HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 09/13/1999 UTILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE
Port Angeles, Washington
September 13, 1999
L Call to Order:
Acting Chairman Myers called the meeting to order at 3:10 p.m.
IL Roll Call:
Members Present: Councilman Doyle, Councilman Williams, and Bill Myers.
Members Absent: Councilman Campbell and Joe Michalczik.
Staff Present: Craig Knutson, Glenn Cutler, Becky Upton, Tom McCabe, Steve
Evans, and Scott McLain.
III. ~4pproval of Minutes:
Councilman Doyle moved to approve the minutes of the August 23, 1999, meeting. The
motion was seconded by Councilman Williams and carried unanimously.
IV. Discussion Items:
Right-of-}Yay Use Permits - Interim Policy for Communication Lines
Scott McLain, Power Manager, advised the Committee members that the City has received
requests from Olympic Memorial Hospital, as well as Pacific Office Equipment, to install
fiber optic communication lines. The City would like to remain cooperative; however,
because the City may build a City-wide fiber optic network in the future, it would be
advisable to not create a conflicting situation. Staff is recommending that the City issue
Right-of-Way Use Permits for a one-year period that would be renewable until the time the
City's feasibility study is complete and a fiber optic system installed that could serve as a
In the ensuing discussion, Committee members spoke in support of the recommendation.
Mr. McLain indicated that the City may want to contribute to some of the cost as long as the
fiber optic installation is done to the City's specifications. It was noted the offer was made
to install another conduit for the City's use. Lengthy discussion followed, at which time the
Committee considered pole rental agreements and relationships with the companies involved
in telecommunications. Bill Myers expressed the opinion that the City make it very clear
that anyone installing fiber optics would need to join the City's system once it is complete.
Attorney Knutson indicated that Right-of-Way Use Permits are presently issued by staff, but
it may be advantageous to take the matter to the City Council because of the fiber optics
Utility Advisory Committee
September 13, 1999
study. In the absence of any objection from the Utility Advisory Committee, the Public
Works & Utilities Director would issue the one-year permits. The Utility Advisory
Committee serves in an advisory capacity to the City Council; however, on occasion staff
has asked the UAC to provide direction on matters that don't necessarily require Council
action. It may be warranted to make a change to the ordinance which allows for UAC policy
guidance to staff on issues that don't require formal action by the City Council. Councilman
Doyle suggested that, because of the fiber optics study, it might be wise to at least inform the
City Council of this particular discussion, to which the Committee members agreed.
Further lengthy discussion followed with regard to the basic premise of the
telecommunication ordinance being drafted, whether fiber optics would be installed on poles
or underground and specifically what the Right-of-Way Use Permit allows, and whether the
City would reimburse others for the installation of fiber optics. In summarizing the
discussion, Mr. McLain clarified there would be a one-year renewable permit issued with an
administrative fee of $300.00 and a charge of $8.00 per pole. No action was necessary, but
the Council will be informed of this discussion.
B. Update on Petroleum Contaminated Soil from Rayonier
Public Works & Utilities Director Cutler reviewed details pertinent to the City's acceptance
of petroleum contaminated soil at the Landfill from the Rayonier demolition site. The DOE
is presently seeking public comment after which it is expected that approval will be
forthcoming, and the hauling can commence around September 27th. This item was being
submitted for informational purposes only.
Discussion then centered around the reason the trucks are tarped before leaving the Landfill
and the amount calculated for transportation costs. Councilman Doyle suggested that the
hourly rate may be understated, and he suggested the figure be confirmed.
C. Water/Wastewater Study Update
Power Manager McLain reported that the firm of Economic & Engineering Services (EES)
is currently doing an analysis for the City, and it would be advisable at this time to forewarn
the UAC that it is likely there will need to be a rate increase this year. Five-year revenues
and expenses are being studied; this is a work in progress at this time. Discussion followed
with regard to the possible impacts should Initiative 695 be passed by the voters.
D. Update on Regional Water Supply Meetings
Public Works & Utilities Director Cutler referenced the letter of September 2, 1999, which
was sent to the Clallam County P.U.D., the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe, the Dry Creek
Water District, and the Black Diamond Water District. These entities were provided with
a copy of the CH2M Hill draft study, "Preliminary Evaluation of Elwha Dam Removal
Utility Advisory Committee
September 13, 1999
Mitigation Alternatives and Integration with Regional Supply Objectives", and they are
being asked to provide comments by September 17, 1999. Once the comments have been
received, a summary will be prepared for the Utility Advisory Committee and a
determination made as to whether any changes need to be made to the report.
Attorney Knutson reported that the Council will be receiving a copy of the follow-up
response prepared subsequent to the visits of Senator Gorton and Congressman Dicks on the
matter of Elwha Dam removal impacts. Staff has responded to questions raised with the
legislators, particularly those posed by Senator Gorton with respect to the City's position that
permanent treatment facilities are necessary, how long it will take to design mitigation
measures, and whether appropriations can be spread out over a period of two years. Bill
Myers asked that he and Joe Michalczik be provided with copies of the response document.
Lengthy discussion followed, and it was noted that the law specifies the money be in hand
before dam removal can proceed. Congressman Dicks has suggested it may be necessary to
change the law to allow incremental budgeting.
Other Business:
Brief discussion was held with regard to the history and value of the Utility Advisory
Committee. Director Cutler felt the Committee's input is most valuable in obtaining a sense
of direction. Bill Myers suggested that consideration be given to expanding the membership
of the committee, perhaps with community representatives.
Attention was directed to the tour of the Port Townsend compost facility tomorrow, and
Councilman Doyle indicated he would appreciate a tour of the City's facility as well. It
would provide him with a point of comparison.
VII. Next Meeting:
The next meeting of the Utility Advisory Committee will be held on Monday, October 11,
VIII. Adjournment:
The meeting adjourned at 4:10 p.m.
Bill Myers, Acting Chairman Becky J. Up~n, Cqly Clerk/.