HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/07/1964
M1nutea of th~ rftgular aeetlng or the Port Angeles Planning Commission
January 7th, 1964.
Uembera p~sent \feN Anderson. Drlscoll, lIahklns. ~ntJ Reiners and
Strange. Also present was Direotor- or Public Works, John B. Warder.
MInutes or the previous meeting tlere resd and approved.
Chairman road a letter troe tir. B. B. Gabbert wIth rsterence to a
variance on Lota 12 & 13, Block 23, PSCC Addition. He a180 reported
the lots In qusstlon bad been purchased by Ur. Ivan Bishop, who did not
anticipate asking tor a variance, tberetor the oatter wae closed and
"r. Gabbert's oheck ro~ ClO.DO w111 be returned.
Neat matter under dlscu801on was the petItIon for annexation to the CIty
of an araa south of the City and ~e8t of the Mount Angeles ~oad. The
petitIon having been tablod tor further study at t.l1e mOlting of
Septeober 17th, 196~. The study reveals the apparant principal
motovatlon tor the petition by the people 1n tbe area 1s to obtaIn
servioe from public uti11ties which 1s not practical for the City.to
render at this time. It was unanimously agroed the Cocm1881on recommend
to the City Council that the current petition be denied and the peoplo
be adv188d to re-8ub~t another petition at 80me tuture date.
T~e next Itea ot business was the oontinuation on the study or a proposed
art atE-flet p IU"ltlng ordlnanoe. Fa1r progretlD Is bel.ng made on this
problem w1 th. ttle study to-~contlnue at our next meeting..
No further business appearIng, m.eeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
~e u,~~-
~ . Strange. rmon
ru. Hankins, secretary
cc to Donald D. Horrman
John B. ;;arder
Robert W111son