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Port Angeles, Washington 98362
January 10, 2001
7:00 p.m.
Members Present:
Bob Philpott, Linda Nutter, Fred Norton, Fred Hewins,
Members Excused:
Mary Craver, Chuck Schramm
Staff Present:
Brad Collins, Sue Roberds, Debra Barnes, Larry Dunbar,
Ken Dubuc, Dan McKeen, Gary Kenworthy
Public Present:
Steve Oliver, Mr. and Mrs. George Stratton, Gene Unger,
Adrian Hoban
Commissioner Nutter moved to approve the minutes of the December 13, 2000, meeting
as presented. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Philpott and passed 3 - 0 with
Commission Hewins abstaining due to absence at the meeting.
Southeast comer of Lindberg Road and Golf Course Roads: Request for rezone of
approximately 9+ acres from RS-9, Residential Single Family, to RED, Residential
High Density.
As the applicant was not present, the item was moved to the end ofthe agenda.
comer of Vine and Seventh Streets: Request for rezone of two Townsite lots from
RS-7, Residential Single Family, to CN, Commercial Neighborhood.
Chair Hewins opened discussion between the Commission members. Associate Planner
Debra Barnes reviewed the staffs report recommending approval of the rezone as proposed.
She noted that the rezone proposal is associated with the conditional use permit application
identified under "Public Hearing" on the agenda. Planner Barnes noted that the public
comment period had been extended from January 5th to January 10th for the proposal.
Discussion began as to uses in the area and of the zoning boundaries in the neighborhood as
well as use of the current parking area for a proposed mobile testing unit.
Planning Commission Minutesl
January 10,2001
Page 2
Commissioner Hewins asked for clarification of the availability of on-site parking for
employees and patients. Planner Barnes concurred that approximately 50% to 60%of the
available improved on-site parking area does not appear to be used.
Mr. Hewins provided background that in approval ofthe conditional use permit issued for
the medical records storage use on the subject property it was agreed that no parking would
occur in the unimproved parking area north of the alley.
Director Collins asked for a 10 minute recess at 7:30 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 7:40
p.m. Planner Barnes indicated that an appeal of the determination of non significance issued
for the proposal and additional comments had just been received that will require
consideration and possible action by staff. She asked that the Planning Commission continue
the meeting to January 24, 2001.
Commissioner Norton moved to continue discussion of the rezone as proposed to
January 24, 2001, 7 p.m. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Nutter and
passed 4 - o.
430 East Seventh Street: Request for a conditional use permit to allow further
development including paving for parking of a property currently used in association
with an adjacent medical clinic located in the RS-7, Residential Single Family zone.
Planning Director Collins asked that the item be continued due to the submittal of late
comments and an appeal of a determination of nonsignificance that was received during the
(January 10th) Planning Commission meeting with regard to rezone application REZ 01-02.
Chair Hewins opened the public hearing.
Gene Unger, 1401 West SevelJtll Street, Port Angeles, was present to represent Virginia
Mason's gtl1 Street Clinic. The subject property is not improved for parking purposes but is
used in association with the medical clinic activity. The property is located adjacent to the
developed medical clinic building and is owned by the clinic. It would seem logical to
improve the area already used for a records storage use and place the temporary mobile
testing trailer unit there rather than involve the parking area west of the clinic building
intended for clinic use. The improvement could also encourage employee parking that is
occurring along Vine Street to be removed from the street. A rezone was applied for to
designate the two Residential High Density (RHD) lots owned by the clinic as Commercial
Neighborhood so that all of the clinic properties would be zoned for medical use. If the
Commission is not in favor of a rezone for the two RHD lots, the conditional use permit is
proposed to allow improvement of the lots for additional parking and use of a temporary
mobile testing trailer.
Planning Commission Minutesl
Jalluary 10. 2001
Page 3
Commissioner Hewins asked for clarification as to why employees are parking on the street.
Mr. Unger responded that he believes the employees are not using the parking area because
they understood the improved area is for patient use. Planning Director Collins verified that
the improved 67 space parking area is intended for employees and for patients.
Mr. Unger added that the existing parking lot may not support the temporary trailer without
displacing required parking. The mobile trailer unit requires a 70' x 40' clear area, or 30
parking spaces.
Commissioner Hewins asked that an analysis of the current parking needs per City standard
requirements and the use of30 spaces for a mobile unit be done prior to further consideration
of the proposal.
George Stratton, 515 East Sixth, Port Angeles owns two residences in the neighborhood.
He requested that the neighborhood be preserved for residential use and presented a petition
with 11 additional signatures in support of that request.
Steve Oliver, 403 South Peabody, Port Angeles represented George and Jean Stratton,
property owners in the neighborhood. He noted that he had submitted an appeal of the
Determination of Non significance issued by the City for the proposed rezone and conditional
use permit, and a legal memorandum expressing the concerns of his clients. He also
presented a picture obtained off the Internet ofa typical mobile testing unit trailer. The filing
fee for the appeal has not been submitted. He briefly outlined issues expressed in the appeal.
The environmental checklist submitted for the proposals does not analyze traffic and
maneuvering issues, noise levels particularly associated with the cooling requirements for
the proposed trailer unit, and it wrongfully indicates that the use is on-going and not a new
use. His clients and neighbors oppose the expansion of the conditional use permit that
currently exists for the medical storage use and the intrusion of additional commercial
activity into the neighborhood, and do not believe the current zoning allows for off-street
parking lots or a mobile medical facility.
Given the need for analysis of the late memorandum review of issues concerning the
issues raised in review of the environmental checklist as identified in the appeal of the
Determination of Nonsignificance, Commissioner Norton moved to continue the
hearing to February 14, 2001, 7 p.m. The motion was seconded by Commissioner
Nutter and passed 4 - O. Direction was given to staff that analysis be provided of the
current medical use parking requirements, the possibility of additional staff who would be
needed for the mobile testing use, and the connection allowing an off-street parking area in
the Residential High Density zone not associated with a permitted use on-site.
Planning Director Collins asked for an additional I 0 minute recess. The meeting reconvened
at 8:20 p.m.
Planning Commission Minutesl
January 10.200/
Page 4
Southeast comer of Lindberl: Road and Golf Course Roads:
(Continued from earlier on the agenda.) As the applicant was still not present,
Commissioner Nutter moved to continue the hearing to January 24, 2001, 7 p.m.
Commissioner Norton seconded the motion which passed 4 - O. Staffwill contact the
Fire Chief Dan McKeen introduced the City's new Fire Marshall Ken Dubuc. The
Commission welcomed Mr. Dubuc.
Telecommunications Ordinances Workshop:
Planning Director Collins noted that the meeting scheduled between the City Council,
Planning Commission, Utilities Advisory Committee, and P A Works! groups has been
rescheduled from January 17 to January 16, 2001, 6 p.m. He encouraged those who could
attend to do so. (Mr. Collins and Planner Barnes left the meeting at this point.)
Planning Specialist Sue Roberds indicated that this is the first opportunity for members of
the Planning Commission to consider a draft of the City's proposed telecommunications
master ordinance package which includes a proposed wireless telecommunications section.
The Commission will be responsible for recommending action on the wireless
telecommunications ordinance. She asked for the Commission's thoughts on the initial
Discussion began mainly on the proposal that towers be allowed by Unclassified Use Permit
(UUP) in all zones throughout the City. There was some confusion as to the mJP process
and opinions that towers should be prohibited or severely restricted within residential zones.
Planning Specialist Roberds indicated that it is staffs proposal to use the UUP process as the
siting tool rather than specifically zone for wireless telecommunication towers/uses. Very
specific and detailed criteria is required for submittal in a UUP process for a tower to be
approved by the Planning Commission through a public hearing process. Certain uses would
be permitted outright which are in some instances illegal to prohibit such as small
antenna/satellite dish uses. It is nearly impossible to absolutely determine that there may not
be a need for a facility to be located at a remote residential location somewhere in the City
at some time. The UUP would account for that possibility and provide for consideration
through a public hearing process.
Commissioner Philpott asked to be excused for health reasons at 10:00 p.m. As there was
no longer a quorum, it was determined that discussion would resume when absent members
could be present at the January 24, 2001, meeting.
Planning Commission Minutes
January ]0,2001
Page 5
It was the consensus of those present that towers in residential areas be restricted to the
extent ofthe law and that more focus be given to that intent. Necessity for such a location
should be required to be absolutely proved not be a matter of simple desire, expediency, or
for monetary reasons.
Larry Dunbar, Power Resources Manager, reminded the Commission of the January 16
meeting with the City Council where a detailed presentation of the draft ordinances will be
Planning Specialist Sue Roberds asked if any Commissioners present would be attending
the American Planning Association Winter meeting in Sequim on January 27, 2001.
Commissioners Hewins and Nutter will be attending.
Adrian Hoban, 1110 Grant Avenue, Port Angeles thanked the Commission for their
obvious concerns for aesthetic and livability issues in discussion of telecommunication
ordinances. He stressed that the Commission encourage colocation of uses, notification of
surrounding property owners, landscaping, potential consider health hazards. He noted that
new studies exist regarding potential health hazards created from low level radiation. He
hoped that situations would not be encouraged where, ifit is found that health hazards exist,
existing facilities will not be grandfathered. but will be required to be amended. He offered
to provide a video on health concerns. He recommended that there be a schedule or calendar
of activities included in the City's web site.
Larry Dunbar noted that he had seen the video and that Commissioner Schramm had viewed
the video as well. Although the Telecommunications Act of 1996 specifically prohibits the
consideration oflocal facility location due to RF emission concerns. He added that it is still
good information and will help to educate the issue ofRM emissions. It was agreed that Mr.
Hoban could provide a copy of the video to staff who could make it available to the
Commissioners if they wish to view it.
The meeting adjourned at 10:30 p.m.
Brad Collins, Secretary
Planning Commission Minllles
January 10. 2001
Page 5
It was the consensus of those present that towers in residential areas be restricted to the
extent of the law and that more focus be given to that intent. Necessity for such a location
should be required to be absolutely proved not be a matter of simple desire, expediency, or
for monetary reasons.
Larry Dunbar, Power Resources Manager, reminded the Commission of the January 16
meeting with the City Council where a detailed presentation of the draft ordinances will be
Planning Specialist Sue Roberds asked if any Commissioners present would be attending
the American Planning Association Winter meeting in Sequim on January 27, 200l.
Commissioners Hewins and Nutter will be attending.
Adrian Hoban, 1110 Grant Aveline, Port Angeles thanked the Commission for their
obvious concerns for aesthetic and livability issues in discussion of telecommunication
ordinances. He stressed that the Commission encourage colocation of uses, notification of
surrounding property owners, landscaping, potential consider health hazards. He noted that
new studies exist regarding potential health hazards created from low level radiation. He
hoped that situations would not be encouraged where, ifit is found that health hazards exist,
existing facilities will not be grandfathered. but will be required to be amended. He offered
to provide a video on health concerns. He recommended that there be a schedule or calendar
of activities included in the City's web site.
Larry Dunbar noted that he had seen the video and that Commissioner Schramm had viewed
the video as welL Although the Telecommunications Act of 1996 specifically prohibits the
consideration oflocal facility location due to RF emission concerns. He added that it is still
good information and will help to educate the issue ofRM emissions. It was agreed that Mr.
Hoban could provide a copy of the video to staff who could make it available to the
Commissioners if they wish to view it.
The meeting adjourned at 10:30 p.m.
~~. .J
Brad Collins, Secretary
Fred Hewins, Chair
WAS H I N G TON, U. s. A.
Meeting Agenda of: ~(), \0 I 2CC\
PLEASE NOTE: IF you plan to testify, by signature below, you cettify that the testimony
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Meeting Agenda of:
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Signature below does not REQUIRE you to testify. it only acknowledges your presence.
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