HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/07/1969
MEMO: January 2, 1968
TO: Port An~e1es Planning Cormnission
HE : Meeting scheduled for January 7, 1969
OLD BUSnmSS ;.. Alpine General Builders, request for a variance
at 727 West fourth Street. This request was approved at
the last meeting, with restrictions. Alpine Builders will
be present to discuss this.
NEVi BUSINESS - Two variance or Conditional Use applications
have been received and~properly posted for hearing at
this time.
R.E. Scanlon, variance requested to permit construction,
operation and maintenance of a wholesale-retail warehouse
on the northwest corner of 16th and "CU Streets. This
property is identified as Lots 19 & 20 Block 430 Townsite
and is zoned as CSD-C1. No ~lans have been submitted for
the proposed construction or layout.
FLOYD McREVEY - of Uptown Notel ~nterprises, has submitted
a request for a Conditional Use Permit to erect a nine-
unit motel and apartment buildinp' on the north 100ft. of
Lot 20 Block 52 Townsite. This property is on the west
.side of Laurel Street, north of Second Street, and is
zoned RNF. At the same time, this application requests
the followin~ variances:
1. Setback re~uirements on the west, south and east
2. Minimum lot size and area.
3. Maximum height.
McWilliams Seamount Estates, latest revision. Memos from
all departments concerned with public services to this
property have not been received yet.
COUNCIL ACTION- At its meeting of December 19, 1968, the City
Council took the following action on items from the
Planning Commission meeting of December 17, 1968.
Robert Lyons, 511 East Whidby, ambulance service from home
in an RS-7 zone - denied.
Floyd McRevey, Uptown Motel, rezone request, denied.
Morris Rice, 519 South Oak, 4-unit apartment on substandard
lot, approved with qualifications reco~~ended.
John J. N~haney,105 East 2nd St., motel in CSD-C2 zone
and setback from alley R/W, approved as recommended by
Planning Commission.
Alpine.general Puilders, request by applicant that this
be referred back to the Planning Corrmission for further ~.
Memo 1/2/69 con't.
The roonager of the YMCA has advised me that their proposal
to move the old wooden building from the site of the new
FAEN plant, to the "yn property at Third and Francis
Streets has been abandoned. Closer computation of re-
locating costs make the plan impossible.
The City Council has requested that the Planning Commission
review the proposed zoning ordinance revisions and come
up with recommendations for the revisions for the next
study session {the date of which has not been established
yet). In connection \'lith this, Mr. Warder has prepared
the enclosed memo, covering some of the items on the
discussion list.
As of this date, I have no other business that has been
presented for this meeting.
R.P. Willson
Recd'g Secty.
Minutes of Port Angeles Planning Commission meeting of January 7,
Present: Hunt, Driscoll, Dilling, McHone, Anderson, Building
Inspector Willson.
The meeting was opened at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers and
minutes of the previous meeting were approved as received.
Old Business -
The request of Alpine General Builders, referred back to
the Planning Commission from the City Council, at the request
of the applicant, was first considered. This request was for
a variance to permit construction of an addition to an existing,
non-conforming single family residence and also to permit con-i
struction of a carport closer to the side line than permitted
in an RS-7 zone. This involved the property at 727 West 4th
Street. Mr. James Doyle of Alpine Builders was present and
explained the details of the request and answered questions.
It was voted to recommend approval of the request as follows:
1. The west side of the carport may be constructed four feet
from the property, but must remain un-enclosed.
2. Setback of the new entry-way may be eleven feet from the
north margin of 4th Street.
New Business - Two applications for variances or Conditional
Use Permits had been received an properly posted for hearing
at this time.
Mr. R. H. Scanlon had requested a variance to construct,
operate and maintain a wholesale-retail warehouse on the north-
west corner of 16th and 'IC" streets, in a CSD-Cl zone. During
the discussion of this request, a letter was read from James C.
and Susan J. Hoien which raised a question as to who was the
legal owner of the property involved. The Planning Commission
tabled the request until the question of ownership could be
Mr. Floyd McRevey of Uptown Motel Enterprises Inc. had
requested a Conditional Use Permit to construct, operate and
maintain a 9 unit motel on the north 100 feet of Lot 20 Block
32 Townsite; and, variances from the lot size,area, heiqht
and sideyard requirements on the west, south and east. A very
lengthy discussion followed with opinions, both pro and con,
expressed on the proposed project. Items touched on were
proximity to property lines and existing buildings, ratio of'
lot coverage, off-street parking, finished elevation of lot,
retaining w~lls on property lines, effect on alley grade,
property values, original ownership of lot, possible alternatives,
building code requirements, and possible trend of future deve-
lopement on the area. No unanimous agreement was reached by
the Planning Commission, but it was voted to recommend approval
of the request setting forth the thinking of the members voting.
Two members voted to recommend approval of the request as
applied for. Two members voted against the request specifying
that they were objecting only to the one foot clearance request-
ed from the west property line and no clearance from the south
property line. They had no objections to the Conditional Use
Minutes - Planning Commission
Jan. 7, 1969
page 2.
permit or variance requested from the a~lowable height, lot size
or one foot clearance from the east property line. With only
five members present, the chairman was called upon to break the
tie vote. The chairman voted in favor of recommending approval
but noted that he also had reservations about the construction
of the building so close to the south property line.
Other Business -
E. L. McWilliams was present to discuss their proposed
plat of Seamount estates. The past history of this application
was briefly reviewed and memos read from the various city depart-
ments involved. Since the newest proposed plating represents a
preliminary sketch with which the City Council is unacquainted,
it was agreed to refer the item to the Council for their informa-
tion. A joint discussion of the revised layout was favored and
the evening of January 21, following the next Planning Commission
meeting, was suggested as a possible date.
A brief discussion of proper interputation of a few zoning
restrictions took place, following which the meeting adjouned
at 10:00 P.M.
r'1JnA4:&.J ~
Harry Hu~u, Chairman
C7Q uliL
R.P.Willson, Recordi 9 Secretary