HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/05/1981
Port ~geles, Washington
January 5, 1981
Vice-Chairman Lacey called the meeting to order at 7 PM.
Members Present: James Clevenger, James Rexroat, John
Lacey, Evelyn Tinkham
Members Absent: William Lindberg
Staff Present: Dan VanHemert, Louise Frost
Mrs. Tinkham moved to approve the minutes of the meeting
of December 1, 1980, as submitted; Mr. Clevenger seconded
the motion, which passed unanimously.
None, other than on pending matters.
V-8l(l)1 - ROBERT G. RUUD. Request for a
variance of the l3-foot corner yard setback
to 8 feet; to construct an addition to an
existing residence. Location: 536 East
Seventh Street.
Mr. VanHemert reviewed the staff report; Vice-Chairman Lacey
opened the public hearing.
Mr. Ruud explained that the only logical way to add on to
the house was to use the existing lines. Vice-Chairman
Lacey closed the public hearing.
Mr. Clevenger moved to grant the variance, based on the
fact that the location and surroundings of the lot con-
stitute special circumstances; the variance will not be
a grant of special privilege; and the variance will not
be detrimental to other properties or the general welfare.
Mrs. Tinkham seconded this motion, which passed unanimously.
Board of Adjustment
January 5, 1981
Page 2
Request for a variance of the 30-foot height
limitation to 50 feet; to construct a 50-foot
micro-wave tower. Location: lOl7 East Front
Mr. VanHemert reviewed the staff report; Vice-Chairman Lacey
opened the public hearing.
Joe Fischer, representing the applicant, said the tower isn't
detrimental to views, because it will be an open grid; and
the location was chosen because of its commercial zoning.
George Mattsen said there were enough tackey structures in
the area now. If this exception is made, all height limita-
tations should be removed. Vice-Chairman Lacey closed the
public hearing.
In response to questions from the Board, Mr. Fischer ex-
plained the serV1ce is a domestic public mobile radio com-
munications facility, which presently has approximately 500
subscribers. Maynard Hill, the transfer point, is located
south of Discovery Bay at the 2,000 foot level. A clear
path must exist between the two towers for good transmission.
He has looked at properties farther south, higher in eleva-
tion, but they are basically zoned residential; and without
making extensive studies, cannot say if another site would
be more effective. There will be no interference with or-
dinary radio or TV reception.
Mr. Clevenger moved to grant the variance based on Staff's
recommendation and the following findings:
A. Special circumstances related to the parcel are its
location, in that the site requirements for this
facility are limited by geographic features not
present in the immediate area.
B. Because there are already private radio antennas
in the vicinity, granting this variance does not
constitute a special privilege.
C. The antenna will not be materially detrimental to
the public welfare or injurious to nearby properties.
Mr. Rexroat seconded the motion. On call for the question,
the vote was Messrs. Clevenger and Lacey "yes", and Mr.
Rexroat and Mrs. Tinkham "noli. The motion failed.
Mrs. Tinkham moved to declare the previous action of the
Board null and void. Mr. Rexroat seconded this motion,
and it passed unanimously.
Board of Adjustment
January 5, 1981
Page 3
Mr. Clevenger moved to grant the variance, based on Staff's
recommendation and the following findings:
A. Special circumstances related to the parcel are its
location, in that the site requirements for this
facility are limited by geographic features not
present in the immediate area.
B. Because there are already private radio antennas
in the vicinity, granting this variance does not
constitute a special privilege.
C. The antenna will not be materially detrimental to
the public welfare or injurious to nearby properties.
Mr. Re>::roat :seconded the motion,.' On l,caB.: fon, the question,
Messrs. Clevenger and Lacey voted "yes", Mr. Rexroat voted
"no" and Mrs. Tinkham abstained. The motion passed.
V-8l(1)3 - MARJORIE TERRILL. Request for a
variance from the 50% lot coverage limitations;
to remodel a pre~existing non-conforming build-
ing with 70% lot coverage. Location: 408 South
Lin'co'l'n S't'reet.
Mr. VanHemert reviewed the staff report, which recommended
denial of the variance. Vice-Chairman Lacey read into the
record a letter from Safeway, Inc., objecting to the re-
quest. Mr. Clevenger asked about alternatives; and Mr.
VanHemert said the existing buildings could be maintained
in order to safeguard the public, and some remodeling would
be allowed. Vice-Chairman Lacey opened the public hearing.
Mrs. Terrill stressed that the two buildings will be remodeled
into one with a new basement below to make them structurally
sound. She anticipates that 87% of the patronage will be foot
traffic. There will be no rear entrance, so patrons will
probably not use Safeway's parking lot. Vice-Chairman Lacey
closed the public hearing.
Mr. Clevenger commented that this is a unique situation -
the lot coverage will be reduced, the building will be up-
graded, so the alterations should be permitted.
Mrs. Tinkham moved to deny the variance because of the pro-
visions of the Zoning Ordinance, based on the following find-
A. While the lot is substandard in size, there are no
special circumstances related to the lot which prevent
Board of Adjustment
January 5, 1981
Page 4
continuation of the existing non-conforming structures
or construction of a new building within the maximum
lot coverage.
B. Because other commercial buildings have been con-
structed and remodeled within the lot coverage require-
ments (3500 square feet for a standard City lot), this
variance would be a grant of special privilege.
C. The proposed expansion and alteration of the structures
may be injurious to adjacent properties, since the uses
of the property may generate additional demand for off-
street parking spaces.
Mr. Rexroat seconded this motion. On call for the question,
Mrs. Tinkham voted "yes" and all other Board members voted
"no". The motion to deny the variance failed.
Mrs. Tinkham moved to table consideration of this matter
for further study. There being no second, this motion
Mr. Rexroat moved to grant the variance, citing as findings
that although these are two non-conforming buildings which
cannot be structurally altered by law, in order to get a
restaurant to serve the community, it is better to allow
the applicant to apply for a building permit, because if
their plans do not comply, the permit will be denied. Both
buildings would be up-dated. In seconding this motion, Mr.
Clevenger added that he does not consider the variance a
grant of special privilege; lot coverage will be reduced,
the remodel will benefit the area; and although the lot is
substandard, the buildings are pre-existing and non-conform-
On call for the question, Messrs. Clevenger, Rexroat and
Lacey voted "yes" and Mrs. Tinkham voted "no", because more
study was needed. The variance was granted.
V-81(1)4 - ROBERT BRONSINK, JR. Request for a
variance from the 10-foot alley setback to 4';
and from the 25-foot street setback to 61; to
construct a detached accessory building for a
single-family residence. Location: 413 East
Lauridsen Boulevard.
Mr. VanHemert reviewed the staff report; Vice-Chairman Lacey
opened the public hearing.
Board of Adjustment
January 5, 1981
Page 5
Mr. Bronsink explained that he has already allowed for access
.only from ~the l,aI1ey, so:.thatpotential problem hasr.been solved.
There will be no direct backing of vehicles from the garage
into the alley. Vice-Chairman Lacey closed the public hear-
Mrs. Tinkham moved to grant the variance, citing the follow-
ing findings:
A. The shape and dimensions of the lot are special cir-
B. No special privilege is granted because there are
other structures in the vicinity and zone encroach-
ing upon front and rear yard setbacks.
C. Granting the variance would not be detrimental to
nearby properties because the garage is not in close
proximity to other structures.
Mr. Rexroat seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
for variance of the 25-foot required front and
rear setbacks to 14 feet on the north and 18 feet
on the south; to locate an existing single family
residence on the lot. Location: Lauridsen Boule-
vard and Te'nth s'treet..
Vice-Chairman Lacey read into the record a letter from
Barbara E. Patterson, 932 East Lauridsen Boulevard, ob-
jecting to the variance. Mr. VanHemert reviewed the staff
report and the earlier variance granted in March, 1979,
at which time neighbors, including the Pattersons, had also
objected. Vice-Chairman Lacey opened the public hearing.
vice-Chairman Lacey asked Mr. Jones the height of the build-
ing to be located on the site, and was told that it was
about 20 feet. The foundation height will be 2 feet. Mr.
Jones said he has not noticed any run-off problem on the
lot, possibly because of the weeds and grass. Vice-Chairman
Lacey observed that he saw no visible signs of run-off from
the Boulevard when he visited the site today. He then
closed the public hearing.
Mr. Clevenger moved to grant the variance, citing the follow-
ing findings:
A. The triangular shape and narrow depth of the parcel
are special circumstances related to this lot requir-
ing a variance for a house to be sited.
Board of Adjustment
January 5, 1981
Page 6
B. The variances will not grant a special privilege,
because although the lot has sufficient area, it is
otherwise unbuildable and cannot be used for residen-
tial purposes. Since other houses and accessory
buildings in the vicinity and zone encroach upon
setbacks ,or have been granted variances, this is not
a grant of special privilege.
C. Because the lot is lower than and separated by streets
from other residences in the vicinity, except the one
house to the west, and presents no traffic hazard, the
variances will not be materially detrimental to the
surrounding properties and the general welfare.
Mrs. Tinkham seconded this motion, which passed unanimously.
Mr. VanHemert discussed the new staff report format.
Mrs. Tinkham expressed concern about the Terrill decision
because of the relationship of 7 parking spaces vs. 83,
which would eventually create a greater problem. Mr.
Clevenger replied that the Board does not have to handle
that application. Mr. Rexroat concurred with Mr. Clevenger.
After additional discussion on this variance, Mrs. Tinkham
asked for the City Attorney's opinion on the propriety of
the decision.
Mr. Rexroat asked if information could be provided
either a copy of the application or of the posting
so that the Board could look at the sites earlier.
VanHemert said yes.
earlier -
notice -
The meeting adjourned at 8:45 P.M.
Dan VanHernert, Ass't Sec'y
Tape Condition: Satisfactory
Type of Meeting:
Locdtion: /3
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\, 1976 ...
Rotating Chairmanship Dates
REXROAT ~Ptember February July Decembe~
LINDBERG October March August
LINKLETTE:R November April S~ptember
NELSON December May October
CLEVENGER J,;"'January 76 June November
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Phone: Office:
3 - 1087
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4~7 J193
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Term expires
March. 1, 19*
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Original Appointment
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Af~' I It. I 1914-
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~o;:;...;;, ~,_.["a:'L
2518 So. Oak
Phone: Office: 457-~
Home: 457-7453
Term expires
March 1, 1975
Original Appointment
July 17, 1973
.2 . year term
Robert Linkletter
110 Eunice
-45'2- -l3 d5"
457 690i
i- ~- -z.. . ... ~" 5'"
ps<;1 7
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Term expires
March 1, 1976
Original Appointment
July 17, 1973
3 year term~~'
.Humdinger Restaurant
Jim Rexroat
112 West 12th
Phone: Office: -- 'l..-'1SII"
Home: 457-9790
Term expires
March 1, 1977
Original_ Appointment
July 17, 1973
" "-,' 4 year term
Roy Nelson
1007~ East 3rd
Phone: Office:
Home: 457-7086
Term expires
March 1, 1977
Original Appointment
July 17, 1973
4, y~ar term
ITT Rayonier
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