, aJIllounced that the US Department of Energy IS
currently sohcltmg apphcatlOns for ItS Smart Gnd Investment Grant that Will provide
grants of up to 50% of the cost of quahfymg technology There was a bnef diSCUSSIOn
Councilman Di Guilio moved to recommend City Council authorize the,City
Manager to engage for consulting services to assist in the preparation of the
application in an amount not to exceed $25,000 and for the Public Works and
Utilities Director to submit an application under the Smart Grid Investment Grant
program. Couucilmember Wharton seconded the motion which was passed on a
vote of four to one with Councilmember Rogers in opposition.
F. Bonneville Power Administration SmartGrocer Agreement
Phil Lusk, Power Resources Manager, explamed that the City currently has a Program
Service Agreement to conduct the EnergySmart Grocery program m ItS service temtory
Thirty audits have been performed and three companies have participated A diSCUSSIOn
Orville Campbell moved to recommend City Council authorize the Public Works
and Utilities Director to sign the amendment and any subsequent amendments to
the EnergySmart Grocer Agreement. Councilman Di Guilio seconded the motion,
which carried unanimously.
G. Net Metering Ordinance Amendment
Phil Lusk, Power Resources Manager, adVised that a housekeepmg reVlSlon to the Port
Angeles MUnICipal Code SectIOn 13 10 065 had been prepared to ensure ahgrunent With
the terms of Chapter 80 60 RCW, as well as empowenng the Department's Elcctncal
Utility AdvIsory Committee
July 14, 2009
Engmeenng Manager to establish consistent Customer InterconnectIOn Standards A
discussIOn followed
Coulcilmember Rogers moved to recommend City Council amend PAMC Section
13.10.065. Councilman Di Guilio seconded the motiou, which carried uuauimously.
H. EUGA Service Change Order #3
Steve Sperr, City Engmeer, announced that that the final change order with Pnmo had
been done The final cost was $5 232 million and under budget
Information only. No actiou taken.
VI. Information Only Items
I. Advanced Metering Infrastructure Project
Phil Lusk, Power Resources Manager, noted that more than 60% of all Electnc and Water
Utility meters are beyond their service life and recommends proceedmg with an
Advanced Metenng Infrastructure project This project IS m the Capital Facilities Plan
and was mcluded m last year's cost of service studies There was a bnef diSCUSSIOn
Information only. No action taken.
2. Bonneville Power Administration Tier 2 Power Supply
Larry Dunbar, Deputy Director of Power Systems, remmded the Committee that the City
must make a commitment to BPA for Tier 2 power supply by November I, 2009 A
Strew Man proposal had been made that mcluded selectIOn of the BPA Short-Term Tier 2
rate alternative A diSCUSSIOn followed
Information only. No discussion or action taken.
3. Washington State Department Of Ecology Clean Diesel Grant
Information only. No discussion or action taken.
4 ConservatIOn Rate Credit Renewables OptIOn
Information only. No discussion or action taken.
5. BonnevIlle Power Admmistration Outstanding Issues Update
UtilIty AdvIsory CommIttee
July 14, 2009
Information only. No discnssion or action taken.
6. Utility Cost Of Service Study And Rate Studies Calendar
Information only. No discussion or action taken.
Next Meeting Date: August 11,2009
The meetmg was adjourned at 6 48 P m
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