HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 10/13/1997UTILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE
Port Angeles, Washington
October 13, 1997
L Call to Order:
Vice Chairman Doyle called the meeting to order at 3:05 p.m.
11. Roll Call:
Members Present: Councilmen Campbell and Doyle, and Bill Myers.
Members Absent: Councilman Braun and Joe Micbalczik.
Staff Present:
C. Knutson, J. Pittis, R. Ellsworth, S. Hursh, K. Ridout and C.
IlL Approval of Minutes:
Councilman Campbell moved to approve the minutes of the September 15, 1997, meeting.
Bill Myers seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
IV. Discussion Items:
A. Department of Health Bilateral Compliance Agreement
Public Works Director Pittis stated this is the result of the previous discussions held regarding
compliance with lead and cogper provisions, whereby the City must lower the pH of the water
supply. Lowering the pH could involve two different chemical processes. Director Pittis
reviewed the two processes and stated the original chemicals would work and would be less
expensive to the City, if the reservoirs were covered. Director Pittis also mentioned that covering
the reservoirs bad beneficial implications to improved water quality and would reduce operation
costs. The Department of Health (DOH) was willing to accept a compliance schedule based on
covering the reservoirs. Therefore, the bilateral compliance agreement between the City and the
DOH was drafted. The City has requested that the DOH make two changes to the draft
agreement, which Director Pittis explained.
Discussion followed, and Director Pittis and Water Superintendent Ellsworth responded to
questions and provided clarification regarding this issue. Councilman Campbell moved to
recommead that the City Council approve the compliance schedule and the a ament with
the two revisions. Bill Myers seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
B. Agreement with CH:MHill for Water Supply Study
Director Pittis reviewed the information provided in the packet, including the Scope of Services
for the Water Supply Study. During the discussion, Director Pittis responded to questions and
Utility Advisory Committee
October 13, 1997
provided clarification. At Councilman Doyle's request, Director Pittis and Attorney Knutson
explained the Tribe's possible role on this issue and stressed the importance of dealing with the
Tribe in a cooperative fashion. If the City is willing, the Tribe would like to have CH2MHill
review the scope of work developed with their consultants regarding stream flows for fish. The
Tribe will cooperate with the City on this as well.
Further discussion was held, and Councilman Campbell presented some of the problems
encountered by Crown Zellerbach regarding the Elwha River situation. He stressed the
importance of developing a relationship with the Tribe early in the proceedings to better
understand each others concerns and needs. Councilman Campbell expressed concern over
protecting the City's water rights and not giving them up unduly or having them eroded.
Director Pittis assured Councilman Campbell that staff has already met with the Tribe, and a
cooperative relationship is being formed. He also stated that the industrial needs of the
community are being factored into the water supply study.
Bill Myers moved to recommend that the Council approve the agreement with CH2MHill and
scope of work. Councilman Campbell seconded the motion, which carried unanhnously.
C. Status Report on Morse Creek Hydro-Electric Project
Steve Hursh, Engineering Manager, reviewed the information contained in the packet. Staff
would like to see the water rights changed back to the way it was originally stated (municipal
water supply) and will write a letter to the Department of Ecology to start that process. Mr.
Hursh stated that Attorney Knutson suggested the City may have to hire an attorney that
specializes in water rights issues. A letter will be sent to FERC in Washington, D.C., requesting
permission to temporarily alter operation of the Morse Creek Hydro-Electric Project. Mr. Hursh
then responded to questions and provided clarification on the issue.
Councilman Campbell agreed that the City needs to get out of the hydroelectric business as
quickly and as inexpensively as possible. However, he feared FERC's response if they feel the
City is not complying with orders. Councilman Campbell felt the City should give up its
hydroelectric operating license but retain its Morse Creek water rights. Further discussion
ensued, and Councilman Campbell felt the Council should be made aware of this issue and
participate in the decision making process. Mr. Hursh suggested that the surrender of the license
be conditioned on maintaining water rights. Councilman Doyle agreed that a report to the Council
was a good idea, and then staff should pursue getting the City out of the hydroelectric business
and still maintain its water rights.
Attorney Knutson felt there might be a problem with Fish and Wildlife and flow level restrictions.
Councilman Campbell felt that if a license is extinguished, all the provisions of the license are
extinguished also and the water rights issue reverts to the State.
Utility Advisory Committee
October 13, 1997
No action was required, but staff will prepare a report for the Council.
V/. Late Rems
Steve Hursh advised the Committee that Olympic Memorial Hospital had contacted him regarding
expanding the number of pole contacts. Attorney Knutson stated if this entails increasing the
number of poles involved, it will have to be presented to the Council. Discussion followed. No
action was taken or required.
VII. Next Meeting:
The next meeting will be November 10, 1997, at 3:00 p.m.
VIII. A~ournrnent:
The meeting adjourned at 4:20 p.m.
Deputy City Clerk