HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 12/07/1998 UTILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE
Port Angeles, Washington
December 7, 1998
L Call to Order:
v ~,~,~ ,~,,,~l.l.,~ ,~..l.v~,~.~ called the meetzng to order at 3:00 p.m.
II. Roll Call:
Members Present: Councilmen Campbell, Doyle, and Williams, Joe Michalczik, and
Bill Myers.
Members Absent: None.
Staff Present: C. Knutson, C. Hagar, R. Ellsworth, K. Ridout, K. Curtis, and G.
II1. Approval of Minutes:
Joe Michalczik moved to approve the minutes of the October 12, 1998, regular meeting.
Councilman Williams seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
IV. Discussion Items:
A. Report on Rayonier's Request for City to Accept Leachate from Shotwell Landfill
Kevin Curtis, Wastewater Treatment Plant Supervisor, reviewed the information provided in the
packet and responded to questions posed by the Committee. Councilman Campbell asked how
the amount of revenue was estimated. Mr. Curtis responded that the negotiated fee is $.03 per
gallon. The Ordinance reads $.02 per gallon for fresh waste and $.09 a gallon for septic waste.
This leachate falls somewhere in between. Discussion ensued regarding hauling of the leachate
and how many truck loads a day could be expected.
Joe Michalczik expressed concern over what would happen if toxic material got into the City's
treatment plant. Mr. Curtis replied that it would end up in the discharge, which is sampled on
a 24-hour basis, or it could end up in the solids content. He stated waste is currently being
accepted from the Rayonier site and it is being tested to EPA standards. The leachate currently
being filtered through does not pose a problem, an~ ~hcrz ~a£ ~.~,ly he,~_ erie cc..q.i,~i.~ ~,~, .~,~g
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Councilman Campbell noted that the leachate must go somewhere and there are only two options:
the City or Daishowa. He felt that given the report and conclusions from the Consultant who has
reviewed all the documentation, the leachate will not have a toxic impact at the treatment plant
and the City is in a position to gain $300,000 in revenue per year for treating it. Discussion
followed regarding escape clauses and the pros and cons of proceeding with acceptance of the
Utility Advisory Committee
December 7, 1998
leachate, and how the leachate would be handled and stored if accepted.
Following lengthy discussion, Joe Michalczik moved to recommend City Council approve and
accept the report as written and that the City Attorney ensure all contracts and written
reports support the City's needs. Cotmcilman Williams seconded the motion, which carried
Deputy Clerk Hagar distributed copies of the 1999 meeting schedule to all Committee members.
B. Public Information Program Needed for Drinking Water - Copper Compliance
Ralph Ellsworth, Water Superintendent, reviewed the materials contained in the packet. The
Bilateral Compliance Agreement the City entered into with the State Department of Health (DOH)
requires the City to implement a public awareness and education program with respect to copper
compliance. Information will be disseminated to the public at the Home Show in February, a
newspaper advertisement prior to the Home Show, and via a flier accompanying the January
utility bills. Discussion ensued regarding the wording on the flier and newspaper article. Mr.
Ellsworth informed the Committee that the wording had been recommended and approved by the
Mr. Ellsworth stated that following the covering of the reservoirs, lead and copper levels will
again be checked. It is hoped that lead and copper levels will then fall within acceptable levels,
thereby making the problem go away. Discussion followed and Mr. Ellsworth responded to
questions and provided clarification.
Councilman Wffiiams moved reconunend City Council authorize proceeding with the public
information program requested. Bill Myers seconded the motion, which carried
Brief Discussion of Elwha Dam Removal
Attorney Knutson gave a brief report on a conference he had recently attended. Senator Gorton
was one of the speakers and he mentioned the Elwha Dam situation. He stated he had spoken to
Congressman Dicks and was fairly confident a compromise would be worked out for the next
session and the removal of the dams would be funded. Discussion followed regarding funding
of Elwha Dam removal. Attorney Knutson gave a brief review of Senator Gorton's speech,
particularly the portion where he described how he came to his position on the dam removal.
C. Contract with CHuM Hill for Evaluation of Regional Water Issues
Gary Kenworthy, City Engineer, stated the Elwha Dam issue also plays a part in the next topic
of discussion, as the Elwha Dam removal was included as part of the draft Water Supply Study
prepared by CH2M Hill. Staff is asking for consideration of an amendment to the contract with
Utility Advisory Committee
December 7, 1998
CH2M Hill to identify infrastructure improvements. Mr. Kenworthy then reviewed the
information contained in the packet. Discussion followed and Mr. Kenworthy responded to
questions posed by the Committee.
Councilman Campbell felt there were two parts to the issue. One, is the issue of combining the
municipal water supplies and feeding them from a common treatment plant. The second issue is
the PUD's water treatment facility on Morse Creek which needs extensive rehabilitation. Rather
than having the PUD spend money on this plant, the money could be spent on the Morse Creek
line restoration, which would allow the provision of water to that PUD system. The long term
benefit to the City would be the use of the Morse Creek line as an emergency water supply.
Discussion followed.
Attorney Knutson reminded the Committee that a contingen~ from the City will be going to visit
Senator Gorton in his Bellevue office later this month. Councilman Campbell stated staff needs
to have all its information together in order to inform the Senator of the City's needs in regards
to the dam removal.
Following further discussion, Councihnan Campbell moved to recommend the Council
approve the amendment to the contract with CH2M Hill for the water supply study. Joe
Michalczik seconded the motion, which carried unanhnously.
V. Information Only Items
Drinking Water Information on Consumer Confidence Reports (Discussion Purposes
Chairman Doyle stated it appears the City must work with the Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA) until the State finalizes some rules that satisfy the EPA. Mr. Ellsworth stated staff is
working the EPA and testing has been done for this year. The public then must be informed of
what is in the drinking water supply. Staff is checking to ensure that the City is fulfilling all
requirements. Discussion ensued and Mr. Ellsworth responded to questions.
No action was taken.
VI. Late Items
Utility Advisory Committee
December 7, 1998
VI. Next Meeting:
The next meeting will be January 11, 1999, at 3:00 p.m.
VIII. Adjournment:
The meeting adjourned at 4:12f13. m.
/C,J~fi~an- '~/~/~ Deputy City Clerld