HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/10/1990
321 E.st; F=lft;h St;reet;
Port; Angeles, Waehlngt;on 9B3S2
JANUARY 10, 1990
7:00 P.M.
III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Meeting of December 13, 1989
1. REZONE REQUEST - REZ 89(07)5 - DEL HUR, INC., Del Guzzi
Dr.: Request to rezone approximately 36 acres from RS-9,
Single-Family Residential, to RMF, Residential Multi-Family.
GLAUBERT/AUSTIN, Fairmont Area: Request to circulate an annex-
ation petition for area west of the City limits. (Continued
from December 13, 1989).
PORT ANGELES, East end of Ediz Hook: Request for a permit to
allow replacement of an existing float; the placement of a
second identical float; and placement of 8 piling.
ANGELES, North Francis Street: Request to allow the develop-
ment of six (6) parking spaces in association with the Water-
Trail activity.
5. REZONE REQUEST - REZ 90(01)01 - DOWNIE/GUND, Southeast cor-
ner of 8th and flG" Streets: Request to rezone property (5 lots)
from RS-7, Single-Family Residential, to RMF, Residential Multi-
1. Report on Commissioner/Staff meeting of January 4, 1990
(housekeeping measures).
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Port Angeles, Washington
January 10, 1990
Chairman Cornell called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
Members Present:
Jerry Cornell, Donna Davison, Jerry Glass,
Ray Gruver, Jim Hulett, Larry Leonard, Bob
Members Absent:
Staff Present:
Brad Collins, Sue Roberds, Bruce Becker,
Gary Kenworthy.
There was discussion concerning three corrections to the
December 13, 1989, meeting minutes. Following discussion,
Larry Leonard moved to approve the minutes as corrected, Jerry
Glass seconded the motion which passed unanimously.
Chairman Cornell questioned Judith st. Claire, Clallam County
Economic Development Council Director, as to the progress of
formation of a committee to further investigate the appropri-
ateness of the Oak/Railroad Avenue property, which has been
the sUbject of discussion Ms. St. Claire indicated that the
committee had been formed and the projected time frame for a
recommendation from the committee would be thirty to sixty
days hence.
Drive: Request to rezone approximately 36 acres from RS-
9, single-Family Residential, to RMF, Residential Multi-
Commissioner Ness stepped down from the dais due to an
appearance of fairness question. Ms. Ness indicated that she
has a relative who is an employee of a nearby business.
Director Collins reviewed the department report noting
corrections to the staff report, indicating the subject
property size is approximately 11.6 acres, not 36.5 acres as
stated in the staff report, nor does the property include
Ennis Creek, or the PBP zone area to the east of the subject
site. Director Collins answered questions from the Commission
concerning the possibility of further environmental review
January 10, 1990
Page 2
should there be a change in the proposed density of the
property. Mr. Collins stated that a density change other than
that allowed by the zoning regulations would require further
SEPA review as well as a further study of the availability of
utilities and improvements in the area. There were questions
regarding the environmental impact statement (EIS) prepared
for the 1985 annexation which brought this property into the
City, and the densities allowed in that document.
Gary Kenworthy, city Engineer, answered questions as to the
traffic flow in the area. Mr. Kenworthy said that a through
street on Del Guzzi Drive could reduce some of the traffic
presently using Golf Course Road to the golf course. Traffic
would probably be divided between Del Guzzi Drive to the golf
course, rather than all traffic using Golf Course Road. Mr.
Kenworthy also stated that the developer of the proposed site
would not be able to increase density beyond the LID 211
capacity without significant downstream improvements.
Chairman Cornell opened the public hearing.
william wilbert, 13850 Bel-Red Road, Bellevue, Washington,
the developer, was present. Mr. Wilbert stated that the
economic limitations caused by the extreme slopes, valleys and
ravines have been utilized in the planning of the project.
utilization of the topography for the amenities, taking in
views, privacy and placement of building sites, has been a
main concern. Mr. Wilbert stated that the overall development
of the site as proposed should not change, due to the
topography and environmental constraints of the property. In
fact, the development would probably decrease due to the cost
of foundation work because of the topography, and due to the
cost of some of the mitigation measures imposed in order to
get adequate flow. Mr. Wilbert asked the audience if there
were an alternative to the higher and better use for this
piece of property. Mr. Wilbert stated that in looking at Port
Angeles in general, there isn't a site which has the utilities
available to it which will have a lesser impact on the
surrounding residential neighborhoods than the subject site.
Dr. James Mantooth, 95 Lindberg Road, was present. Dr.
Mantooth, a neighboring property owner in the area, opposed
the rezone~ however, if the rezone were approved, he stated
that a compromise buffer of RS-9 property along the south side
of the development between the proposed residential multi-
family area and the existing neighborhood area would be
helpful. Dr. Mantooth cited Residential Policy No. 17, which
indicates that "multi-family areas should not be used
primarily as a buffer between land uses". Dr. Mantooth felt
that his property, in this case being zoned RS-9, would be the
buffer between the RMF and the RS-9 property to the south and
west of his property. Dr. Mantooth stated his property is in
January 10, ~990
Page 3
a rural natural environment which he wishes to maintain. If
the rezone were approved, a buffer between the multi-family
and the single-family areas would help to reduce the impacts
associated with the multi-unit development in the area.
Larry Cawyer, 99 Lindberg Road, stated strong opposition to
the proposed rezone request. Mr. Cawyer indicated that the
increase in traffic and the utility impacts would be
undesirable for this area.
Norman Brooks, 723 Elizabeth Place, owner of property directly
adjacent to the south of the property in question, was present
in opposition to the rezone request. Mr. Brooks stated that
apartments directly to the north of his property would
obliterate any view and reduce the value of his property a
great deal.
Gerald Powell, 718 Elizabeth Place, questioned the applicant
as to the cost of improvements to the property to date, in
association with LID No. 211. Mr. Powell was in opposition
to the rezone request; however, he indicated that a mixed
mUlti-family and single-family use for the area might be more
Bruce Thompson, 1741 Old Olympic Highway, President of the
Peninsula Golf Course, was present. Mr. Thompson indicated
opposition to the rezone request. He stated concern over the
vandalism a mUlti-family development in this location could
cause and associated impacts to the area with the proposed
development in this location. Mr. Thompson stated there was
no opposition to single-family in the area, but multi-family
would not be well accepted.
Jan Hare, 90 Lindberg Road, suggested that no access to
Lindberg Road from Del Guzzi Drive be allowed, to reduce
impacts to the Lindberg Road area. She stated concern over
the impacts to the area regarding the intrusion into the quiet
residential neighborhood of a mUlti-family type lifestyle.
She suggested perhaps a greenbelt area to the south of the
property would help in the event a rezone were allowed for
this area.
Roberta Mantooth, 2238 East Lindberg Road, expressed
opposition to the rezone to residential multi-family. Mrs.
Mantooth stated that a mUlti-family development in this area
would disrupt existing neighborhood amenities as well as
violate long-standing planning policies. She asked that the
Planning Department/Planning Commission be considerate of the
present home and landowners I wishes and needs in the areas.
She further stated that the hundreds of additional cars
traveling Lindberg Road to access Del Guzzi Drive would
greatly impact the rural atmosphere in this area. She stated
January 10, 1990
Page 4
the area is a rural wilderness pocket with considerable
wildlife, close to all urban amenities, is unique, and should
be protected. Mrs. Mantooth further presented a petition
signed by ten neighbors in the area opposing the rezone
(Exhibit 1).
Larry Knudsen, Peninsula Group, representing the Super 8
Motel, was present opposing the rezone. Mr. Knudsen was
concerned over the traffic in the evening hours, particularly
being bothersome to those using the motel facility. He was
also concerned over the increase in vandalism and stated that
when he purchased the property there was no mention of further
multi-family development in the area.
Al Hare, 90 Lindberg Road, stated that his property (approxi-
mately five acres) is directly south of the project site. Mr.
Hare expressed opposition to the proposal due to the
aesthetics of the area being impacted severely and the
vandalism which would be brought to the area by the multi-
family development. Mr. Hare was concerned over the increase
in pedestrian as well as auto traffic on Lindberg Road.
Mr. wilbert further stated that he did not think that traffic
generated by the project would be a problem to the residents
of Lindberg Road. He stated that the units proposed are mid
to high-range. He further stated that he would be willing to
provide a buffer of RS-9, single-family residential property
at the south end of the site, as well as possible fencing and
security facilities. Mr. wilbert indicated that he would be
willing to work with Peninsula Golf Course on security
measures, as well as with neighbors in the area as much as
Dr. Mantooth stated that if a compromise was offered, he felt
it should be the entire area south of the south loop of Del
Guzzi Drive.
Director Collins reviewed some of the concerns expressed
during the evening and the compromise suggested by the
applicant, pointing out alternatives and possible RS-9 buffer
Dr. Mantooth again stated his objection to being used as the
buffer between the site and the surrounding neighborhood.
Chairman Cornell closed the public hearing. The Commission
took a five-minute break. The meeting convened at 9:16 P.M.
commissioner Leonard noted an exception to a letter received
from Mr. Knudsen of Super 8 Motel. Mr. Leonard noted that any
decision reached by the Commission would be after due
deliberation and considerable public testimony as well as
January 10, 1990
Page 5
review of City policies. Mr. Knudsen apologized for the tone
of the letter.
Commissioner Hulett questioned Fire Marshal Becker as to the
proposal that Del Guzzi Drive be made a dead end, with no
through traffic to Lindberg Road. Fire Marshal Becker
indicated that Del Guzzi Drive would provide a faster response
time for the Fire Department and emergency vehicles in the
event aid is requested in the area; however, Golf Course Road
could be utilized. Security measures on Del Guzzi Drive could
provide a gate with a pass card for emergency vehicle use if
the street was a dead-end.
Larry Leonard noted that there was no park or playground
planned in the multi-family development.
Director Collins suggested that possibly some of the Public
Buildings and Parks-zoned (PBP) property along Ennis Creek
could be developed as some type of recreational use, possibly
a park.
There was further discussion concerning designating Del Guzzi
a dead-end street, with a turn-around or gate for access for
emergency vehicle use only at the south side of the property.
Mr. Wilbert agreed to eliminate that portion of the property
along the south property line of the proposed rezone area (the
south 50 feet of Parcel 8 extended to the east property line)
from the rezone request to remain as buffer between the multi-
family development and the single-family development to the
south (the property to remain RS-9).
Jerry Cornell expressed concern over the adequacy of the area
to supply amenities for those in the area as far as
playgrounds, and open space areas. He noted that there are
no parks planned for the site.
Following further discussion, and there being no objection or
comment regarding the applicant. s request to rezone Lots 3 and
4 of Short Plat, SHP 85(11)7, from RMF, Residential Multi-
Family to ACD, Arterial Commercial, Jerry Glass moved to
approve the rezone request as submitted for rezone of Lots 3
and 4 of Short Plat SHP 85(11)7 from RMF, Residential Multi-
Family, to ACD, Arterial Commercial District, and that
property presently designated RS-9, Single-Family Residential,
as requested, except the south 50 feet of Parcel 8 along the
property line of LID 211 and except the property south of the
north property line of Norman Brooks' property extended e~~t
to the east property line of LID 211 (Exhibit 2, submitted by
Mr. COllins), be zoned RMF, Residential MUlti-Family, citing
the findings of fact and conclusions as listed in the staff
report, as follows:
January 10, 1990
Page 6
1. The subject property is approximately 11.6 acres in area
and currently zoned RS-9, Single-Family Residential, in
accordance with City policy for the classification of
newly annexed properties which are in a transition from
rural to urban uses.
2. The subject property is heavily vegetated and slopes from
its western boundary to the creek.
3. The surrounding area is characterized by SR 101 and Super
8 Motel to the north of the property, the Plaza Center
to the northwest, Monroe and Roosevelt schools to the
east, Peninsula Golf Course to the west, and a
residential neighborhood to the south on Lindberg Road.
4. The area entirely surrounds the newly approved LID 211,
which includes a 3-way traffic light on SR 101 and all
A large number of Comprehensive Plan Policies are
directed at determining appropriate density for sites,
a. Residential developments should allow Planned unit
Development techniques where emphasis is on the
overall density of the development rather than
individual lots or dwelling units. standards should
be established to assure access and services
adequate for the density and type of residential
development proposed.
b. Building density should decrease as natural
constraints, such as slope, drainage and soil
conditions increase.
c. High density development should be allowed in areas
which would provide aesthetic amenities or suburban
environmental characteristics to a larger percentage
of the population, provided such development would
not have adverse impacts on the surrounding low
density development.
6. The Comprehensive Plan map of the area shows the site as
suburban residential, which allows multi-family areas
Although the rezone could have significant impacts to
these areas of concern, the City has determined that an
Environmental Impa9t statement is not required for the
January 10, 1990
Page 7
proposed rezone, provided that certain mitigation
measures are completed by the applicant.
8. The Ennis Creek Ravine is an environmentally sensitive
9. This analysis found that the capacity of water and sewer
facilities will be reached by the development, as
10. The development, as proposed, is not being approved by
the rezone action.
11. The SEPA review shows a limitation to densities greater
than proposed without additional utility improvements.
12. Few new units (106) of mUlti-family have been built since
1980, and little RMF-zoned land (4 blocks) is available
for new construction within the city.
13. A letter of concern about impacts to adjacent commercial
development (Super 8 Motel) was received by the City.
The traffic study conclusions are that 155 trips per day
will use Del Guzzi Drive from points now accessing
Lindberg Road via Golf Course Road, but that no traffic
is expected to travel from Del Guzzi Drive west on
Lindberg Road.
15. The EIS for the annexation of the subject property has
been incorporated by reference and mitigation measures
in it can be applied to impacts from the proposed rezone
as well. [WAC 197-11-600(4) (b)]
A. As a newly annexed area, a rezone has been anticipated
by the City, particularly with LID 211.
B. Ennis Creek should be protected as an environmentally
sensitive area and development should be clustered along
the western boundary of the subject site through Planned
Unit Development techniques.
Multi-family and commercial development should be allowed
on this site, which provides aesthetic amenities and
suburban characteristics to a larger percentage of the
population without adversely impacting the low density,
suburban residential development south of the area, along
Lindberg Road.
D. The Publ ic Works Department had comments about such items
January 10, 1990
Page 8
as density, sewer capacity, and road\utility improvements
that have been addressed in LID 211, and with mitigation
measures for the DNS.
E. The density of the rezone area cannot be substantially
increased over that of the proposed development without
additional improvements to the utility systems and
further environmental review.
F. There is a current need in the City of Port Angeles for
mUlti-family-zoned areas in close proximity to utility
services and major arterials.
G. The buffering of the existing motel building should be
provided on-site by the Super 8 Motel.
H. Due to minimal traffic from Del Guzzi Drive going west
on Lindberg Road, little conflict with the low intensity,
suburban residential land uses to the south of the
subject site should result.
Larry Leonard seconded the motion, which passed five to one
with Jerry Cornell voting "no".
Larry Leonard moved to continue item number 4, SHORELINE
Francis Street, to the January 24, 1990, meeting of the
Commission. Jerry Glass seconded the motion which passed
unanimously. Craig Miller noted for the record that Mr.
Austin, the plaintiff in a suit concerning the shoreline
permit, had no problem with continuation of the item to the
January 24 meeting.
89(12)3. GLAUBERT/AUSTIN. Fairmont Area: Request to
circulate an annexation petition for area west of the
City limits.
Director Collins reviewed the RCW procedures for annexation
requests. Director Collins further reviewed the department
Jerry Cornell explained that although this is not a public
hearing, input from the applicant is desired at this point.
Jack Glaubert, 145 Hardwick Road, Sequim, Washington,
explained the history of the request to circulate the annexa-
tion petition. Mr. Glaubert explained that approval for
circulation of an annexation petition had been given for this
same area, but encompassing a larger area than presently
January 10, 1990
Page 9
proposed, he had been unable to secure the signatures of the
required percentage of property owners for the larger area
as required by the City for annexation. He stated that the
development would access off Fairmont Avenue.
In response to Commissioner Ness, Mr. Glaubert stated that the
previous petition was not returned because he could not obtain
the signatures of those property owners to Bean Road.
Mr. Glaubert further stated that irregular boundaries already
exist in the area west of Fairmont Avenue. He did not think
the annexation would increase the irregular boundaries further
than are already there. Mr. Glaubert said that the property
owners along the Boulevard wish to annex to the City, but he
could eliminate the property if the City desired a more even
boundary for the area. .
Larry Leonard questioned the applicant about development of
the subdivision. Mr. Glaubert indicated that the subdivision
in question was a very old subdivision platted around the turn
of the century, and the streets had been vacated in the
1930fs, but the plat could be developed as is with the smaller
lot sizes (35 feet wide).
Mr. Glaubert further stated that the entire area is surrounded
by City services (water), and there are some private lines
(with City water) serving residents in the area, which is at
present outside the City limits. Mr. Glaubert stated that he
had uncovered at least seven private lines with City water in
the area. He stated that the entire area is a utility mess
and will have to be cleaned up sometime.
In response to an inquiry by the Commission, Director Collins
indicated that the City would have to decide who would make
the improvements at the time of development of the proposed
area, if the area were to be annexed.
Bruce Becker stated that adequate fire flow and access would
have to be available before any development could occur in the
Jack Glaubert stated that perhaps an LID would be needed for
this area at some point in the future.
Bob Philpott again reviewed the history of the area and the
annexation attempts in the past, and noted that for various
reasons, attempts at annexation have failed in this area.
Even though the boundaries are not even, Mr. Philpott moved
that the petition should be accepted as a valid petition and
acted on accordingly. The motion died for lack of a second.
Ray Gruver said he would rather the Planning Commission
recommend the City Council follow city policy to even up the
January 10, 1990
Page 10
boundaries in annexation proposals when possible, but in the
event that can't happen, he would petition the city council
to allow utilities to be extended outside the City limits.
There was considerable discussion on extension of City
facilities to those outside city limits and City policy on
Director Collins stated that if the Council were to approve
annexation of this area, it would put a larger portion of city
residents in the problem that Mr. Glaubert had previously
described, and would be creating a buffer area of people who
are not going to ever come into the city by annexation. The
chances of relieving the situation would not be good. He
stated that interjurisdictional problems would be created
until ownership of the area were to change in a more positive
way toward annexation, at which time the area could be
appropriately annexed, and the utility situation cleaned up.
Annexation should not create boundary and service problems and
should be block-by-block approved, or more, he stated.
The Commission took a break, the hour being 11:00 P.M., to
decide whether to continue the remainder of the items on the
agenda or to act on them. A consensus was reached to continue
the remaining three items on the agenda to the January 24,
1990, meeting.
Discussion resumed on the request to circulate an annexation
petition for property in the Fairmont area. Bob Philpott
moved to approve the request to circulate an annexation
petition. The motion was seconded by Ray Gruver.
Following considerable discussion, Ray Gruver agreed to amend
the motion to approve the request to circulate an annexation
petition for the area or to recommend the City Council choose
to extend services to the area outside the City limits without
annexation. The amended motion was accepted by the maker of
the motion. The motion which passed 5 to 2, with commissioners
Hulett and Ness voting "non, stating that their negative vote
was because they did not wish to go against stated City policy
on annexation procedures without further review of those
Bob Philpott moved to continue SHORELINE PERMIT SMA
90(01)106 - PORT OF PORT ANGELES. East End of Ediz Book. and
REZONE REQUEST - REZ 90(01)01.DOWNIE/GUND. southeast corner
of 8th and "G" streets, to the January 24th meeting of the
commission. Donna Davison seconded the motion, which passed
January 10, 1990
Page 11
Director Collins indicated that the items for the January 24
meeting of the commission would include the continued
discussion of the rezone for the Port property on Oak Street,
as well as the three i terns continued from the evening's
meeting and a report as requested concerning proceedings for
adjustment of the harbor line (from the December meeting).
Also on the January 24 agenda would be the recommendation from
the committee on the "housekeeping" measures from the January
3 meeting of the committee.
Director Collins noted a Port Angeles Daily News article on
K-Ply's proposal to lease a portion of Port property at Oak
Street and Railroad Avenue. Director Collins said that the
Port had deferred action on a proposal by K-Ply for lease of
a portion of the property under consideration for rezone, at
the corner of Oak and Railroad Avenue, pending recommendation
by the EDC Committee on the site. Director Collins will
contact the Port for verification of the Port's intent.
Commissioner Hulett questioned as to why Mr. Hare, 90 Lindberg
Road (per tonight's testimony) did not receive trash pickup,
although a city resident. Staff will contact Public Works
Department for information.
Bob Philpott requested further information on contract
Ray Gruver requested staff contact the City Manager and invite
Mr. Flodstrom to address the Planning Commission as to his
hopes and aspirations for the City's development, as Mr.
Flodstrom is resigning, and the commission would like his
input before resignation.
The Commissioners set a work session/training session to be
conducted on January 31, 1990, 6:30 P.M., at Mr. Glass'
residence, 1108 South Oak, and requested staff invite Mr.
Flodstrom, the City Manager.
The meeting adjourned at 12:00 A.M.
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