HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 08/10/1998 UTILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE
Port Angeles, Washington
August 10, 1998
L Call to Order:
Chairman Doyle called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m.
II. Roll Call:
Members Present: Councilmen Campbell, Doyle, and Williams, and Bill Myers.
Members Absent: Joe Michalczik.
Staff Present: Manager Ibarra, C. Knutson, J. Pittis, K. Godbey, C. Hagar, B.
Titus, K. Ridout, S. McLain, D. Miller, and T. McCabe.
IlL Approval of Minutes:
Bill Myers moved to approve the minutes of the July 6, 1998, meeting. Councilman Williams
seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
IV. Discussion Items:
A. Conversion of Residential Containers to All 90' s
Deputy Director of Public Works Ridout announced that staff had found a lower price on the 90
gallon containers should the conversion proceed. Mr. Ridout reviewed the information contained
in the packet and provided the history of this issue. Councilman Doyle pointed out an error in
the memo, the last paragraph should read rates were raised in 1994, not 1984. Discussion
followed. Manager Ibarra expressed concern over customers receiving less service for the same
amount of money and asked if they would be told the increase was to pay for landfill closure
costs. Mr. Ridout explained that most of the Solid Waste costs went towards landfill expenses.
Councilman Campbell felt that sufficient revenues must be maintained to provide for closure and
post closure of the landfill. The real debate is how to shift the revenues given the reduced level
of service for some and a higher level of service for others. Manager Ibarra asked how the $4
figure was arrived at. Councilman Campbell explained that staff attempted to make the
differential great enough to increase recycling. Dale Miller, Recycling Coordinator, did not feel
that $4 was enough to make people recycle. Mr. Miller saw the positive side of hi-weekly
garbage pick up, but did not feel that $1 a week was going to promote recycling. Scott McLain,
Power Manager, explained that the $4 charge was set to mostly recover the landfill closure
Utility Advisory Committee
August 10, 1998
Further discussion followed, and staff responded to questions and provided additional clarification
especially regarding the three rate options outlined in the memo. Manager Ibarra stated he did
not feel comfortable with options two and three, as they would not generate enough revenue. He
asked if a bigger incentive for recycling should be created by raising the solid waste rates higher.
Manager Ibarra also suggested running a pilot program in one of the neighborhoods to work out
some of the bugs. Following further discussion, it was the general consensus of the Committee
that there were many unanswered questions such as how to track requests to change pick up
schedules, how to best arrange for bi-weekly pick ups, and how to educate the public on why this
change is necessary. Therefore, staff will do additional research to respond to all questions and
look into a pilot program for bi-weekly pick up and return this issue to UAC.
B. Changes to Energy Conservation Programs
Chairman Doyle reviewed the information contained in the packet. Scott McLain, Power
Manager, gave a brief explanation and review of the conservation program. He then responded
to questions and clarified the changes to the program.
Councilman Campbell moved to recommend that the City Council fund the conservation
programs as outlined in the proposed programs and to revise the conservation plan which
will be submitted to Bonneville Power Administration to reflect these changes. CouIIcilman
Wiil~am~ seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
C. Transmission Losses for 1998/1999
Chairman Doyle briefly reviewed the information contained in the packet and asked Scott McLain,
Power Manager, to def'me APS-96 and PF-96, which he did. Mr. McLain responded to questions
and provided clarification.
Councilman Williams moved to recommend to Council that, if staff cannot f'md a lower
price, the City replace its losses under the PF-96 rate for the contract year from October
1998 through September 1999. Bill Myers seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
D. Confirm of Modify Recommendation to Surrender FERC License
Bob Titus, Deputy Director of Utility Services, reviewed the information provided in the packet
and reviewed the seven options available in regards to the Morse Creek Hydro facility. He
explained that within 90 days, the City must begin some action. The action could be to begin
surrendering of the license or relining the pipe to provide water for the salmon pond.
Discussion followed, and Mr. Titus and Director Pittis responded to questions and provided
clarification regarding the various options for this facility. Staff felt it was in the City's best
interest to surrender the license, as fixing the pipeline leak and/or relining the pipeline is cost
Utility Advisory Committee
August 10, 1998
prohibitive. Concern was expressed over surrendering the license and losing water rights.
Attorney Knutson explained that the City could surrender the license and still use Morse Creek
as an emergency back up.
Councilman Williams expressed concern over forfeiting local generating facilities in light of the
recent power fluctuation experienced in Port Angeles due to a fire in Sbelton. Mr. McLain
explained that retaining the hydro facility would not help solve this problem. Following further
discussion and clarification, Councilman Campbell moved to recommend that the Council
adopt option one, surrender the FERC license, remove the powerhouse and cap the pipeline.
Bill Myers seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
V. Information Only Items
VI. Late Items
A. PUD Merger
Bob Titus, Deputy Director of Utility Services, and Finance Director Godbey distributed memos
regarding the PUD merger. Mr. Titus explained that the study prepared by the PUD's consultants
contained several errors. The City's consultants felt it was in the City's best interest to retain its
electric utility and PUD's consultants felt a merger was in everyone's best interest. Mr. Titus
reviewed the information contained in his memo which outline several factual errors in the PUD's
Director Godbey reviewed the financial aspects of the merger and pointed out the revenue losses
that would result to the City should it proceed with a merger. The General Fund would be
severely impacted as would the Water, Wastewater and Solid Waste Funds, because they would
have to absorb the cost of employees currently covered by the electric utility. This issue was not
addressed by the PUD's study. Director Godbey stated that financially, the City's electric utility
is very strong, and she did not see a benefit in merging with the PUD. Discussion followed.
Manager Iharra explained that staff felt the Committee needed to be briefed on this issue, bring
it to a conclusion if possible, and place a similar memo in the Council packet for the next meeting.
The next meeting with the PUD is August 20, 1998, and this issue can be put to rest at that time.
The Committee agreed with this plan, and this item will go to the City Council meeting of August
18, 1998.
Utility Advisory Committee
August 10, 1998
VI. Next Meeting:
Due to Labor Day, the next UAC meeting was scheduled for August 31, 1998. After a brief
discussion, it was the general consensus of the Committee to change the meeting date to
September. Therefore, the next Utility Advisory Committee meeting will be held September 14,
1998, at 3:00 p.m. in the Public Works Conference Room.
VIII. Adjournment:
The meeting adjourned at 4:55 p.m.
Deputy Cit~ler~ (/~J