HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 12/13/1999 UTILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE
Port Angeles, Washington
December 13, 1999
I. Call to Order:
Chairman Campbell called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m.
II. Roi1 Call:
Members Present: Councilmen Campbell, Doyle, Joe Michalczik, Bill Myers,
Councilman Williams
Members Absent: None.
Staff Present: Manager Quinn, Attomey Knutson, C. Hagar, J. Harper, T. McCabe,
S. McLain, G. Kenworthy, G. Cutler, and K. Ridout.
III. Approval of Minutes:
Bill Myers moved to approve the minutes of the November 8, 1999, meeting. Councilman
Doyle seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
IV. Discussion Items:
A. Wholesale Water Contract with PUD No. 1
Director Cutler reviewed the information contained in the packet and Gary Kenworthy, Director of
Engineering, explained the changes between the old contract and the new. At Councilman William's
request, Attorney Knutson explained that these rates are not affected by 1-695, as the ordinance states
that wholesale water charges are set by contract, therefore the charges are not treated as a rate.
Discussion followed, and Director Cutler informed the committee that he had spoken to Mike
McGinnis from the PUD and he is aware that an 8 percent increase was being considered.
Councilman Doyle moved to support the extension of the Wholesale Water Agreement with
the PUD, with the revised rates and consumption conditions, to December 31, 2000. Joe
Michalczik seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
B. Replace 300 Gallon Solid Waste Containers
Tom McCabe, Solid Waste Supervisor, distributed a memo regarding container conversion and
provided a history of the discussions held on this subject. Mr. McCabe stated that the current
conversion plan allows for a three-year time period to convert instead of six months. Mr. McCabe
Utility Advisory Committee Meeting
December 13, 1999
stated that converting to 90 gallon containers will promote recycling, which is part of the Solid
Waste Advisory Committee's (SWAC) five-year plan.
Discussion followed, and Mr. McCabe responded to questions and provided additional clarification.
It was suggested that waste containers be labeled and all cans be placed on one side of the street for
faster, more efficient pick up. Mr. McCabe stated that while this is a good idea in theory, some
areas are not capable of having efficient one-sided pick up.
Mr. McCabe informed the Committee that it has been observed that those residents served by a 90-
gallon container better utilize the recycling program than those served by a 300-gallon container.
Also, approximately 20 hours a week are devoted to cleaning up messes around the 300 gallon
containers, as well as maintaining and repairing them. Ken Ridout, Deputy Director of Public
Works, noted that lifting 90-gallon containers caused less stress to the lift mechanism than lifting
300 gallon containers, thereby increasing the life of the refuse trucks.
Following further discussion and clarification, Bill Myers moved to recommend proceeding with
investigation of phasing in 90 gallon containers as proposed. Councilman Doyle seconded the
motion, which carried unanimously.
C. Report Cell Closure and Hydroseeding
Gary Kenworthy, Deputy Director of Engineering Services, reported that hydroseeding has been
performed on cells one and two at the landfill. Also, the storm drain siltation facility has been
cleaned out. The hydroseeding took well and grading is being completed on the cells for further
compaction. Parametrix reviewed the City's compaction procedures, and made recommendations
which are being implemented.
Parametrix is working on the design for the landfill closure and staff has met with the County Health
Department and the Department of Ecology regarding preliminary measures, and both agencies are
comfortable with the closing proposals. Staff is also proceeding with permitting of the landfill for
the next year and Clallam County has suggested permitting for the next five years. Director Cutler
informed the Committee that staffhad met with the USDA Wildlife biologists and they were pleased
with the efforts in keeping the birds away. Further discussion ensued and staff responded to
questions and provided clarification. No action was taken.
Councilman Doyle asked if hepatitis could be a problem when bio solids are used in composting.
Director Cutler responded that it is a possibility, however, there are tests that will be run before the
material is released offsite.
Councilman Williams asked if potential power shortages could be remedied by using methane
produced at the landfill. Scott McLain, responded that the landfill was too small to make enough
methane to make the project worthwhile.
Utility Advisory Committee Meeting
December 13, 1999
V. Information Only Items:
A. 7"Street Substation Rebuild Design RFP
Jim Harper, Electrical Engineer, distributed memos and informed the Committee this was for
information only. He stated the 2000 budget contains a line item for the design work of the "I" Street
Substation and construction will be budgeted in 2001. To meet this schedule, the transformer must
be ordered by midyear 2000. An RFP for a design consultant will be advertised as soon as possible
in order to meet the planned time frames. The project cost is estimated at approximately $550,000.
No action.
VL Late Items:
.4. .4mendment to CH2MHill }Yater Supply Study Contract
Gary Kenworthy, Deputy Director of Engineering Services, distributed and reviewed the information
on this issue. He stated that the change in the Scope of Work was to allow for added technical
support which would allow the consultants to attend various meetings regarding the Elwha Dam
Removal Project. He pointed out that a draft of the new scope of work was attached to the memo
and staff hoped to present it to Council at its next meeting. Mr. Kenworthy reminded the Committee
that the federal government will reimburse the City for all expenses, except lobbying. Discussion
followed regarding ways and means of reducing costs for the consultant's travel time and staff
responded to questions and provided clarification.
Joe Michalczik moved to recommend the City Council approve a change in the scope of work,
increase the estimated budget by $27,160 in our current contract with CH2MHILL, and
authorize the Mayor to sign Amendment No. 3 to the Water Supply Study Project 97-16. Bill
Myers seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Councilman Williams asked about the aerial photography for the utilities and Mr. Kenworthy
provided information on that project.
Chairman Campbell announced that this was Joe Michalczik's last meeting, and thanked him for his
many years of service, hard work, and effort devoted to the City and this Committee. Mr.
Michalczik thanked everyone and felt it was a privilege to serve on this Committee. Councilman
Campbell then recognized Dean Reed who will be the new industrial representative to the UAC. Mr.
Michalczik stated that the Council did a great job in choosing his replacement.
Utility Advisory Committee Meeting
December 13, 1999
VII. Next Meeting:
The next meeting will be held January 10, 2000.
VIII. Adjournment:
The meeting adjoumed at 4:10 p.m.
Orville Campbell, Chairma~ Carol A. Hagar, D~lerk