HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 11/10/1997UTILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE
Port Angeles, Washington
November 10, 1997
1. Call to Order:
Chairman Braun called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m.
II. Roll Call:
Members Present: Councilmen Braun and Campbell, Bill Myers and Joe Michalczik.
Members Absent: Councilman Doyle
C. Knutson, J. Pittis, K Ellsworth, B. Titus, S. Martin, and B. Upton.
Ill. Approval of Minutes:
Councilman Campbell moved to approve the minutes of the October 13, 1997, meeting. Bill
Myers seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Chairman Braun moved Item B up on the agenda, as a courtesy to the citizens present who wished
to address this issue.
IV. Discussion Items:
B. Petition for Additional Connection for Elwha Heights Water Association
Chairman Braun reviewed the information provided by the Public Works and Utilities Department
and deferred to Public Works Director Pittis. Director Pittis corrected an error in the third paragraph
of the memo from "... 15 minute chlorine contact time...' to "....60 to 78 minute chlorine contact
Director Pittis explained that the problem is not providing the water, as it is addressing the future
regulations regarding chlorine contact time if there is a surface water treatment issue. There is also
the question of water supply which will be investigated by CH2MHill, and where to place a treatment
facility if it is required. Director Pittis felt there were too many questions that still needed answers.
Councilman Campbell requested a brief history of the City's association with the Elwha Heights
Water Association, which was provided by one of the residents and Water Superintendent Ellsworth.
During the explanations, it was noted that the Association has no holding tank. Discussion followed
and members of the Water Association responded to questions posed by the Committee.
Director Pittis stated the issue is not a matter of does the City have enough water to provide to the
Association, it does. However, how the water is provided due to chlorine contact time may be a
problem. Chairman Braun suggested the Association be invited back to a future meeting after staff
has solved the problem of providing the water. Chairman Braun stated he agreed with staff's
recommendation to wait and see what the State is going to require of the City regarding before
Utility Advisory Committee
November 10, 1997
making a decision on this request and asked Director Pittis for a timeframe. Director Pittis stated
some information should be received from CH2MHill by April or May. Regarding the issue
surrounding groundwater under the influence, he stated testing is currently being performed and he
was not sure when the State would render a determination.
Following further discussion and clarification, Councilman Campbell moved to recommend the
Council keep the request from the EIwha lteights Water Association active until such time as
all problems have been worked out and a decision can be made. Joe Michaiczik seconded the
motion, which carried unanimously.
A. Proposed Orddnance Revising Terms for Citizen Members of the utiBty Advisory Committee
Chairman Braun reviewed the information provided by the City Clerk. Director Pittis felt it was poor
timing to lose two key members from the Committee with so many important issues in progress, such
as deregulation of the electrical industry, water supply issues, etc. Councilman Campbell agreed with
Director Pittis and felt the UAC membership rules should be the same as other Boards and
Committees. Chairman Braun felt the expertise of Messrs. Myers and Michalczik was necessary to
carry many of the ongoing issues onto completion.
Councilman Campbell moved to forward a recommendation to City Council to adopt the
amending Ordinance relative to terms of office for citizen members of the Utility Advisory
Committee. Bill Myers seconded the motion. After brief discussion, a vote was taken on the
motion, which carried unanimously.
C. Request for Proposals for Electrical Strategic Plan
Deputy Director Titus distributed copies of the City Light Strategic Plan Scope Refinement
Questionnaire, a ranking of evaluation criteria, and Request for Proposals for Consulting Services to
Prepare a Strategic Plan. He stated the responses to the questionnaire were anonymous and those
polled consisted of the seven Council members, the two citizen members of the UAC, and the City
Manager. Mr. Titus explained how the results were scored and briefly reviewed them. Mr. Titus
expressed surprise over the low score green power received, as the City may not have a choice on
this issue. Residential and small commercial customers may have different rates and classes for
customers to choose from. Attorney Knutson stated this is already happening in other parts of the
Country, and people are willing to pay extra for green power. Mr. Titus said that in the RFP nothing
was excluded, but he did emphasize that fiber optics was definitely of interest.
Discussion followed regarding the pros and cons of the various options in the strategic plan.
Director Pittis reminded the Committee that the questionnaire was only to get a general feeling and
direction for a very complicated issue. Further discussion followed.
Deputy Director Titus then reviewed the Scope of Project from the RFP and responded to questions
directed by the Committee.
Utility Advisory Committee
November 10, 1997
The RFP will be sent out as presented. Responses to the RFP will be presented to the Council at its
second meeting of December 1997.
VI.. Information Only Items
A. Response from the Coun(y Regarding Serenity House Utility Account
Chairman Braun reviewed the information provided by the Finance Director and stated he had spoken
to Scott Kenyon, Customer Service Coordinator, regarding this bill. Mr. Kenyon informed him that
Serenity House is maintaining its utility account from month to month. Mr. Myers felt the letter
intimated that funds may be available in 1998 to pay this outstanding debt.
Scott Kenyon was called into the meeting to give a brief history of this issue. Mr. Kenyon stated he
was willing to again appeal to the County for funding after the first of the year.
Late Items
Next Meeting:
The next meeting will be December 8, 1997, at 3:00 p.m.
VIII. Adjournment:
The meeting adjourned at 4:38 p.m.
Deputy City Clerk