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Minutes 08/12/1991
UTILITY ~DVISORY COMMITTEE Port Angeles, Washington August 12, 1991 Call to Order: In the absence of Chairman Hallett, the meeting to order at 4:36 p.m. Councilman Wight called II. Roll Call: Members Present: Jim Hallett (arrived at 4:43 p.m.), Wight, Jeff Rosbach and Thomas Hunt. Members Absent: Mike Lemon Staff Present: J. Pomeranz, B. Titus, L. Glenn, C. B. Upton and S. Hursh. Richard Knutson, III. Approval of Minutes: In considering approval of the minutes of the July 22, 1991 meeting, Thomas Hunt offered a correction to Page 3, Next Meeting, in that he is the individual who will be out of the country from August 19 to October 17. At this time, Councilman Wight noted he would be out of town September 19 - October 20. Jeff Rosbach moved to approve the minutes of the July 22, 1991 meeting as corrected. The motion was seconded by Thomas Hunt and carried unanimously. IV. Discussion Items: Presentation byDr. Thomas Locke - County Health Officer: Fluoridation of Water Dr. Locke had a conflict with his schedule and could not be present today. Councilman Wight indicated the presentation is now scheduled for the September 9 UAC meeting. He noted Dr. Locke is a strong proponent of fluoridating the water supply; the City will be encouraged to participate in such an effort. B. Medic I Billing Fire Chief Glenn reviewed the City Council's direction to survey multi-family occupancies in Port Angeles to ensure all are billed the $2.00 Medic I charge fairly. Up to this point, if a multi-family structure has one meter, the utility account Utility Advisory Committee August 12, 1991 Page Two has only been charged $2.00 when, in fact, many individuals may reside at that location and receive benefits from the program. In the lengthy discussion that ensued, consideration was given to the most appropriate and equitable method of billing and collecting the $2.00 fee for the multi-family occupancies. Concern was expressed that commercial enterprises are only being billed $2.00 per meter. However, Chief Glenn noted the employees of those commercial enterprises are either paying through their own personal utility account or are billed for service received if they live in the county. Jeff Rosbach moved to modify Ordinance 2619 and Chapter 8.36.030 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code and include a clause which stipulates that multi-dwelling units be assessed a $2.00 charge per month for each of the units at that dwelling rather than the $2.00 charge for the single billing account. The motion was seconded by Richard Wight and carried unanimously. C. Clallam County PUD Resolution on Mobile Homes - Super Good Cents Standards: City Light Director Titus reviewed a resolution recently adopted by the Clallam County PUD wherein all mobile homes are to meet Super Good Cents standards or pay a $2000 fee if they are to be serviced by the PUD. The resolution becomes effective as of January 1, 1992. Director Titus brought the matter before the Utility Advisory Committee for informational purposes and noted it has been the City's position to urge all manufacturers to meet the Super Good Cents standards as opposed to penalizing the owners for not meeting the standards. In addition, it should be noted the PUD does not make a distinction between mobile and modular homes. After considerable discussion, it was agreed this is not a major issue and the City should continue its efforts with the manufacturers. The matter can be readdressed if it should become a major issue in the future. D. Disposal of PCB Contaminated Transformers: Steve Hursh, City Light, reviewed facts pertinent to the surplus distribution transformers which must be disposed of in accordance with very strict regulations because of PCB contamination. He reviewed price quotations received from Utility Advisory Committee August 12, 1991 Page Three Aptus ($13,235) and SD Myers ($7,539). Although the City retains certain liability throughout the process, Mr. Hursh noted it would behoove the city to proceed with the safest disposal process in order to decrease the liability as much as possible. In that regard, it has been difficult to ascertain the process utilized by SD Myers, as that firm will not relinquish any information due to the information being termed proprietary. Aptus has received good references, and several northwest electric utilities are combining quantities and have negotiated a contract with Aptus. It is the City's desire to participate in the joint contract. Mr. Hursh reiterated the importance of the disposal process and advised the UAC members as to certain clean-up efforts underway at the Coal Creek site which was ultimately contaminated. It is the City's desire to avoid a reoccurrence and the recommendation, therefore, is to enter into an agreement with Aptus. Thomas Hunt moved to recommend to the city Council to enter into an agreement with Aptus for the disposal of PCB contaminated transformers. The motion was seconded by Jeff Rosbach and carried unanimously. Mr. Hursh noted Aptus would have to be declared a sole source for this purpose. V. Late Items: None. VI. Next Meeting: The next meeting of the Utility Advisory Committee will be held on Monday, September 9, 1991, 4:30 p.m. VII. Adjournment: The meet~g was adjourned at 5:25 p.m. Chairman © ~ Cky Cl~k %/ --