HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/03/1967
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Minutes of the re rular meetln1 of the Port An1eles Planninq
Com~ls5ion January 3rd. 1967.
Members prp.~p.nt were Anderson. UtllinJ, Hunt, Treat
and Stran,e. Absent Oriscoll and Hankins. Also present
were Director of I-ublic "orks John B. ,;arder and Bul1dlnq
Inspp.ctor Robert Willson.
Minutes of the prevlou. meetin} were read and approved.
There were two heartnJ' on vartances from the ZoninQ
Ordinance 8cheduled for this meetin1. The fir~t was an
application of the Port at Port Angeles, owner of the airport
property askinl for~a variance from t~ local zoning regula-
tions which would permit construction, operation and main-
tenance of a Childrens Hall In a first Residential Zone.
This request involves property on the airport identified as
Suburban Lot 11) Townsite located approximately at the south-
west corner of 18th and. "M" Streets just east of the P.U.D.
yard and warehouse.
The property had been properly posted and there were
no ob1ections on file. After discussion a motion was passed
recommendin1 to the City Council the application be approved.
The lecond heartn1 on the schedule was an application
also from the Port of Port Anqelel, owner of the airport
property requestlnJ a variance from the local zonln~ regula-
tions which would permit construction, operation and main-
tenAnce of a workshop by Diversified Industries in a First
Residential lone. This request involves property identified
as South half Suburban Lots 125 and 126 and all of Suburban
Lots 143 and 144. located approximately at Twentieth Str~et
between "0" and "p" Streets. While the above description
involves rathp.r a lar1e area, it was done so for ease ot
identification. The actual occupancy of Diversified Industrle.
will onl y he abou t th ree ae rea 1 oca ted on paved revetmen t. 1 n
the area. The property had been properly posted and there
were no obiections on file. ^ft~r discussion with Mr, Thoma.
C. Neal, Manaler of the Port of Port AnJele., a motion wa.
passed recom~endin, to tte City Council the application be
app ro ved.
A letter from Crescent Shores Buildors. Incq was
read requestin~ an extension of time on the variance pre-
viously Iranted them to permit the construction at a
Dormitory Apartment Building. They stated the delay wa.
caused by contlnuinq court action combined with a tilht
money market. After discussion a motion was passed recommend-
ing to the City Council that an extension of six months be
After further qeneral discussion., meeting .d~ourned
at 8:30 P.M.
Respectfully submitted.
.lnut.. ot the rlqulct ..otlnq ot the Port Ang.l..
Pl~nnln; Co..t..lon D.c..btr 6thD 19~8o
M..b.r. pr...nt ..r. And.reono 01111n9D Drl.colle
HuntD Treat and Strang.o Ab..nt Hanklneo Al.o pr.s.nt
... Bul1dlnci In.p.etor Robert WIU.ono
Minut.. of the pr.vlou. ...tlng wlr. r.ed and
Thlr. ..rel no ech.dul.d hearing. or oth.r .att.re
to co.. b.tor. the C08ml.llon at thl. ...ting ther.for.
. qen.ral di.cu..lon on ..v.ral .atter. .a. h.ldD a.onq
th.. ... the propo.ed zoning at 8th and "C" Str~.t. by
Dick Jacob. own.r ot property In the ar...
Dl.culI.lon on .ppllcatlon ot the Port of Port
Anq.l.. for two varianc.. in the Airport ar.aD which
will co.. b.tor. the Co..l..lon, Janulry 3rdo 19670
Furth.r J.n.ral dllcu..ion on the propo..d
Zoning Ordin.neao
It .a. d.:lded t~. n.lt ...ting ot the Co.-1..1on
.ould b, Janu.ry ]~ 1~7o
No furth.r bUlla... appearing ..otlno adjourned at
8830 Po.o
ROlp.ctfully lub.itt.dD
Fr.d Co Stran~.o Chmlr..n
Acting !.er.tar,