HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 10/12/2004
Port Angeles, Washington
October 12, 2004
I. Call to Order:
Chairman Rogers called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m.
II. Roll Call:
Members Present:
Chairman Rogers, Allen Bentley, Mayor Headrick, Dean Reed,
Councilman Pittis
Members Absent:
Councilmember Erickson
Staff Present:
William Bloor, Glenn Cutler, Gary Kenworthy, Michael Puntenney, Scott
McLain, Tom McCabe, Larry Dunbar, Steve Sperr, Dave Ireland, Cate
Others Present:
Paul Lamoureux
III. Approval of Minutes:
Chairman Rogers asked if there were any additions or corrections to the meeting minutes of
September 14,2004. It was noted that two typos were found and corrected in the minutes for
signature. Allen Bentley moved to approve the minutes. Mayor Headrick seconded the motion,
which carried unanimously.
IV. Late Items: Solid Waste RFP Evaluation Process
Roof Drain Disconnection Ordinance Update
V. Discussion Items:
A. Agreement To Keep Manlift Truck #161 For Five Additional Years
Dave Ireland, Manager of Light Operations Division, gave a presentation reviewing the information,
responding to questions, and providing clarification. It was noted that funding for the rebuild was
available and that keeping the vehicle would accelerate the pole replacement program. This item will be
repaired utilizing funds from the 2005 budget. There was a brief discussion.
Dean Reed moved to support the Public Works and Utilities Department's position to overhaul as
required and place back in service Truck #162 for a period not to exceed five years. The estimated
October 12,2004
cost of overhaul is between $18,000 and $33,000 depending on what is found when the boom is
disassembled and checked for wear. Mayor Headrick seconded the motion, which carried
B. Solid Waste RFP Evaluation Process
Larry Dunbar, Power Resources Manager, reviewed the flow chart illustrating the motions involved in
the accomplishment ofthe project. There was a brief discussion.
Allen Bentley moved to support the proposal evaluation, selection, and negotiation plan. Mayor
Headrick seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
C. Update Of Combined Sewer Overflow Directed Actions By The Department Of Ecology
Glenn Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities, referred to the schedule table indicating the CSO
Reduction Plan would be submitted to DOE this month. It was noted that pumps one and three are
currently under construction.
No action taken. Information only.
D. Roof Drain Disconnection Ordinance Update
Steve Sperr, Engineering Manager, summarized the various phases of the study noting preliminary
indications are that City funding of a roof drain disconnection program would not be cost effective. The
final results will be brought back to the committee at a future date. There was a brief discussion.
No action taken. Information only.
E. Wastewater Rates For 1005
Steve Sperr, Engineering Manager, pointed out that construction of Park Avenue sewer improvements
and implementing the recommended increase of $2 per residential unit per month had not been included in
the 2002 rate study. A discussion followed with concern over clear customer communication such as cost
comparison with other cities.
Dean Reed moved to recommend City Council approve a $2 per month increase in the residential
rate of 430 cubic feet or more raising it from $36.25 to $38.25 and an increase of 5.5% to all other
rate classes. Allen Bentley seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
F. Formation Of A Washington Municipal Electric Association
Scott McLain, Deputy Director for Power Systems, informed the UAC that the City had been asked to
consider joining in the formation of a Washington Municipal Electric Association in partnership with the
Association of Washington Cities to focus on legislative issues and BPA policies. Member costs are
October 12, 2004
unknown at this time. There was a brief discussion. Staff was directed to pursue participation.
No action taken. Information only.
G. Leachate Report
Staff was informed it was no longer necessary to bring this report before the committee.
VI. Next meeting date: November 9, 2004
VIL Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 4:35 p.m.
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Cate Rinehart, Administrative
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