HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 12/13/2005
Port Angeles, Washington
December 13,2005
L Call to Order:
Chairman Rogers called the meeting to order at 3 :00 p.m.
IL Roll Call:
Members Present:
Chairman Rogers, Allen Bentley, Lauren Erickson, Mayor Headrick
Members Absent:
Dean Reed
Staff Present:
Bill Bloor, Scott McLain, Gary Kenworthy, Mike Puntinney, Larry
Dunbar, Bill Beverford, Mike Szatlocky, Cate Rinehart.
Others Present:
Brian Gawley - Daily News
Paul Lamoureux - Citizen
IlL Approval of Minutes:
Chairman Rogers asked if there were any corrections to the meeting minutes of November 8, 2005.
It was noted that Mayor Headrick's name should appear as absent. Allen Bentley moved to
approve the minutes. Chairman Rogers seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
IV. Late Items: Western UGA Update
GridWise ™ Testbed Program
Fishing Net Disposal
V. Discussion Items:
A. Interlocal Agreement On Extension Of Sewer In Eastern Urban Growth Area (EUGA)
Bill Bloor, City Attorney, reviewed the information contained in the packet, responded to questions, and
provided clarification. It was noted that the City would hire a consultant for financial and engineering
planning with costs being reimbursed by the County. A discussion followed regarding continuing the
Councilperson Erickson moved to forward the Interlocal Agreement to City Council for review
and adoption. Mayor Headrick seconded the motion. Allen Bentley opposed.
B. Amendment To Brown And Caldwell Consulting Agreement
December 13, 2005
Scott McLain, Deputy Director for Power Systems, advised that this amendment would be based upon
adoption of the Interlocal Agreement as previously discussed. This amendment adds the task of a
feasibility study to validate the best interceptor route, cost estimate, project schedule, funding
opportunities, and financing plan. There was a brief discussion.
Councilperson Erickson moved to recommend City Council approve and authorize the Mayor to
sign amendment No.2 to the Agreement for Professional Services with Brown and Caldwell, Inc.
in the amount of $34,588 to be reimbursed to the City by the County for a total contract amount
not to exceed $249,288. Mayor Headrick seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
C. 2006 UAC Calendar Dates
Information only. No action taken.
VI. Late Items:
D. Western Urban Growth Area Update
Scott McLain, Deputy Director for Power Systems, reported that the first phase of the electrical system
had been completed the mill energized. Gary Kenworthy, City Engineer, advised that the water line had
been constructed and the pump station built although there were some disinfection problems. A brief
discussion followed.
Information only. No action taken.
E. GridWise ™ Testbed Program
Larry Dunbar, Power Resources Manager, advised that the Bonneville Power Administration requested
the City help promote its Pacific Northwest GridWise™ Testbed Program. The year long program
utilizes an energy management system which makes changes to heating equipment run time during peak
use times allowing a slight load shift. A total of75 qualified customers are being sought to participate. A
promotional mailing will be done at no City expense as well as cable television advertisements. There
was a brief discussion.
Information only. No action taken.
F. Fishing Net Disposal
Councilmember Erickson announced that she had been approached by some citizens who retrieve old
fishing nets from the strait requesting they be allowed to dispose ofthem at the landfill at no charge. A
December 13, 2005
discussion followed. Staff was requested to look into the issue.
Information only. No action taken.
VIL Next meeting date: January 10, 2006
VIII Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 3:52 p.m.
Cate Rinehart, Administrative Specialist IT
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