HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/04/1966
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Port Angeles Planning
Commission, January 4th 1966~
Members rresent were Anrlerson, Dillin~, Driscoll, Hunt
and Stranje. Also present Buildin~ Inspector Robert Willson.
Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
First order of business, Chairman read a letter from
Cr~scent Shores Buildirs, Inc. dated Dec@mher ~th, 1965
cancel in) thp.ir oriryinal application for a variance from the
zoning ordinance covering Lots I, 2, 1 and 4 Block 1 Hi)hland
View Acre Tracts. This is the application that had been under
consideration at our pr~vlous meeting.
Next order of business was consideration of the application
of Crescent Shores Builders Inco dated December 13th, 1965 for
permission to construct an apartment building for off camFUS,
c~lle1c sturlent housin~ to he lOCAted on Lots 1 and 2, Block 1,
Highland Vi~w Acre Tracts. Pursuant to Section 11 of the City
zonin~ ordinance the City had rnailp.d notice~ to ~ll prcp~rty
owners within a 400 foot radius of the proposed site.
Chairman read a copy of the notices mailed and also read
the list of names of the property ownerq that had entered prot~~ts,
Rnd inquiry was made of the overflow crowd if &ny wer~ present
whose name had not be~n read. There bein] none it was deemed
the prot~~t list was complete. Upon examination it was ~eter-
mined a total of 2208% of the property involved had entered
Chairma~ rearl a lettpr received from M.G.Poole, Town
Planners retained by the City, referrin~ to off campus housing
as practiced by other cityso Mr. Poole stated this type of
housing was considered a basic concept in pre~ent day planning
and very desireably adjacent to colle~e camruses.
The meeting was then given over to verbal statements from
the floor. Several people spoke including Mrs. Minks, and
Mpssers 18U, Lannoye, Newell, Lawson and otheres. The protests
ran}ed from morals due to lack of ~upervislon to the objection
of the opening of Park Avenue as a thru street to the college
campus. Those present apparently wishing to keep Park Avenue
a~ a dp.ad e~d stre~t.
Affer an exhaustive discussion the hearing was declared
closedo A motion was then proposed and passed with one abstain-
1n1 vote, recommendin1 to the City Council the application be
9 P.M.
No further business appearin')' the meeting ad.fourned at
Respectfully submitted,
Actin) Secretary
Fred C. Strange, Chairman