HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 11/10/2008
Utility Advisory Committee
Special Meeting
Public Works Conference Room
Port Angeles, W A 98362
November 10, 2008
3:00 p.m.
I. Call To Order
Chairman Reed called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m.
II. Roll Call
Members Present:
Chairman Reed, Betsy Wharton, Orville Campbell (3:35), Don
Perry, Dan Di Guilio, Elizabeth Butler
Members Absent:
Karen Rogers
Staff Present:
Bill Bloor, Glenn Cutler, Ken Dubuc, Mike Puntenney, Larry
Dunbar, Steve Sperr, Kathryn Neal, Phil Lusk, Cate Rinehart
Others Present:
Terry Mundorf - Western Public Agencies Group
III. Approval of Minutes:
Chairman Reed asked ifthere were any corrections to the minutes of October 14,2008.
Councilman Di Guilio moved to approve the minutes. Councilman Perry seconded the motion,
which carried unanimously.
Late Items
V. Discussion Items:
A. Proposed Medic 1 Utility Rate Adjustments
Ken Dubuc, Fire Marshal, explained that the Medic 1 program is supported through an enterprise
fund using transport charges, monthly utility charges, and a General Fund contribution. A rate
adjustment of 6% was proposed by staff. Elizabeth Butler, who serves on the committee for
Medic 1 utility issues, supported staffs recommendation. A discussion followed.
Councilman Perry moved to recommend City Council proceed with the proposed rate
adjustments for the Medic 1 Utility. Councilmember Wharton seconded the motion, which
carried unanimously.
B. Draft 2008 Comprehensive Water System Plan (WSP)
November 10, 2008
Kathryn Neal, Engineering Manager, noted that the City was required to update the WSP every
six years and the most recent was approved in 2002. A summary of the issues since the 2002
WSP was reviewed. Staff advised that the draft WSP would be available on the Internet. There
was a brief discussion.
Information only. No action taken.
C. Port Angeles Water Treatment Plant Computerized Maintenance Management
Michael Puntenney, Deputy Director of Operations, advised that the City had signed a transfer
agreement with the National Park Service and a computerized system will be procured to manage
maintenance activities. A discussion followed
Information only. No action taken.
D. Bonneville Power Administration Power Sales Agreement
Larry Dunbar, Deputy Director of Power Systems, gave a presentation reviewing the power sales
contract and tiered rate methodology and explained the Tier 1 greenhouse gas emission averages.
There was a lengthy discussion.
Council member Wharton moved to recommend City Council 1) make a determination that
the power resources comply with the State greenhouse gas emissions standard, 2) authorize
the City Manager make minor modifications to the agreement, if necessary, and 3)
authorize the Mayor to accept the agreement. Orville Campbell seconded the motion,
which carried unanimously.
E. Energy Independence Security Act Of 2007 Consideration
Phil Lusk, Power Resources Manager, identified standards the City must consider which
included an investment in a qualified "Smart Grid" system, providing grid information to electric
customers, consider conducting integrated resource planning, and rate design modifications that
promote energy efficiency. A discussion followed.
Councilmember Wharton moved to recommend City Council 1) commence consideration of
the standards, 2) set public hearing dates of November 17, 2009 and December 15,2009 to
consider the standards, and 3) make a determination on the standards no later than
December 19,2009. Councilman Perry seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
F. Morse Creek License Amendment
Phil Lusk, Power Resources Manager, advised that the City was required to have a new Clean
Water Act 401 Certification issued by the Washington State Department of Ecology as a
November 10, 2008
component of its Federal Energy Regulatory Commission license amendment to use new
minimum instream flows at the Morse Creek Hydroelectric Project. A draft order had been
provided on October 31, 2008 which must be acted on by the Department of Ecology no later
than December 23,2008. There was a brief discussion.
Information only. No action taken.
G. Capital Facilities Plan And Transportation Improvement Program Amendment
Larry Dunbar, Deputy Director of Power Systems, requested adding four additional projects to
the City's 2008-2014 Capital Facilities Plan which would include Conservation Voltage
Reduction and three West UGA basin sewer extensions. A discussion followed.
Councilman Di Guilio moved to recommend City Council 1) set a public hearing on
December 2, 2008, and 2) pass a resolution that amends the 2008-2014 Capital Facilities
Plan and Transportation Improvement Program to include four additional projects.
Councilmember Wharton seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
H. Low-Income Weatherization
Phil Lusk, Power Resources Manager, gave a brief report on the utility discount program noting
that some audits have been completed to determine if any energy conservation improvements are
needed. There was a brief discussion.
Information only. No action taken.
I. Energy Northwest Quarterly Report
Larry Dunbar, Deputy Director of Power Systems, shared that he attended a board meeting and
that the City had been added to the Energy Northwest membership list. Committee reports were
given, a role in energy conservation was considered, and it was noted that City participation in
two wind projects was solicited. There was a brief discussion.
Information only. No action taken.
VI. Next Meeting Date:
December 9,2008
VII. Adjournment:
The meeting was adjourned at 4:48 p.m.
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Cate Rinehart, Admin Spec II