HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 09/14/2004
Port Angeles, Washington
September 14, 2004
I. Call to Order:
Chairman Rogers called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m.
II. Roll Call:
Members Present:
Chairman Rogers, Councilmember Erickson, Allen Bentley, Mayor
Headrick, Dean Reed
Members Absent:
Staff Present:
William Bloor, Gary Kenworthy, Michael Puntenney, Scott McLain, Tom
McCabe, Larry Dunbar, Steve Sperr, Ralph Hoffman, Cate Rinehart
Others Present:
Brian Gawley - Daily News
IlL Approval of Minutes:
Chairman Rogers asked if there were any additions or corrections to the meeting minutes of July
13,2004. Mayor Headrick moved to approve the minutes noting a minor spelling error.
Councilmember Erickson seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
IV. Late Items: None
V. Discussion Items:
A. 30" Transmission Water Main Break, Olympic National Park Headquarters
Michael Puntenney, Deputy Director of Operations reviewed the course of events that occurred on
August 24th noting the extraordinary efforts of all the City Departments, outside agencies and
organizations to isolate, repair and restore service. There was a brief discussion.
No action taken. Information only.
September 14, 2004
B. Replace Automated Packer 1905
Tom McCabe, Solid Waste Superintendent, and Ralph Hoffman, Fleet Manager, explained that the
vehicle scheduled for replacement in early 2005 received extensive damage in an accident resulting in
$5,000 to $7,000 worth of repairs. A recent packer replacement contract would allow the City to
purchase another off of the existing contract. Staff recommends purchase rather than repair because the
trade in value or salvage value is less than the repair value. There was a brief discussion.
Councilmember Erickson moved to recommend City Council support staff to order a replacement
vehicle for 1905 prior to approval of the 2005 budget. Dean Reed seconded the motion, which
carried unanimously.
C. New CH1M Hill Agreement
Steve Sperr, Engineering Manager, noted that CH2M Hill had been providing engineering services
related to the City's water system for some time and that the current agreement expired last month. A
new agreement would provide continuing services for the remainder of 2004 and 2005. There was a
short discussion with questions concerning this was an agreement extension or technically a new
Dean Reed moved to recommend City council enter into an Agreement for Professional Services
with CH2M Hill, Inc., and authorize the Mayor to sign the Agreement for an amount not to
exceed $418,000. Allen Bentley seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
D. CSO Reduction Plan Update
Steve Speer, Engineering Manager, distributed a copy of the presentation, reviewed the information,
responded to questions, and provided clarification. Options were reviewed noting scenarios and impacts.
Councilmember Erickson moved to recommend City Council authorize the Public Works and
Utilities Director submit the updated CSO Reduction Plan to the Department of Ecology. Mayor
Headrick seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
E. Update Of Combined Sewer Overflow Directed Actions By Department Of Ecology
Gary Kenworthy, City Engineer, reviewed the sununary of actions and their status. There was a brief
No action taken. Information only.
F. Budgeted Amendment For Economic And Engineering Services Agreement
Scott McLain, Deputy Director for Power Systems, explained that a revised scope of work had been
developed to assist the City in its proposal for the Solid Waste RFP. Tasks would include reviewing
September 14,2004
selected sections of the RFP document, the cost estimate, evaluation of cost allocations, staff and
Parametrix findings and recommendations, and provide a written summary. There was a brief discussion.
Mayor Headrick moved to recommend City Council amend the not to exceed amount of the EES
agreement to $30,790. Allen Bentley seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
G. Participant Agreement For Celerity Project
Scott McLain, Deputy Director for Power Systems, reviewed the information in the packet explaining
that the project would evaluate the effectiveness of aggregating small generators to delay building
upgraded transmission facilities. There was a brief discussion.
Councilmember Erickson moved to recommend City Council sign the participation agreement
with Celerity Energy Partners, LLC, for use of the Wastewater Treatment Plant emergency
generator, in the generation aggregation project. Dean Reed seconded the motion, which carried
H. Electric Rates For 1005
Scott McLain, Deputy Director for Power Systems, reported that for the past three years the City has
been using the rate stabilizing fund to keep electrical rates from increasing. The fund has been
substantially reduced and a rate increase may occur October 2005. Further information will be provided
after a financial review is completed.
No action taken. Information only.
VI. Next meeting date: October 12,2004
Councihnember Erickson will be absent.
VIL Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 4:23 p.m.
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Cate Rinehart, Administrative
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