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321 East Fifth Street
Port Angeles, W A 98362
January 8, 1997
7:00 p.m.
HO_lISEKEEnNG MRASllRES..:. Proposed amendments to Titles 14, 16,
and 17 (Parking, Short Plat/Subdivision, Zoning, respectively) of the Port
Angeles Municipal Code. The measures are intended to be for clarification
purposes. (Continued from December 11, 1996.)
1. Clarification from the Planning Commission regarding the
recommendation forwarded to the City Council regarding the City's
Transportation Plan.
PLANNING COMMISSION: Bob King, (Chair), Tim German (Vice), Cindy Souders, BobPhilpOl~ Linda Nuller, Dean Reed, Mary Craver.
ST AFF: Brnd Collins, Director, Sue Roberds Planning Speciatis~ David Sawyer. Senior Planner.
... ;... .....\- ~ ..-~.
All correspondence pertaining to a meeting or hearing item received by the Planning Department
at least one day prior to the scheduled meeting/ hearing will be provided to Commission members
at the meeting.
PUBLIC HEARING PROCEDURE: Spokesmen for the proponents and opponents will be given an opportunity to speak to
the request. Information submitted should be factual, relevant and not merely duplication of a previous presentation. A
reasonable time (10 minutes) shall be allowed the spokesman; others shall be limited to short supporting remarks (5 minutes).
Other interested parties will be allowed to comment briefly (5 minutes each) or make inquiries. The Chairman may allow
additional public testimony if the issue warrants it. Brief rebuttal (5 minutes) for proponents and opponents will be heard
separately and consecutively with presentation limited to their spokesman. Rebuttal shall be limited to factual statements
pertaining to previous testimony. Comments should be directed to the Board, not the City Staff representatives present, unless
directed to do so by the Chairman.
Port Angeles, Washington 98362
January 8, 1997
7:00 p.m.
Members Present:
Linda Nutter, Bob Philpott, Bob King, Dean Reed,
Mary Craver
Members Excused:
Tim German, Cindy Souders
Staff Present:
Brad Collins, David Sawyer, Sue Roberds, Gary
Public Present:
Richard Black, Kathe Smith
Commissioner Philpott moved to approve the December 11,1996, minutes with a correction
to be Richard Black rather than John Black in the public present notation. The motion was
'. seconded by Commissioner Nutter and passed 5 - O.
H..ol1SEKE~G~URES: Proposed amendments to Titles 14,16,
and 17 (Parking, Short Plat/Subdivision, Zoning, respectively) of the Port
Angeles Municipal Code. The measures are intended to be for clarification
purposes. (Continued from December 11,1996.)
Chair King opened the continued public hearing. Planning Director Brad Collins noted that it had
been requested that the title of the file be changed to read "CLARIFICATION OF THE PORT
The file notation (MCA 96-11) would remain the same.
Senior Planner David Sawyer reviewed the Planning Department's December 5, 1996, memorandwn
which outlined the amendments proposed to the City's Subdivision, Zoning, and Parking
Ordinances. The items are considered to be housekeeping in nature as they are meant to correct or
clarify areas of confusion that have become apparent. No new regulations are included.
There being no further testimony from the public present, Chair King closed the public hearing and
the Commission began an item by item review of the proposed amendments.
Planning Commission Minutes. January 8. 1997
Page 2
. SeJ:1km /4 40 060 Parking SpaJ:eh1pJir~l11fl1t~jdenJjal
New C. (Strike old wording), C NMl:sin~muzale8.Cel1Llwmes.-ass.isted living
ftzdlitje~denJjal care facilities. adultf.amiljl...hmJJ.e.s..-.g;muplrome.wmd-.SJmitariums-.S.hal1
, prJJJddeJJ11e (1) parking space for each three (3) beds...
D. Singlefamily, two and three family dwellings, and apartment buildings shall provide
2 parking spaces per dwelling unit, ex.c.e.pLJilh~g..Jmi1 is restricted by recorded
de~r--111heJ:. method approv.e.d.h)Uhe. PlanningJlirector) for senior resident,U}]jj)!.....1hen.
onfL(l)-flI.lI.king..sp1Jce shall be..prJJYidedfnr--eacillJJcbJ:e.s (rfeted dwelling unit
Discussion on the proposed amendment to Section l4.40.060 of the PAMC (noted above) began.
Commissioner Philpott indicated that he preferred wording be included to allow for an automatic
parking reduction in instances where the development proposed would be restricted to low income
or senior households.
Commissioner Craver felt that an automatic provision of less parking should be given to those types
of development that provide van service for residents thereby encouraging fewer vehicles, or where
fewer vehicles are associated with the normal residential population of a certain development.
Commissioner Nutter was concerned that changing the parking requirement in the suggested manner
may cause problems in the future as it would not result in a City wide consistency. She preferred
that parking variances be requested when a development proposal includes a parking reduction to
allow for the merits of a p.articular development to be reviewed on a case by case basis rather than
an outright reduction,
Following further discussion, Commissioner Nutter moved to leave Section 14.40.060(D) as is.
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Reed and passed 3 - 2, with Commissioners
Craver and Philpott voting in the negative. Commissioner Philpott's and Craver's negative
votes were due to their previously expressed concerns.
Planning Specialist Sue Roberds noted that, in addition to the amended wording proposed to require
final approvals for short plats and 'subdivisions for consistency, it is also recommended that
boundary line adjustment final approvals (Section 16.12.070 PAMC) be amended accordingly so
that all these development issues will be consistent where the discrepancy can now result in
confusion. The change in the required signatures affects only the Public Works Departmental
approval and results in the Director signing final submittals in all cases.
Planner Sawyer continued discussion and review of the amendment proposals by providing specific
reasoning behind the recommendation to eliminate Section 17.16 "Homes for the Elderly, Nursing
Homes, Elderly Group Care Homes Conditional Use Permit" from the Zoning Code. The provisions
of Section 17.16 conflict with other sections of the Zoning Ordinance and are redundant in some
areas that deal with senior care housing and with State Department of Social and Health Services
terminology. The amendment will eliminate confusion and bring uniformity to the regulations
. dealing with senior care developments.
Director Collins added that the proposal also needs to eliminate reference to "supported living
Planning Commission Minutes. January 8. 1997
Page 3
arrangements" that now exists in the Zoning Ordinance. The proposal will allow staff to deal with
a variety of senior care living situations that are now difficult to deal with in a consistent manner due
to ever changing terminology and ever changing State regulations and care requirements.
Planner Sawyer explained that density information is proposed to be included in the description of
each zone's development regulation information as it is required by the City's Comprehensive Plan
and will aid in eliminating density allowance confusion.
In response to Commissioner Craver, Mr. Sawyer explained that assisted living facilities would be
listed as conditional uses in all zones where such uses are permitted. Commissioner Craver preferred
that assisted living facilities be a permitted use in at least one zone to ensure ease of development
and to avoid the conflict that could result from being a conditional use. It was agreed to leave
"assisted living facilities" as a permitted use in the CN, Commercial Neighborhood, zone.
Director Collins reminded the Commission about the proposal presented at the December 11, 1996,
hearing from Mr. Richard Black, who was in the audience, in regard to a restriction to six feet for
vegetation that results in a hedge anywhere on a property. Staffs recommendation is to only restrict
hedges within setback areas but not within building envelopes.
In response to Chair King's inquiry as to whether Mr. Black had anything to add, Mr. Richard
Black, 2104 West Fourth Street, encouraged the Commission to restrict vegetative clusters that
result in hedges to a maximum growth of six feet.
Following brief discussion, the Commission concurred that vegetative hedges "shall not exceed six
(6) feet in height within setback areas" and that wording be included to require that all traffic safety
requirements (vision triangles) shall be maintained.
Following summary review of the remaining amendment proposals, Commissioner Nutter moved
to forward a recommendation to the City Council to adopt the amendments as included in the
attached Exhibit "A" as revised by tbe Planning Commission, citing the following findings and
1. The City Planning Department's policy is to note areas of concern or error contained in those
regulations that deal with land development within the City of Port Angeles and bring these
issues to the attention ofthe City Council through the Planning Commission for review and
possible amendment.
2. Situations have occurred during the past several years where parking regulations have been
questioned as they relate to parking for elderly residential facilities, including nursing and
convalescent homes, assisted living facilities, residential care facilities, adult family homes,
group homes, and sanitariums.
State law Chapter 58.17 RCW requires that subdivisions provide for safe walking routes to
schools for children.
Planning Commission Minutes - January 8. 1997
Page 4
Subdivision application information has been reviewed)and amendments to ensure that
information is placed on final mylars that will provide a reviewer with the correct
development information for a particular platted property are proposed in the current
housekeeping amendment.
5. Current regulations require that the City's Light Director) Public Works Director, and City
Engineer approve short plats/subdivisionslboundary line adjustments.
6. The City's Light Department and Public Works Departments have been combined into one
7. Definitions have been reviewed and amendments proposed that will ensure consistency with
State and local terminology and will ensure correlation between local ordinances.
8. "Assisted living facilities" are not defined or addressed in the current Zoning Code.
9. The current Zoning Code does not clearly establish residential density limitations.
10. The Comprehensive Plan establishes density limitations for residential uses,
The City Parks Department) Clallam County Fairgrounds, Olympic Memorial Hospital, and
various public schools in the City have requested that the sign limitation in the Public
Buildings and Parks (PBP) zone be amended to allow for public information signs and larger
signs for public buildings.
12. Chapter 17.16 of the current Zoning Code requires a conditional use permit for homes for
the elderly, nursing and convalescent homes, and elderly group care homes by conditional
use permit.
13. Homes for the elderly, nursing and convalescent homes, elderly group care homes are
allowed by conditional use pennit in various zones.
A. The proposed amendments are in the public's interest.
B. Density limitations within the Zoning Code are necessary to ensure consistency with the
City's Comprehensive Plan.
C. Multiple signatures from the Public Works Department are not necessary for approval of
short plat/subdivisionlboundary line adjustments.
D. The amendments are consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan.
The intent of the previous Chapter 17.16 "Homes for the Elderly, Nursing, Elderly Group
Care Homes Conditional Use Permif) is met through the inclusion of nursing/convalescent
homes and assisted living facilities as conditional use permits in appropriate zones.
Planning Commission Minutes - January 8, /997
Page j
The motion was seconded by Commission Craver and passed 5 - O.
Chair King called for a break at 8:30 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 8:45 p.m.
Clarification by the Planning Commission regarding the recommendation
forwarded to the City Council regarding the City~s Transportation Plan.
Planning Director Collins reported that the City Council requested clarification of the Planning
Commission's recommendation in relation to that ofthe Transportation Plan's proposed Alternative
3, a second crossing of White's Creek, in the City's Transportation Plan, which recommendation
was forwarded to the Council on December 3, 1996. He suggested that following Mr. Kenworthy's
staff report, the Commission may wish to schedule a further public hearing in order to amend its
previous recommendation. A principal factor of Alternative 3 of the Transportation Plan is the
White's Creek crossing. There are alternatives to Lauridsen Boulevard as part of a crossing that are
not considered in the Transportation Plan that may need to be reviewed further.
Gary Kenworthy, City Engineer, referred to a handout that showed three alternative routes for a
second crossing of White's Creek. The Planning Commission's recommendation following a public
hearing on November 20, 1996, did not include a second crossing of White's Creek. The
recommendation was an alternative crosstown route that extended east only as far as Race Street and
then north on Race Street to First Street. The recommendation did not recognize a need for a future
crossing of White's Creek. The Commission's recommendation was based on the concern of
monetary expenditure that would not increase the level of service, He explained various crossing
scenarious to Golf Course Road that would put the City in line with any future extension to the east
without developing an entire Heart of the Hills Parkway plan.
David Sawyer added that dialogue with the Planning Commission at the November 20, 1996, hearing
did not include alternatives such as a second crossing further south, possibly along the existing
Bonneville powerline easement, which would keep the possibility for a second creek crossing open
with the added possibility of extension further east than the present City limits. Without a second
crossing, traffic would not be affected on First and Front Streets in a significant manner, there would
also be modeling deviations from those used by the transportation consultants which will affect
future bridge and roadway improvements. Land use issues would also be impacted. The revised
alternative that is being proposed was not discussed previously. Ifthe Commission is amenable to
such discussion, a public hearing could be scheduled for February. There is no time frame involved
in this issue.
Director Collins summarized that it wasn't dear to the City Council how the recommendation of the
Transportation Plan by the consultant and the alternate recommendation of the Planning Commission
was intended. Was it meant that there would not be a second crossing of White's Creek, or was it
meant that there might be an alternative alignment. The Comprehensive Plan's policies are that a
second exit from town should be provided for. Was the Commission's recommendation an intention
Planning CommissiQn Minutes - January 8. 1997
Page 6
to move in a different direction than the Comprehensive Plan? He noted that the intent of staff's
proposal would not result in truck traffic on Golf Course Road. Golf Course Road was not designed
for truck traffic. A second crossing would occur in three phases and would relieve congestion on
the First/Front Street corridor. Given the recent snowfall emergency conditions in the City, it would
appear prudent to plan for an alternative travel/exit route to and from the City.
Engineer Kenworthy stated that if a further public hearing is desired, information could also be
included in one revised recommendation to the City Council that would include information
proposed by the City's Nonmotorized Committee. The new alternative that is being proposed as a
second crossing opportunity would result in less environmental impact as it could be planned along
the already cleared Bonneville powerline instead of clearing property that has never been cleared.
Planner Sawyer noted that any future crossing of White's Creek would depend on future funding
opportunities. A phased project would make such an undertaking much easier to accomplish.
Without a crossing proposal in the City's policy documents, future funding could be jeopardized.
Kathe Smith, indicated that the City's Nonmotorized Committee should be ready for public input
on its recommendations to the City Council by the first of March. She responded to Chair King that
ifthe Committee's proposal is adopted by the City Council, future facilities would be required to
include standards that would accommodate nonmotorized travel through the City.
There was consensus by the Commissioners that staff perform some limited modeling with regard
to the alternative being proposed for consideration and to further discuss an alternative second
crossing issue at public hearing on February 26, 1997.
Director Collins answered Commissioner Nutter that the American Planning Association has
scheduled a winter planning conference for January 25, 1997, in Port Orchard. Limited funding is
available for Commissioners to attend that meeting.
He indicated that the short course on planning issues has been rescheduled in Poulsbo for January
30, 1997. An additional course may be held in Port Angeles later, possibly March or April, due to
the number of new Planning Commissioners expected for the County, and a local short course may
. .
be more convement to attend.
Planner Sawyer added that the Washington State American Planning Association annual three day
conference will be held in Vancouver, B.c., in April. Director Collins noted that out-of-state travel
is not allowed except to Vancouver, B.C., however, it is possible that there may not be enough
funding for attendance at the Vancouver conference. He encouraged Commissioners to attend the
one day local conference.
The meeting adjourned at 9:40 p.m.
__~ LoeP'
rad Collins, Secretary ...)
Bob King, Chair t
S.e.c.tio.n 14.40.D-60 Parking Space Requirements - Residential
(Eliminate old "C" wording). Add new C. Nursing and convalescent homes, assisted
living facilitieB,Je.sid.ential car.e...facilitie~uJt family homes, group homes, and sanitariums
shall provide one-U)..p.arking sp.ace for eachJbre.e (3) heds..
ChapteJ:...1..6..04 - Short Plats
Section 16.04.070 Preliminary Short Elal=..llesign Standards
Add (A 4) Sidewalks arulmher planning features_thaLassure safe walking conditions for
students who walk to and..fr.om school shall be pmYided.
&e.c.tion 16.04.140 Final Short Plat - ImpI.OY.ements - Requi.red.
Add new R-Sidewalks and other planning features thaLassur.e-.Safe walking c.on.ditions
foLStudents who walk t<Land from school shall be provided.
Section 16 04 160 FinaLSbort Plat - Contents.
New B. 1 Required building setbac.kuhall be shown o.n...each proposed lot as well as
an.x-existing buildings and/or ma.im-stmc1ure~d their distanc.es from property lines.
New B. ll.. The legal description ofth~pro.p.o.sedJo.ts.
Amend item B. 14 Certification of approval by:
a. The Planning Director
b. The Public Works Director.-and
c: The Light Bepatttnent Dilector, and
CAd-: The Fire Chief;
New B. .11...-H.o.~ddresses shall be provided_by the munic.ip.ality and must be clearly
shown on the shorLplat/subdivision at the time-.af approxal.
Chapter 16.08 - Subdirisions
Section 1608 !l6fl(Subdivision Regulations) Standards_an.d..-E..olicies
Add (0.(12) Sidewalks and other planning features...thalaSSUI:e.-Safuwalking conditions
~dentuvho walk to and from...s.cho.o.Lsha1Lb.e provided.
Section 16.08.070 - Requirements for Acceptance of Plats.
New A. n IheJe.gaLdes.cription ofthe-PI011Qsed.l.o.tS.
Page 1
Exhibit "A"
New A.13. Theiequi.r:ed.huil.din.gE:thacks-.Shallhe shown for each..p.r.op..osedJo1.as
w.el1 a<; any existing huildings and/or major stmc~andJheiu:lis.tances from pr.opertyJlnes..
New G, 1~ The required building setbacks-5hal1he-BhoWll for ellc.apmp..o.s.e.dJoLas
w..elLas any existing buildings andlounajor structures and their distances from property lines.
Amend G. 11. (New G.l3) IhelegaLdescription ofthe proposed lots
Amend G. 14 (New G.16) Certification of approval by: (a) the Planning Commission; (b)
€ity Engineer ~ublic Works Director; (c) Health Department (when required); (d) City Council;
(e) City Manager, City Clerk, Fire Clerk, €ityi:~ightf)irector, Planning Director, and City
C.hapter 16.12 - Boundary Line Adjustment
S.ection 16.12.070 (A) Boundary Line AdjustmenGRecnrding.
Amend A. A survey shall be prepared and recorded with the County Auditor1s
Office on an 18" x 22" reproducible mylar. The mylar shall show property lines and
dimensions, showing the new corners as staked on the ground, building locations, location of
easements, and public and private streets. The mylar shall also contain signatures of all
property owners and signature blocks for the Planning Director and €ity Engineer :Billlic
. w.o.rks.l)lr.eJ;.tor. A copy of the recorded survey shall be provided to the Planning Department.
8.ection 17.01.01 0 Purpose and Scope
Se.ction 17.01.010 (0) Zoning Intentions
Delete item No. 16 "Elderly Housing Conditional Use Permit" because the
chapter requiring such a permit is being eliminated.
Section 17.03.010. Purpose.
Amend the section to read "For the purpose ofthese Regulations the City of Port
Angeles is divided into fourteen sixte.en zoning classifications as follows:"
&e.ction 17.03.020 Zoning Map.
Amend the section to read "A Zoning Map, showing the location and the
boundaries of the various-zoning districts zones in the City, shall be established ..."
S.e.ctimLU.ft8.fi1 0 - "A"
Amend C. Adult Family Home - arradult family home is the Iegulro family a_one
f~ dwelling of a person or persons who are providing personal care, room and board to more
than one (I) but not more than four six..-C6) adults who are not related by blood or marriage to the
person or persons providing the services; except that-amaximum of six--adu:1ts-rnay be permitted
ifthe-Washington State-flepartment of Social and Health
Page 2
Exhibit "A"
. Services-determines that the home and the plovider-are-capabfe-of meeting stalldaIds-and
qualifications provided roI by-law-(R€W-7O:-l-2-8:6t- and who are licensed hy the Wa~hingtan
State-.D.epartment of Social and Health Servic.eS-,P.er 18.51 RCW (AdultEamily Home
re.gulatio~ .
New G, Assisted Living Facility - A residential facility thaLpmYides_do.miciliaI:Y-
services to those persons not requiring the more.intensive care-provided by a nursing homeJUldis
subject to State "Boarding Home" regulations.
Section 17.08.045 "H"
New A .Hedge - the....sp.eciaLapplic.ation of flhmhfl or other plante; that have heen planted
clofle together so that theYJorm a thicket and an unhrokenJine~acting-'ls a space boundary---<lI
creating a visual screen An indh~iduaLtre.eJ).annot beJi hedge by itself.
S.ection 17.08.065 "T ,"
Amend definition - J, Lot Line, Front - that boundary of a lot which abuts a street.
When two or more houndaries-.ahuLa..stre.e.t, the boundary with the narrowest width shall be
c.onsidered the front lot line, unless otherwis.e....sp..e.citied on a.nlaf.
Section 17.ll8..Q75 "N"
Add definition - F. Nursing Home, Convalescent Home. - A residential facility that
provides care to the aged and infirmed and is subject to State "Nursing Home" regulations.
Section 17.08.090 "R"
Amend definition D. - Rementiau::::.ar..e Facility - A residential facili~alpI.O.Yide~car.e
for at least five (5) but not more than fifteen (15) people with func.tionaLdisabilities.Mrlis
subject to State "B.o.arding Home".
Delete definition -E:-- Rest-Home,-Nursing-Home, Ilome-for-the~te
home-or-institution-for-the-care-ofthe aged or-the-infirm;-a-place-ohest-and-care-for-
suffering bodily-disorders.
Section 17 08.095 "S"
Add new definition D~-.Sign, Area - the area of a sign shall be the sum of each display
surfac.eincluding hoth sides of a double-faced sign, as determined by circumscribing the-.exte.riw:
limits on the mass of each display ereded on one sign structure~.irde, triangle.,....or
quadrangle...ronn.e.c1ing alLextreme point~ere a sign is composed of two or more individual
letters..mounte.cLdirectly on a wall, the total display surface, including its background, shall be
considered-.One~ign for purp.oses of calculating sigILar.ea~tuitructure supporting a sign is not
includ.edJu.determining the area ofthe sign, unless the structure is designed in a way to form an
Page 3
Exhibit "A"
Delete item U. Supported-tiving-Arrangements--;-z-supported Ii v jug anangement means
a-dwelling unit owned or rented-by-one or more pelsons with functional disabilities who receive
assistance with acti v ities of daily living;-illSb umentatactivities of daily liv ing and/OI medical
Cal e from an indi vidual or-agency-licensed and/or 1 eimbwsed by a public agency to prov ide such
Chapter 17.10 (RS-7 Zone).
S~ti.on 17.1 0.02{L_Eermi1ted_U~.s..
e. Supported-iiving aJ.lallgement.
Section 17.10.040 Conditional Uses.
A. Accessory residential units.
B. Agricultural nurseries and greenhouses.
C. Art galleries and museums.
D... Assisted living fa~
.&ection 17.10.050CB)
(New)B Density shall not exceed one dwelling unit for every 5,250 square feet of
lot area (8 29 units/acre), except that an "accessory residential unit" shall he....exempt from
density limitations
S.e..ctmn 17.10.060 QffBtre.etfarking. (See-€hapterl-4:46-PAM€-); (Add wording) Parking
shalLhe-PIOY-id.e.d..aa..re.quire.cLb}'-.-Chap.teill.40 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
Section 17 .10.070 Signs~
S~cliQn 17.10.070 Signs~ One sign per lot is permitted;... which This sign may be one
square foot in area, unlighted, and displaying only the name of the occupant (oLas otherwise
sperifiellJ.nJable~; provided that official traffic signs, street signs, and identification and
warning signs for public utility buildings and structures shall be exempt from these restrictions.
Chapteu2.l.L(RS-9 Zone)
Section 17.11.020 PeJIDitte.d_Us.e.s...
€ , Supported-Jiving-arrangement:-
Section 17 .11. 040-<:onditioJJ.aLlls.e~.
A. Accessory residential units.
B. Agricultural nurseries and greenhouses.
C. Art galleries and museums.
D~ As-8is.ten Hying fac~
Page 4
Exhibit "A"
Section 17 11 050(B)
(N.ew) R D.ensity shall not exceed one dwelling unit for eyery 7,000 sq.uar.e1e.eLof
lot area (6.22 units/acre), excep.t.1batan.5lccessory residential unit" shan he....ex.empt from density
S_e~tion (See Chapter 14.40 PAM€]7 Add wording: Parking
shall be provided as required b~Chapter 14.40 of the Port Angeles Munidp.aLC.o.de~
Section 17 .11.070 Signs~ One sign per lot is permitted-; ~ which This sign may be one square
foot in area, unlighted, and displaying only the name of the occupant (oLas-Djherndse~ifie.d
in Table" A"); provided that official traffic signs, street signs, and identification and warning
signs for public utility buildings and structures shall be exempt from these restrictions.
Chapter 17.1:L(RTP Zone)~
S~ectionJ.1..13~il5Jl_A.r.ea_an.d Dimensional Requirements for Trailer Parks
Amend F. rhere-shaU uc: j1l<diu uf 5,000 i:ill'.ft, tutal hurd-area-perirailer:-Den.si.tY-
shallno_Lexc_eed-'lneJrailer....fu.Leye~..Jill1l..s.quare feet (8.71 units/ acre)-<litolalJand....ar..ea.
S.e_c..tionJ..1..lln6iL.Qff-Street Parking (SeeBtapterl-4:4-e-PAM€}:- Add Parking shall be
. pr.mid.e..d....as..Iequi.r.edby_Chapter 14.40 of the Port A ngeles...Mnnicip.aLCo..de.
Section 17.13.080 Trailelli. House trailers, automobile trailers,... except in approved Trailer
Parks or....as permitted by Section 17.95.060 PAMC (Temporary Usehnnit)~
Chapter 17.14 (RMD Zone)
S_e.c..tion 17 . 14Jl20------Eermitted Uses.
F: Supported living anClngements.
Secti on 17...lA... 030 Conditional Uses.
A. Art galleries and museums.
B. Assisted living facilities
Section 17.14.04.O..B~
B. Density shall not exceed one dwelling unit for every 3,500 square feet oflot area
ChapteI:..l1.15....(R HD Zone)
. E: Sl1pported-Hving-auangement.
Page 5
Exhibit "A"
&edion 1 7.15.040 ConditionaW.s.es
A. Art galleries and museums.
R Assisted living facility.
Delete "L: Publicly subsidized serum housing developments at a maximWll u[ 58 wub
pel aCIe.
S.ection 17.15.050
A. Minimum lot area shaltbe = 7,000 square feet. 7,000 sq.ft. plus 1,000 sq.ft. fur
each additional-dweHing-unit
(New B.) Density shall not exc.e.edJYLcLdYleJling units for the first 7.000 square fe.e.t
of lot areaplus-C.one)-.Ldw.elling unit for each additional 1,000 square feet of lot area (maximum
Section 17.15.060 - Off Stre,et.E.arking
Amend to read (See-C-hapterl4:46-PAMe1: For-publicly subsidized senior housing
developments. 2 and 3 bedroom-units--at+-7'2-parking-spaces pel unit, 0 to I bedtoom units, 1
parking-space-pel unit, and with-van service, Yz parking-space-penmit- Parking shall be provided
as required by Chapter 14.40 oLthehrt Angeles.Municipa1 Code. '
Chapter..l1.16 Homes for the Elde~..N.u.rsingJIomes~~ld.e~roup Care Homes
Conditional Use Permit.
As the Chapter was redundant and confusing, and provisions for these facilities are
found in the individual zones, the information is not needed separately. The Chapter was
Section 1 7.2!ll6il.C.onditionaW-5es
A. Art galleries and museums
R Assis1edJiyin&-facilitY-
Chapt.e.rJ.1.21 (CN Zone)
Section 17.21.160 ConditionaW.us
A.. Assisted living fac~
Chapter 17.23.--CCAZUNE)
S.ection 17.21.l6.Q N. Veterinary clinics, offices and kennels, provided:...
4:ihatarrincineratoI of a type appIOved by the local health department is
Page 6
Exhibit "A"
S_e.cnon 17.40.OAO Signs (pBP Zone):
Amend to read "One sign per structure shall be permitted provided that such sign is a
maximum height of t6 2.Q feet and no larger than 2B 100 square feet, and unlighted; provided
further that a sign for a utility stmcture, or hospital shuctuIe .-..school, park, or governmental
huilding may be lighted, and that intermittent or flashing lighted signs are prohibited. Signage
shallb.tql1ac.e.cLsD-as.Ju..leastimpact a facing residential neighborhood ."
S~e.cti.on 17.94.140
Revise to read: Walls, Fences,Sluuhs , Hedges~ In all residential and connnercial
zones a wall, fence, shrub or hedge sha1Ln.uLexce~d..a..m.axim.um..height of six (6) feet within the
huilding sethack.Me.as orrploperty nototherwise Iestricted. All traffic safety vision clearance
requirements shall be maintained.
S.edion 17.9..5.170: (pOLITICAL SIGNS)
Amend to read "Temporary political signs associated with an election are exempt from
the City's sign regulations for-a-period beginning ninety (90) days before an election to until
fifteen (15) days after the election, provided said signs, when placed in residential zones, do not
exceed.. ."
The change is for consistency with State law.
Page 7
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